ITEM 6.3CITY OF. Ot e 0.'' MIN14ESOTA g Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION _...N.. . ...t......r".........._...r..n........_.........:........."� ....,v"......n............"."..n...._.".._.. _Rndi T«N ....... v . DEPARTMENT: f E UE T R: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, CityAdministrator December 1% 2012 P E ELATE { }: REVIEWED Br. ITEM #: I rl Johnson, City Administrator 6.3 Strategic Plan AGENDA ITEM DETAILS .. . ..... . ...... .. . ..... .. .. ....... .... : ........ .......... RECOMMENDATION: Recommend mmend that the City Council call a special meeting for Tuesday, January 22,, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing and updating the City's Strategic Plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC NEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKG R UND1JU TiF[CATION: Each year the City Council and staff should review the City's Strategic Plan to ensure that the Council and staff are working together toward common goals and objectives, the priorities of Council for the City are well defined, and that progress has been made to achieve the prioryear's goals. In addition, with a new Councilrnem er taking office in 2013, it is important that the goals and priorities are conveyed and discussed to maintain focus on the projects and issues that are of highest priority to the City in the long tern. Additionally, as the City grows and changes each year, the short term goals and priorities may change and those changes should be reflected in the Strategic Plan. The long team goals are less likely to change significantly from year to year, but still should be reviewed annually to reinforce the importance of staying the course in all decisions ire order to achieve those long term goals. Last year as the City developed its first strategic plan, a facilitator was used to guide the discussion and to allow everyone to fully participate. For this initial annual review meeting, a facilitator is not being proposed. This meeting will serge as a review and overview discussion; thus, a facilitator is not necessary at this point in the process. The 2013 proposed budget does Include funds for a facilitator if one is needed fora future planning meeting. Finally, there are a few main items linked to the Strategic Plan that will be specifically discussed at the special meeting. These include: 1. Phase 3 of the reorganization plan. 2. Summary of the items and processes analyzed for efficiency and effectiveness. 3. Economic development objectives. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: o ATTACHED ii NONE POSSIBLE MOTION ...,......... .... .._._,........._.n.......:........ .... .... ..... .... ... I ........... .,.... n —._....-..._..— ......... Peas woad motion as you wotild like it to appear In the minutes. Notion to calla special meeting the City Council forJanuary 22, 2013, at 6.00 p.m. to review the City's Strategic Plan, BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑YES oN ACTION TAKEN a APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ii TABLED ❑ OTHER List changes) COMMENTS: