12-10-12 CCCall to Order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, December 10, 2042 74900 PM Otsego Prairie Center L Open Forum: 1.1 Special Presentation-, Thank you certificates to the Cub Scouts for the Otsego Pumpkin Patch event. C. Consider agenjMEJ8= 3. Consent Agenda: 3.1 Approve Claims List, 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. Noveniber 26, 2012 Meeting. B. November 26, 2012 SCC Meeting. 3.3 Approve Ord inance,2012-1 tnend ing the City Code regarding utility set -vice delinquent accounts. 3.4 Approve Resolution 2012-79 approving the permanent interfund accounting transfers of mon es for debt service obligations. 3.5 Approve, Change Order for Well House 43 gutters. 16 Approve Resolution 2012-80 Master Partnership Contract renewal, with nDot. 3.7 Approve 2012 General fund budget revisions. 3.8 Approve MDH agreernent. 4. Coninlunity Development: (DDL) 4.1 Resolution 2012-81 adopting' the, Comprehensive Plan-, 4.2 Coilsider*iii'lt'lati.ngrezo,iiiiigofPID118-500-164407. 5. Pubilic Works- (Wagner) 5.1, Consider Resolution 2012-82 Needliain �Stormwater finprovenient Project. 5.2 Consider Resolution 2012-83 Labeaux Frontage, Road Improvement ProJect. 6., Admini strati'0114. 6.1 2013 Tax Levy and Budget. (Johnson) A. Budget and Levy Presentation. B. Public Input. C. Consider Resolution 2012-84 Adopting the Final 2013 Tax Levy. D. Adopt 2,013 Budget. 6.2 Adopt 20 13 -2017 Capital Iniprovemint Plan., (Gruen) 6.3 Call a Special. Meeting for Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 6:00 PM for the purpose of Strategic Plan update. (Johnson) 7. Public Hearing-, 7.1 To consider the 2013 Fee Schedule. A. City Clerk attests to legal, notice. B. Presentation of the proposed fee schedule. (Lofo C. Public Comments. D. Close the Public Hearing. F. Approve Ordiiiance 2012-19. City Council Reports and Updates. 9. Staff Reports and Updates. 9.1 Verbal update on 1-94 Corridor Coalitloil., 9.2 Verbal update on THI 0 1 refund.