ITEM 3.3AI-rr=M .* Otsego: He rita Preservation Commission September 1, 2012 Present: Chris Wilson, Tori Seroshek, Torn Constant, Jame Plante ber - Sel its h a, Gail Anderson. Mayor Jessica Stockamp was on location but in Police Commission meeting,, Meeting called to order by Toni at 7:05pm and minutes from the last meeting were approved. Final planning was completed for the Otsego Festival booth and staffing assignments. Park Sign Project: Tom Constant will make another contact with Fournier and Zimmer families for pictures. Quotations will be gleaned from Elaine Norin's writings In the Beginning (Jamie and Christ and Farm Years 1890-19.20 (Gail &Toni,) History of the [and either specific or ' general will be for parks. School Knoll, Zimmer, Lily Pond, Kittredge, Frankfort, Beaudry Meadows and Prairie Parks. This assignment should be competed by the next meeting October 9t". We need to locate a CD copy of the !mages of America: Otsego by Paulie Skaja Bell and Chris Wilson for use of any pictures therein needed for the signs. Our website should be on the signs as well with further information. No further information about a corrected report has been received from Dr. Rothaus on the MacDonald house. Toni, Gail and John will be at the State preservation Conference this Thursday and friday in Fergus Falls. Meeting adjourned at Bpm. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2011 at 7pm. Submitted by Gail Anderson, Secretary