Kittredge Crossings 11th Addn. HAK MEMOIAIHakanson Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Review No.2 Submitted to: Marty Campion, P.E., Campion Engineering Services, Inc. CCR Lori Johnson, Administrator Tams Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Jacob Wert, Shelard Group. Reviewed : Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. and Brent Larson, P.E. Date: October 15, 2012 Proposed Development: Kittredge Crossings � ��' Addition Street Location of Property: A portion f Kittredge Crossings 5th Add. (74t'St and 74th Large) Applicant: The Shelard Group Developer: The Shelard Group Owners of Record. The Shelard Group Purpose: Kittredge Crossing 11 to Addition was platted as a portion of Kittredge Crossing 51hAddition as a multi family torn home development. The torn house market et has been very stagnant the last several years and the developer/owner would like to convert the plat from higher density to single family lots. The proposed re -plat is served with municipal grater, sanitary sewer, storm surer and public streets typical of an urban setting, .Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required; NPDES (but not limited to Page 1 � CAUser \T'� rni1 Data\Lo a Wl r' soft1�1 !ndows\ 1 I�'}y pop r Internet Fifes\Comtel 'y It, utlook 1 Ittr dg Crossings I itis RVV ,do^ TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION V I LAB ■../ 3 COMMENTSi i t 7 i i■ t i 7 i t 7 i i i■■ z[ a■■ r f r i i t i i i i t#■! i R i i R■■ r r■■■■ r■ i i i i f t i■ i## R f 7! a■ i■■■■■■ a■ r W i f f f i■ iii # i t i i■ i■■ a[[■ r a i SUMMARY AND/OR ■ ECOMMEJ 7TI NRRtiia■i■[■■a■■r■iit•iit.iii......a[■■■>>airifiiiitti7ti■ Page 2 C:\Users\Ta mi\App data\LocaN1 [ r \Windows\T mp r r Internet HeAConte nt.0 utlook\ 4X \Kittredge Crossings 11t Vlf.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Existing Conditions of Kittredge Crossings '1 th Addition, 10/8112, by Campion Eng. Services Preliminary Plat of Kittredge Crossings I1th Addition, 0/8/12, by Campion Eng. Services Sanitary Server and Watermain, Kittredge Crossings 11 t Addition, 1018/12, by Campion Eng, Services Street and Stern Sewer, Kittredge Crossings I th Addition, 10/8/12, by Campion Eng. Services Plat, Kittredge Crossings 1 1th Addition, by Pellinen Land Surveying, Inc Grading Plan, Kittredge Crossings 1 P Addition, 10/8/12, by Campion Eng. Services S PPP, Kittredge Crossings 11th Addition, 10/8112, by Campion Eng. Services Details, Kittredge Crossings 11 th Addition, 018112, by Campion Eng. Services Stora Serer Calculations, Kittredge Crossings 10th Addition, 2/12/12, by Campion Eng. Services Cit} of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision 'age C:\Users\Tami\AppData\LocahMicrosoft\Windows\TemporaryInternet Files\Content.Outlook\K4X23YMOXKittredge Crossings 1 Ith RV.doc COMMENTS PLAT 1) A portion of the sanitary sewer along the south side of 74th Street is outside of the ROW. A minimum 2o' of easement centered over the pipe is required which requires additional easement along the front of Lots 3 & 4, Block 2. 2 The benchmark shall use the 1929 Datura all sheets). All previous additions of Kittredge Crossings were built using this datum. We suggest using the benchmark at Top Nut Hydrant, NW Quad. 74th Street NE & Kahler Circle NE. Elevation = 960.82. 3 A 2o' wide wetland conservation easement is required around all wetlands. This is a dedicated "No Mow Zone". Additional easement is needed along the east lot line of Lot 6, Bloch 1. PLANS Cover Sheet (Sheet 1) 1) No commends. Existing Conditions — Removal Plan Sheet 2) 1) Lot 4 Block2's connections to municipal al services appear to conflict with private utility boxes. 2 All underground utilities (including services) along the abandoned north -south street shall be removed completely. Please revise notes. 3) There are currently piles of dirt and debris south of 74th Street that must be removed and cleaned up. Please note on plans. Sancta Sewer and Watery ain Plan Sheet 4) 1 Lot 4 Bloch 2rs connections to municipal services appear to conflict with private utility bones. Street and Storm. Sewer (Sheet 5 1) No comments. Grading Pian (Sheet 6) 1) A minim 2% grade is required; please revise the grading in the rear of Lot 5, Block I. 'age :\Us rs\Tam ppData\Lo RM! r oft\if ludo \Te porar Internet Files\ ont t. utfookNK4X23YMO1 ittred Crossings 1 Ith RVVV2.do 2 Please revise the grading along the side lot Cines, of Lot 3, Bloch 1 and Lots 1-4, Block 2 to provide more defined s ales along the lot limes to the area behind the lots. 3 minimum of 1.5' of freeboard is needed between the EOF(between Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 and the lowest opening elevations for Lots 1-3, Block 2. Please revise the lowest opening elevations or the BOF elevation to provide the required freeboard and minimum 2% slope. Other comments 1 temporary easement agreement regarding the location of temporary cul-de-sacs is necessary for construction on private property, SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Revise and resubmit for review. Please submit a separate cover sheet for signature by the City Engineer, whichire will thea return to you for you use. Page 5 CAUserskTamil ppD t ocaKM IcrosoftWnd s\Tem pora ry Internet I~ilex\Cont n LO utIook\K4X23YMONttred Crossings 11th V 2.doo