Hospital Dist LetterR EDI A E CENTER October 18. 2012 Otsego City Mayor or and Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mayor and Council Members, s �I 0 C 22 0i2 I.l Hy New River Medical Center is hosting a Hospital District ity To*w nship Affiliation Forum on Monday, October 29, 2012, at 7 p.m. in Hospital Board Room A to present information about New River Medical Center's ongoing health system affiliation process. Elected representatives from each City Council and Township Board in our Hospital District, as well as City Administrators, aro invited to att nd. As you know, , a task force of New River Medical Center's nonprofit Board of Directors has been exploring the pros and cons of affiliating with a larger hospital system. Across the country, hospitals are affiliating and merging at a rapid pace to be in position for health reform, the rise of accountable care organizations and the tightening of hospital/physician relationships. The Affiliation Task Force discussed reasons that may compel New River Medical Center to affiliate including growing market share, improving access to providers and services, and improving availability of financial resources. The task force established an extensive list of criteria for systems to address including the following rust= - w6s: Recruit and retain primary care and specialty providers who support local health care Continue to invest in facility., capital and technological advances to remain state-of-the-art Maintain, develop and grog services to ensure a continuum of health care services are offered and provided locally 0 Disclose and share all past and current relationships and real/potential conflicts of interest related to those relationships Ensure financial viability by guaranteeing currant bond debt Encourage and enable continued input by guaranteeing existence of a local governing board and/or community representatives The task force reached out to a number of systems including Allina, CentraCare, Fairview, Mayo, North and Sanford. They received interest from Allin , CentraCare, Fairview and North. The four- interested systems presented to the Affiliation Task Force and were analyzed on their ability to meet the 1013Hart Boulevard Monticello, MN 55362 e www.n wrivermedical. orn o 763#295,2945 established criteria. Each one of the systems invested a great amount of tirne and energy into responding to the task force's requests, and we appreciate the interest and enthusiasm they have shown to New River Medical Center. Based on the systems' Initial presentations, the Affiliation Task Force has asked CentraCare and Fairview to advance to the second round of interviews and site visits. The task force and no npr fit board will further analyze these two organizations to gain a deeper understanding of the long term benefits they would bring to New River Medical Center, our patients and our community. The Affiliation Task Force and nonprofit Board of Directors plan to male a final affiliation recommendation to the Hospital District board in December. If the Hospital District board is supportive f the affiliation rec mmendati n, New River MedicaI Center will begin the process of due diligence at the beginning of the new year. The due diligence process will take a number of months to complete, The Hospital District board is not interested in "selling" the community hospital. New Kiger Medical Center is looking for a partner who can help us achieve strategic governance, financial growth and market stability in the changing health care industry to ensure that quality health care services are available in this community fr generations to core. We believe it is important to hold a special forum for hospital District it /Township representatives t talk about this affiliation process because we value your participation, appreciate the interest you have shown for New River Medical Center and understand the unique perspective you have as elected representatives. Although New River medical Center's District Board will not be convening during this forum, there may e a quorum of the board present. TheCity/Township Affiliation Forum will be included on the board meeting calendar and local media have been invited to attend. Each iter/Township can make their own determination regarding public notice requirements. New River Medical Center is also promoting a forum for community members on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, at 7 p.m. to share information about the health system affiliation process. We rook forward to your attendance. Blease contact Daren Lindgren at 763.271.2270 or karen.lindgren@newrivermedical.com to RSVP for the City/Township Affiliation Forum. Sincerely, 4,0 00/1"L, Ervin Daniel wski Board Chair/Affiliation Task Force Member cc: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Marshall E. Smith, MHA, L N HAS, FAQ H E Chief Executive Officer