POLICY PLANPOLICY PLAN The goals and policies section of the Comprehensive Plan provides a statement as to the City's objectives for its developed environment and the Means to achieve the desired outcome or change. This section identifies general community goals and supporting policies that provide a decision-making framework for all public and private actions and development within the City. The goals and policies statements outlined herein are the basis of and complement the City's maps, ordinances, and codes that are more rigid documents. The flexibility and adaptability of the City's goals and policies is useful in addressing current development activity guided by subsequent elements of the Comprehensive Plan, but also emerging development trends not anticipated at the time this document was prepared. This flexibility will give the Comprehensive Plan continuity for future City Councils, Planning Commissions, property owners, residents and developers. Just as the goals and policies outlined below draw from the Comprehensive Plans prepared in 99 and 1998, 2001 and 200 4, future Comprehensive Plan updates will expand from the City's objectives at this point in time. To this end, the goals and policy section does not provide information on the timeliness and priorities for needed community improvements. Instead, it provides a series of criteria that can be used to direct general actions undertaken by public and private groups in response to community reeds and priorities. In some cases, a single policy may outline a course of action. More frequently a group of policies will be applicable to a given situation. In the sections that follow, the terms "goals" and "policies" are used in content of the following definitions: Goals: The generalized outcomes that will ultimately result in achieving the !rinds of living, working and recreational environment that is desired. Policies: Definite courses of action that lead to general achievement. They serve as guides to help Hulce present and future decisions consistent with the stated goals. COMMUNITY PLANNING PRINCIPLES The primary function of local municipal government is the provision of an orderly, safe, productive and enhanced living and working environment. While .this encompasses social, physical and economic opportunities and issues, the City of Otsego primarily influences the quality of life for its residents through the physical environment. Within this content of the City's capabilities, the following are a list of fundamental principles that guide the planning process to develop the Comprehensive Plan: V Poster a strong sense of identify and quality of character for Otsego and its individual neighborhoods and business districts. ■ Enhance Otsego's community character by ensuring that development that takes place in Otsego blends well with the natural, rural, and evolving urban atmosphere of the community. a Encourage growth in an orderly and fiscally responsible manner through careful management of the development process. H Promote the economic vitality of Otsego businesses and industries to provide for needed services, employment opportunities and a diversified tax base in support of the growth that is to occur. a Expand the existing system of public parks, trails and open space to provide equitable distribution of recreational opportunities in Otsego, preserve and use wisely natural resources, preserve scenic, aesthetic and historical community character and development of facilities to contribute to a high quality of life. Coordinate with State and regional government to develop a functional transportation system integrating local and regional facilities for all nodes of pedestrian, vehicle and mass transit options to accommodate modate long range growth that is to occur. Provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public by ensuring managed growth occurs within a framework of local infrastructure and services of sufficient capacity to meet community needs and expectations. 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Goal #1: Expansion of urban uses shall occur on a staged basis providing for a logical e t rasion of related community services in a fiscally responsible manner to maintain the City's current favorable local tax rate. Policies: Boundary limits for urban development shall be clearly delineated and expanded in a staged manner such that urban uses be prohibited from prematurely encroaching into rural areas. 2. Promote infill development and follow an orderly pattern for urban expansion that maximizes investment in existing utility and transportation infrastructure. 3. Discourage subdivision of parcels not contiguous to existing urban development that expand the City's existing service delivery areas and create scattered nodes of development. 4. Promote commercial and industrial development in order to create more employment opportunities and strengthen the tax base within Otsego. Thirty 3 percent of available waste water treatment plant capacity within each sewer service district shall be reserved for commercial and industrial development. 6. Establish growth control mechanisms that allow specific annual levels of residential development that can be accommodated in a fiscally responsible manner based on existing service capacities. '. A maximum five year supply of land for for urban residential development shall be provided in the unitary sewer service district based upon City estimated demand. . The City shall plan its utility service and street extensions to accommodate long term growth and urban expansion in the community. 9. Prevent premature subdivisions in areas that lack adequate infrastructure such as utilities, streets or parks. . Maintain a Capital Improvement Plan that allows the City to properly plan for, schedule and finance public improvements and require infrastructure improvements associated with new development to be financed by the developer except as identified in the Capital Improvement Plant 11. Final plats shall be limited to development that will occur within five years of City approval. 12. The City shall require financial securities to insure performances on plat construction and to provide an incentive for timely development. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Goal ##; Attracting, retaining, and expanding businesses and industry is a priority for diversifying tsego's tax base. Policies; 1, Expand tsego's tax base through economic development promotion of commercial and industrial opportunities within the City to assist in paying for needed services and. reduce tax impacts on lousing costs. 2. Encourage commercial and industrial development to create new job opportunities within Otsego. and expand the local tax base 3. Utilize the Economic Development Commission to establish specific economic development goals, policies for the use of financial incentives and assistance related to commercial and industrial development and implement programs to promote Otsego through outreach to existing and potential businesses. 4. Streamline the development review process for proposed commercial and industrial developments. 5. Promote identification of individual commercial areas within Otsego through continuing program of high visibility corridor enhancements, civic beautification, tree planting, requirements for businesses and industries uses to provide for high quality building materials and site landscaping and other measures that will promote an aesthetically pleasing environment. 6. Continue communication with tsego's businesses and industries to star abreast of their changing needs to facilitate the retention and In-place expansion of existing industries. 7. Promote t ego's community identity through consistent brand messaging with all communications, signage at community gateways and at City facilities. LAND USE w Genera! Goal 11: Develop a cohesive land use pattern that ensures compatibility and functional relationships among activities. Policies: 1. Encourage provision of a balanced variety of development types to satisfy the needs, desires and income levels of all people while preventing an oversupply of 2 any one type of development. 2. cluster land complementary uses and activities shall be clustered into functionally related sub -units of the community as determined by physical barriers, homogeneous land use characteristics and service area boundaries. 3. Accomplish transitions between different land uses in an orderly manner that so as not to create negative impacts on adjoining developments; changes in types of land use shall occur either at mid -block points, so that similar uses front on the sane street, or at borders of areas separated by physical barriers. . Regulate a incompatible land uses so that conflicts are minimized through the use of physical barriers i.e., topography, drainagvays, transportation routes, etc.), distance, screening, or proper physical orientation of lots and buildings. 5. Amend established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications only when it can be demonstrated by those making the request that the modifications are in the best long terra interest of the community and consistent with the policies of the comprehensive Pian. 6. Justification to amend the comprehensive Plan r Zoning Ordinance) to allow uses or activities not guyed for or alloyed shall be consistent with long-term community goals and not solely short term market demand or potential. 7. consider interim uses where land use designations are provided for long term market et needs and absorption provided that the activities will be compatible with existing and proposed uses and that these uses will not serve as obstructions to planned development. . Implement and interim land use plan to prevent an over -allocation of land zoned for any particular use in excess of actual demand or service capacities as the Land Use Plan is a general long-term, suggested rend use pattern for the City intended to develop over time. g. Analyze all development proposals shall be an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint within the content of the entire community to determine appropriate uses. 10. Deem premature any request for a rezoning of property to allover a more intensive land use that is guided by the Land Use flan unless those initiating the request demonstrate that the criteria set forth by the Comprehensive Plan are satisfied. 11. Relate the land uses guided by the comprehensive Plan to community development priorities and transportation needs. 12. Removal of land from property tax obligations shall be considered only when it can be clearly demonstrated that such actions are in the public interest. 13. Establish standards for development quality for all land uses to insure desired 0 community character. 14. Coordinate tsego's plans for future growth with neighboring communities regarding bordering and extra territorial areas to encourage unified developments patterns consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 15. Plan land use development so as not to isolate or create land -locked parcels and require that all development shall be accessed by adequate public streets. 6. Accomplish renewal, replacement, and redevelopment of substandard and grossly incompatible land uses through private means and, where appropriate, public action. 17. Administer zoning, subdivision and building and property maintenance ordinances to maintain high quality, attractive neighborhoods and business d istricts. LAID USE # Rural Goal #1: Rural character and existing operating farms and agricultural activities within the rural service area shall be maintained as an interim land use in recognition of the City's established growth management goals. Policies: Confine the keeping of the present levels of farm animals to the rural service area or farming operations already established. 2. Prohibit the establishment of new high intensity agricultural uses within the City as it is not in the best interest of the community to allow never, concentrated, and intensive animal facilities in consideration of the anticipated rate of urbanization. 3. Allow hobby farms at property division sizes that will not create service problems or pollution concerns nor infringe upon the city's planned urban growth areas. 4. Regulate the subdivision of lame tracts into smaller parcels for rural residential uses so as not to create future barriers for expansion of urban development and extension of services. 5. Delineate boundary limits for staged urban expansion and deem premature and any expansion of urban uses into rural areas not consistent with that plan. 10 LAND USE - Residentiai Goal #11: Residential neighborhoods are to be the foundation of the community, and are to be planned on an individual basis to provide safe, high quality, high amenity living environments. Policies: '1 Limit all new residential urban growth to the immediate urban service area within the sanitary sever service district to be connected to municipal sanitary serer and water service except as may be specifically allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Guide designation of urban residential development on the Land Use Pian on the basis of `net" site area to make the type and density of residential uses more predictable with the net area defined as being the gross area of a parcel excluding wetlands, fioodplains, waterbodles, waterways, parks and perimeter major collector or arterial street rights-of-way. 3. Protect residential neighborhoods from penetration by through traffic on local streets, with major streets bordering residential neighborhoods. 4. Avoid exposure of residential development from adverse environmental impacts, including noise, air, and visual pollution and new development shall be prohibited In areas where noise and/or pollution exceed accepted standards and the negative impacts are not correctable by construction, site planning or other techniques. 5. Require low density residential neighborhoods to be protected from encroachment or intrusion of incompatible uses by adequate buffering and/or separation from other residential, as well as non-residential land use categories. 6. Encourage innovation in subdivision design and housing. 7. Minimize a outside storage within urban residential areas, and in those instances when It is acceptable, require it be conducted In an orderly, confined and limited manner. 8. Regulate that accessory buildings within urban areas shall be of a compatible design and size to maintain a residential neighborhood character and use of these buildings shall be limited to residentially related activities. 9. Allow for bona based business within residential neighborhoods provided they are not evident. 7 Goal #2: The City shall provide housing opportunities for persons of all ages and income levels that allow thein the ability to maintain residence within Otsego throughout the various stages of their lives. Maintain a balance in the availability of quality housing choices throughout the City shall be maintained based on benchmarks s established by the City's Land Use Plan and Housing Plan; the City shall periodically define the type and amount of neer housing that is to be built to maintain consistency with established benchmarks. 2. Adhere to the highest community design, planning and construction standards for all neer residential development. 3. Encourage housing styles and development techniques that conserve land and increase efficiency provided that guided densities are not exceeded. 4. Mixing of various housing types or densities shall not be permitted unless specifically planned and approved as part of the development approval process. 5. Establish single family dwellings as the primary type of blousing maintained and developed within the community through designation of a variety of single family lot sizes to create potential for added diversity in the housing supply and create housing opportunities for all segments of the population. 6. Provide opportunities for housing for lover and moderate income families and individuals that is not to be concentrated within a single project or area. Goal #3: Provide for well designed housing alternatives to single family dwellings that are compatible with the desired character of the community. Policies: Recognize the need to develop of a variety of twin homes, townhouses, and multiple family dwellings to supplement conventional single family homes giving due consideration to local market demands and desired community character. 2. Limit development of grin hones, townhouses and multiple family to areas designated for lour -medium density, medium density and high density residential uses distributed throughout the community by the Land Use Pian. 3. Guide areas for medium and high density residential land use so as not to be concentrated in any one area of the community or over such acreages at any one location as to create potential land use compatibility, transportation, utility or service delivery issues. 0 4. Promote development of twin homes, townhouses and multiple family dwellings adjacent to areas targeted for commercial development to provide ancillary market support. 5. Establish specific Zoning and Subdivision ordinance standards for development ent of twin homes, townhouses and multiple family uses to ensure quality and innovation In construction and site design, as well as consistent application of development requirements. 6. Provide medium and high density residential housing development adequate traffic access and circulation to protect public safety and maintain land use compatibility. . Locate group homes and other residential institutional uses In areas appropriately guided for medium or high density residential [and uses with convenient access to commercial locations and transportation. Goal #4: The character of individual neighborhoods shall be reinforced, maintained and upgraded. Policies: Coordinate neighborhood preservation and rehabilitation efforts within individually defined neighborhoods. 2. Maintain a high quality residential environment through rehabilitation or where necessary, redevelopment of substandard units through private means and/or public action, when feasible. 3. Abate property maintenance violations that infringe upon neighborhood quality or create public health safety and welfare concerns through code enforcement efforts. LAND USE,, Commercial GOAL #1 Promote balanced and Friable commercial development responsive to the retail and service needs of the community, Highway 101 travelers and surrounding market area. Policies: Define commercial land areas adequate to meet expected long range development needs shall be designated on the land use plan and a phasing program for utilization. 9 2. Designate commercial development in areas of high accessibility with the Trunk Highway 101 corridor being promoted as the primary focus for commercial uses within Otsego. 3. Develop commercial nodes as cohesive, highly interrelated units with adequate off-street parking and appropriate regulated points of access. 4. Discourage spot or uncoordinated linear commercial development and infill development of any scattered open parcels along existing roads and highways shall be accomplished to establish more functional development patterns. 5. Development of one quadrant of a street intersection shall not indicate or dictate commercial use of the remaining quadrants. 6. Encourage site designs that integrate commercial sites with natural features of the lanai and provide an aesthetically attractive appearance. 7. Establish architectural and site development standards to ensure high duality of development, especially in areas of high visibility such as the Trunk Highway 101 corridor. . Establish regulations for signs for commercial properties to facilitate business identification but also prevent over -intensification. 9. Require existing commercial uses to hook up to municipal sanitary serer and water service when available. 10. The intrusion of commercial land uses In residential districts shall be regulated and controlled to minimize adverse impacts. An orderly transition between the highway commercial areas and low density residential neighborhoods shall be established through the introduction of higher density residential uses. All commercial uses shall be adequately screened or buffered from any adjacent residential development. 1. Encourage the elimination (through removal and relocation) of conflicting non - complementary uses in ares of the City targeted for immediate commercial development, .AND USE- Industrial Goal Promote continued development of high quality, high value industries that enhance the City's economy through an improved tax base and expanded employment opportunities within Otsego. o11ie: Limit industrial uses to areas designated for these activities by the land use pian. Such areas shall be in locations with high accessibility with Trunk Highway 101, Interstate 94, and the Toth street corridor being promoted as the primary focus for industrial uses. 2. Provide for phasing of development within areas designated for industrial uses as demand increases. 3. Define distinct areas for varying types of industrial activities and establish respective standards governing development quality. 4. Require industrial uses shall he encouraged to hook up to municipal sanitary severer and water service when available. 5. Encourage relocation of existing industrial type activities within residential areas of the community to relocate to appropriate areae designated for industrial use on the Land Use Plan. 6. outside storage of equipment and materials associated with industrial uses shall e screened and landscaped to eliminate negative visual impact. . Regulate signs for industrial properties to facilitate business identification but prevent over -utilization. . Encourage infill development and in place expansion within the existing industrially zoned areas of the Otsego. g. Promote industrial development that maximizes the return on City investments In public facilities and services. o. Consideration all potential physical implications and services and facility demands i.e., traffic generation, sever and water demands, etc.) of any proposed industrial development. 1, Promote a positive image for Otsego's industrial areas by requiring property maintenance through code enforcement. 2. Encourage site designs that integrate industrial facilities with natural features of the land and provide an aesthetically attractive appearance shall be encouraged. PARKS AND TRAILS SYSTEM Goal #1: Planning for the parks and trails system shall be a dynamic process that organizes and addresses recreation activities in a comprehensive manner. P Ilao[e : '1. The Parks and Recreation Department shall provide comprehensive park and recreation programs and facilities for all residents and groups of the community. 2. The Parks and Recreation commission will provide a forum for open discussion of issues to insure early and continuing public participation in park planning and recreational programing to continue to facilitate public awareness and encourage input on all aspects of parks, trails, open space and recreation. 3. The Parks and Trails Plan will be based upon directions established by the Land Use Plan and be implemented through integration with other City activities involving growth management, economic development and provision for ether public facilities and services. . Parks and Recreation management and operations will be implemented based on City Council and Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee policies, procedures and ordinances. 5. Review and evaluate all programs to keep abreast of changing times and new meas. 6. Support private recreational programs and facilities that offer opportunities to the community. 7. Coordinate recreation programs and related facilities wherever practical with other providers, both public and private, such as the School Districts, community education, civic organizations, health clubs, neighboring cities, athletic associations, cultural arts organizations, etc. 8. Charge user fees where appropriate for participation in recreational programs a a means of defraying costs. g. Accept gifts and donations for recreation programs and supplies if they are free of obligations or impacts which limit later use by a condition of the gift), do not offend segments of the community, or which do not come with delayed coststhat cannot be justified as being in the city's best interest or consistent with City policies. o. Advertise city park facilities and recreation programs through the city newsletter, brochures, newspapers, webpage, informational signsand other available media. Goal 2: Acquire land for development of a park and trail system to fulfill the long- term needs of the present and projected population of the community. IVA Policies: Acquire land for parrs through dedication, purchase, eminent domain or donation. 2. Accept land to he dedicated for park and trail facilities in satisfaction of subdivision requirements only when the parcel satisfies the needs of the community as determined by the City. 3. Donations of lands that serve no previously defined system shall not be used to satisfy required development dedications but may be accepted as a donation but only if they are free of obligations or impacts that may limit herr use. . Acquire parcels with high amenity value and unique landscape areas, such as river frontage, water bodies, waterways, wetlands, ponds, streams, significant tree stands, native prairie, bluffs or areas of rugged topography, as a amenities within in the developing park system. 5. Include areas of cultural value within park lands when they exhibit dualities or have opportunities to contribute to the park and trail system. . Locate trails along front property Innes within a public right-of-way wherever possible, except as part of larger linear park facilities. . Require dedication of adequate right-of-way for sidewalks and trails during the subdivision process or acquired as part of improvement projects. 8. Costs for the acquisition and development of park and trail facilities shall be borne by those that benefit from the improvements. g. Pursue grants and other alternative funding sources for the acquisition and development of park and trail facilities. Goal Develop a comprehensive system of safe, aesthetically pleasing and parks, greenways and trails geographically located throughout the community In a manner compatible with surrounding land uses that provide a variety of facilities to all the people of Otsego. Maintain a balance between active, passive and cultural recreational areas and activities tailored to the needs of the entire community. 2. Integrate parks, greenways and tails as a comprehensive system for serving the recreation needs of the community through physical connections and planned development of a full variety of facilities and diverse uses during all seasons. 3. site location, type and extent of park lands acquired by the City will be considered in determining facility development. 4. Make improvements to the park and trail system based on a classification system of park and trail facilities defined by the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Recognize the existence and function of private recreation facilities within the community to avoid unnecessary duplication and conserve financial resources In acquiring and developing public parks and trails. 6. Establish consistent design elements for park and trail facilities (buildings, play equipment, landscape plantings, signage, fixtures, etc.) that promote community identity and recognition of public facilities. 7. Consider long-term costs for maintenance and operation in a facility's design and construction as part of the planning process. 8. Park development shall minimize impacts upon adjacent lard uses through provision for, but not limited, to the following: a. Appropriate location and orientation of activity areas and buildings. i Screening and landscaping site design elements. C. structures are to be designed with appropriate scale, design and color and constructed of quality materials. d. Adequate off-street parking. 9. Coordinate local facility development and related services with the needs and facilities of surrounding communities, school districts, athletic associations, civic groups and other organizations. o. Preserve inherent natural amenities or cultural resources when planning the development of specific park and trail sites. 11. Maximize accessibility to parks and other community destinations to best serve area residents. 2. Provide sidewalks along at least one side of all local streets within residential neighborhoods and on both sides of all streets within commercial subdivisions. 13. Establish greenway corridors to break up urban lard use patterns, allow wildlife movement, and preserve open space while allowing the community to enjoy the natural amenities within Otsego. 1 . Include both buildable land and environmentally sensitive areas with a greenway linear park design to conserve and enhance areas such as forests, water bodies, waterways, wetlands, ponds, natural prairies, bluffs or other natural amenities within the community. 15. Coordinate green gra r corridors with City stormwater management and other utility plans. 16. Trails shall serge both transportation and recreational functions as connections between activity centers or by providing access to natural areas, waterways, water bodies or other natural areas. 7. Construct trails in conjunction with State, County or Cit} street improvement projects to minimize construction costs. . Plan trail corridors that minimize conflicts between pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles. 9. Construction of trails in accordance with City design standards shall be required of developers with land abutting major collector or arterial streets. 20. plan for the long-term development of more intensive recreational facilities and services to meet the needs of a growing urban population. 21. Provide for the efficient maintenance and operation of clean, safe, attractive park and trail facilities. 22. The use of motorized recreational vehicles or riding horseback shall be limited to designated areas. 23. Continue to allow regulated snowmobile street use in the City in accordance with the city Code provided that snowmobile traffic does not becomes a hazard to public safety and welfare. 24. Encourage continued support of the City's private snowmobile club in the maintenance and upkeep of snowmobile trails and policing snowmobile use. Goal : The parrs and recreation Department will provide for the efficient maintenance and operation of clean, orderly, controlled, safe and attractive parr lands and recreation facilities. Policies: Provide effective management and staffing of all facilities through the annual budget process to ensure delivery of duality recreational experiences to parr users. 2. Parks and recreational facilities will be maintained according to generally accepted standards of performance and comply with all applicable safety requirements. 3. Provide adequate maintenance of trail facilities to insure their availability for use throughout the year and their safe condition for the protection of the user including removal of snow from trails accessing school facilities and remove snow from all other trails as established by priority ranking and as time allows. NATURAL AL ENVI o lMENT Goal ##1: Protect and strengthen the quality of all environmentally sensitive areas and unique physical features. Policies: 1. Prevent impacts from development to drainagewa rs, wetlands, shoreland, floodplains and other natural features which perform important environmental functions in their natural state. 2. require that all activities in naturally or environmentally sensitive areas conform to local, counter and state regulations and incorporate State and Federal pollution regulations into local policy and codes when appropriate. 3. Identify the location, type and condition of existing vegetation as part of all development requests with preservation of existing trees shall be accomplished where feasible. 4. Require new development adding trees and other such amenities to the landscape. 5. Integrate natural resources with the Community's park and trail systems. Establish green va r corridors that provide links between natural open spaces and environmentally sensitive areas as a means of protecting these areas, providing public access to natural open space, increasing stormwater infiltration, provide for wiIdIife corridorsr and definition of ne ig h orhoods. 6. Preserve natural drainage patterns wherever feasible. Goal ##2: Provide adequate protection to maintain environmental balance between natural and roan -made physical features through land use development policy. Policies: I. Regulate new development and the expansion of existing activities as necessary where negative environmental impacts may result. 2. Establish that the type of development allowed shall be based on soil suitability and ground water tables. 3. Restrict development on slopes identified as potential problem areas due to erosion or slippage characteristics and require erosion control within the plans for all development requests. . Prohibit alteration of natural drainage system components where possible so that storrwater can be adequately managed without construction of storm severer pipet 5. Encourage cluster development concepts where protection of natural features is important to the community and enhances the desirability of the development. 6. Classify and regulate land uses adjacent to water bodies and watercourses in consideration of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources mandated regulations. 7. Regulate all lands lying within the Mississippi Wild and Scenic and Recreational River District In accordance with applicable standards so as to preserve and protect the outstanding scenic, recreational, natural, historical and scientific slues of the river. . Ensure that existing floodplain development is protected from flood waters and that strict adherence and enforcement be paid to all floodplain ordinances and federal floodplain insurance regulations. 9. restrict the location of non -local governmental solid waste disposal facilities within the City. No waste disposal facilities by a non -local governmental jurisdiction shall be allowed in Otsego unless it can be demonstrated that no negative environmental impact potential will exist and that these activities can exist in harmony with the natural environment as well as existing and proposed uses. 10. Continue to work with the City of Albertville to ensure proper management of Otsego Creed. '1. Consider noise levels along arterial roadways in establishing the future development pattern on the land Use Plan to ensure that there will not be an expectation in the future of sound walls or other noise abatement measures by the city or other government entity. 12. Monitor ground grater quality within concentrated unsevered development areas of the community through continued implementation of the Weli Head Protection Plan. 13, Require connection to municipal sanitary serer service when determined necessary to maintain ground water quality and public health and safety. TRANSPORTATION Goal #11: Approach all modes of transportation and related facilities as an integrated system to be coordinated on a comprehensive basis. Policies: . Plan transportation facilities to function in a manner compatible with adjacent land use; in those instances where the function of a transportation facility has changed over time to become incompatible with adjacent land uses, programs shall be established to eliminate this incompatibility. 2. Design transportation facilities to conserve natural resources and minimize the total need for ongoing public investment, To this end, the amount of land devoted to streets and the number of street miles within the community shall be minimized to the extent possible. 3. Establish and develop a street system that is sensitive to homogeneous neighborhoods and activity areas along with the provision of facilities that are consistent with the safe and convenient circulation needs of pedestrians and bicyclists to facilitate local movements. . Coordinate transportation planning and implementation with neighboring and affected jurisdictions. . Work with Wright County, MNDoT and surrounding jurisdictions to identify the means by which long term transportation goals can be met to satisfy both regional and local needs through implementation of the Highway 1011169 Corridor Plan and Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. 6. Include, where feasible and practical, provisions for other transportation nodes, i.e., bicycles, trails, park and ride, etc., in street and highway improvement plans. Goal 2: The street system shall be planned, designed and constructed according V to the highest standards in consideration of land use and efficient local and regional transportation. Policies: Base the planning and design of the streets within Otsego on a functional classification system. 2. Plan for anticipated increases in traffic volumes and corresponding roadway improvements by analyzing existing right -of -gray widths, accessibility, speed, surfacing, sizing, and maintenance requirements of existing roadways and those in areas of neer development. 3. Construct new streets and upgrade existing streets in compliance with Minnesota Department of Transportation MNDoT standard specifications for construction. 4. Existing gateways to the city from Trunk Highway 101 are viewed as vital to the community and the City shall work cooperatively with M DoT and Wright County to maintain and improve them to the extent possible In recognition of traffic levels of service, available funding, and local land use and transportation goals. 5. Coordinate with surrounding and regional communities, Wright County and IIIDoT on planning for local and regional transportation issues related to the Interstate 94 corridor and specifically potential future interchange improvements at f a or Avenue, CSAH 37, CSAH 19 and Kadier Avenue. 6. Consider provision of minor collector streets within large residential subdivisions to channel traffic out of the subdivision and onto the City's major collector and arterial street system. . restrict vehicular access onto all types of arterials to ensure adequate distance between intersections and effective utilization of appropriate traffic control methods and devices. 8. Prohibit parking on arterial streets and any on -street parting on other streets that conflicts with moving traffic or creates hazards shall be eliminated. 9. Classify all residential streets as row volume carriers designed to prevent penetration by through traffic and to properly direct traffic to major collector or arterial streets. 10. require proper visibility, design and control of all intersections to promote vehicle and pedestrian safety. 11. Implement a uniform sign maintenance policy regarding roadway signs that eliminates unnecessary signs and replaces outdated, inappropriate and confusing public signs. 2. Establish standards and control signs and lighting for commercial and industrial uses to prevent driver distraction and potential hazards 6. Phase out existing gravel roadways in urbanized areas of the community by evaluating their function in relation to the long term transportation system. 14. Act to plan, design, and develop a street system in those areas where incomplete street facilities exist that reflects the highest standards and relates land use to transportation needs. 15. Identify all traffic safety hazards within the City and a program for corrective action is to be formulated and implemented. 16. Identify and illuminate all pedestrian street crossings on high volume streets. Gnarl #3. support the development of public transit, para -transit, carpooling and other such measures which will minimize the need for individual automobile travel. Policies: Pursue park and ride facilities TH 10and 1-94 as need dictates and funding may e available. 2. support expanded use of heaver -rail commuter train service between the region and Tarin Cities Metropolitan Area as a means of improving access to employment for residents and reducing traffic congestion on existing arterial roadways. 3. Support transit and para -transit services and facilities to meet the basic transportation needs of persons who cannot use automobile ile transportation, where economically feasible, Gaal ##: Ensure that all land uses have appropriate access and sufficient off-street parking to meet demand. Plrole: 1. Develop parking facilities so as to conserve land, promote joint use and minimize conflicts with vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. 2. Review and update as necessary off-street parking requirements to ensure 20 supply is reflective of demand and any neer development or expansion of existing development shall include adequate off-street parking. 3. Utilize landscaping and site design to eliminate large continuous expanses of pavement and enhance the aesthetics of parking areas. 4. Provisions for disability parking in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act are to be made in all parking lots. UTILITIES Goal #1: Urban service areas, rural service areas, and urban service reserve areas shall be clearly designated with appropriate density and use controls to facilitate fully utilized service systems and staged expansion. Policies: Define the amount, type and rate of growth that must be absorbed to accommodate sanitary severer delivery and future capital improvements. 2. Allocate available municipal sanitary severer and water service only to lands within the immediate urban service area on a first come, first serve basis. 3. Establish an urban service reserve area that graphically identifies lands within the City that will be considered for staged sever district expansion. . Expand the boundaries of the severer service district only when the following criteria are satisfied: . Land to be included in the sanitary severer service district is not enrolled in an agricultural preservation program. b. The land lies within one-quarter mire of the existing sanitary sewer service district boundary or presents environmental problems that can be alleviated by the delivery of City water and severer servicer C. The land is located within the designated urban service reserve area. d. The potential serer discharge of the land area to be included is within available capacity limits. e. The developer shall hold the City harmless should limitations on serer 21 connections be imposed. f. The developer and/or benefiting property owners assume the significant majority of improvement/service costs. g* The land does not qualify as a premature development or subdivision as regulated by the Subdivision Ordinance. hs Inclusion of the land In the sanitary sewer service district is necessary to achieve a five year supply and respond to a shortage of land to which service is available. iCommercial/industrial development and requests for service to existing, nsewered residential areas shall be given priority over new residential development for service district expansion requests. Goal #2 Costs incurred for the provision of all municipal utilities and services shall be financed by those who receive such service. Policies; Responsibility for costs associated with the extension of municipal utilities to new developments shall be borne by the developer. 2. Access to suer service shall not be guaranteed based on preliminary plat approval by the City but will only be guaranteed upon approved of final plats with executed development agreements contracts that assure the City of timely development, 3. Deduce the risk of payment for the provision of the utility system by non-users through utility phasing, the identification of potential water revenue sources, and the establishment of realistic growth expectations. 4. Impose assessments associated with sewer and water service in accordance with the assessment policies and ordinances of the City that establish financing methods for various City improvements, including, but not limited to, trunk ruins and laterals for sanitary sewer and water. Goal #3: Ensure adequate distribution and provide for access to all facilities and services. Policies: I. Require extension of utility lines installed to serve a particular parcel of land 22 through the parcel to provide future connections to adjacent property. 2. A Capital Improvement Program for all public facilities shall be prepared and annually updated. Goal #4: Coordinate facilities and services on a joint use basis between governmental units. Policies: . Minimize the impact of necessary utility facilities and services on surrounding uses and coordination among all utility improvement programs shall be required. 2. require dedication of easements for utility systems and locate said easements according to uniform standards to provide for ease of access for maintenance and repair and minimal disruption of other activities or areas. 3. Locate any non -local service utility lines and essential service to minimize impact upon existing and future development. . Require underground installation of all new utility services, and when economically feasible, the conversion of existing overhead systems to be required. 5. Work with neighboring cities and jurisdictions for sharing of necessary utilities and services. Goal #5: The need to extend municipal utilities to lands presently seared by private on-site septic systems shall be minimized to the extent possible until financially feasible or mandated by environmental concerns. Policies: Implement a program and regulations assuring that private severer and garter utility systems are monitored and maintained to assure a safe and high quality standard of service on an ongoing basis shall be established. 2. Require all private utilities to comply with applicable provisions of the City Code and applicable State lags and regulations including those related to surer service. 3. prohibit delivery of common private sanitary serer delivery to lands other than the existing Riverb nd Mobile Hone Park in favor of provision of municipally owned and operated facilities to protect public health, safety and welfare. 3 GOVERNMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICES Goal #1: public facilities shall be designed to enhance community identity and recognition. Policies: 1 [Develop and maintain all public facilities according to the highest adopted standards of design and performance to serve as examples for private development and to create a source of community identity and pride. 2, provide adequate screening, buffering and landscaping for all public facilities in order to minimize their impact on surrounding uses and enhance the community and area in which they are located. 3. Enhance the attractiveness and identity of the community through a continuing program of gateway identification, civic beautification, tree planting, street maintenance, and other measures, 4. Locate water towers associated with the municipal water system shall be located to both fulfill its intended function and promote t ego's identity. . Pursue the establishment of a local post office within the community. 6. Design public buildings and facilities to he resistant to personal and property crime opportunities while maximizing public access and usability. Goal #2 public facilities and services shall be located so as to offer ease of access and minimal response time, Policies: Locate public facilities where the use is compatible with the existing and proposed land uses of the area. 2. develop public facilities upon sites that offer ample land area for any necessary expansion. 3. Displacement and relocation of residents resulting from the development of governmental service facilities shall he discouraged. 4. Examine the feasibility of providing a fire substation within the community which will adequately protect citizens within the existing and potentially expanding fire service area. 4 5. Monitor police services provided by the Wright County sheriff's Department and to ensure adequate protection for persons and property and minimize crime within Otsego. Goal #3: Provide for proper school facilities by working ing Frith school district officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. Policies: Coordinate community growth with the school districts to ensure appropriate facilities planning. 2. Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. 3. Enter into agreements for joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize a the benefits to both residents and students. 4. Establish safe and convenient trail access to each school site within the community. . Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. Goal #: The full utilization of investments in public facilities and services shall be achieved prior to making new public investments. Policies: 'i Cooperation and coordination between governmental units shall be promoted and encouraged in the provision of public facilities and services. Goal #5: Those areas, places, buildings, structures and other features having significant architectural, historical, community or aesthetic interests and values shall be preserved. Policies; 1. Identify potentially significant elements within the community and develop strategies for their preservation, to the extent practical. 2. Document present day conditions, buildings, areas and people in recognition of 25 the significant change ongoing within the community as a result of increased growth and development. 3. Provide information on the City's past to help create a sense of community identity and recognition. ADMINISTRATION Goal #1: All development that occurs in the community is to be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Policies: Development policies and regulations shall be applied consistently and uniformly. 2. Evaluate the Comprehensive Plan regularly and proceed with updates when such action is deemed appropriate by the city. 3. Establish codes addressing zoning, subdivision, building, and buildingpropert maintenance and review these standards and requirements on an as needed basis. . Monitor legislative changes and new requirements in community responsibilities, notably in the area of environmental protection and development management authority and update the city's development regulations as necessary, �Evaluate development proposals to determine all economic, physical, social and service demand implications and sufficient time shall be provided for thorough analysis and decision-making. Document all analysis related to consideration of development proposals to substantiate the basis of the City's decision. 7. Initiate impact studies and cost analysis for public service improvements such as utility extensions or upgrading, fire and police protection, sewage treatment plant expansion, roadway network improvements, and recreation system elements when new or expected development necessitates. Goal #2: Maintain high standards for proactive involvement and communication with city residents and businesses on City issues and services. Policies: . Provide opportunities for direct involvement and input of area residents, business 26 persons, and property owners in the planning and implementation of any development related activities in the City. 2. Utilize existing business and civic organizations as a means of communicating and informing land owners and tenants, and the general citizenry of area projects, pians and accomplishments. 3. Encourage developers to hold informal meetings with project area residents, business persons, and property owners on a neighborhood or sub -unit basis to inform them of area plans prior to proceeding with formal development applications., 4. Conduct public hearings on area plans and projects with prior notice to all citizens in the community as required by Law. 5. Nuke use of available media such as area newspapers, the Otsego vier, and the City's website as a means to beep citizens informed of all development projects. Goal 3: Allocate administrative and improvement costs to those generating the demand or utilizing the service to the extent possible. Policies; Monitor the City's administrative procedures and services, including the processing of development applications, to ensure that the financial costs associated with said services are paid by those making the request. 2. Utilize Special assessments and/or special taking districts to assign costs for public improvements to benefiting parties. 3. Require land dedication, easements and other such dedications at the time of subdivision am development to insure the physical capability for necessary public/semi-public utilities and improvements. 5. Annually review the City's financial position to ensure proper fiscal programming and management. 6, Monitor Federal and State programs for the possibility of assisting the community with implementing the Comprehensive Plan and meeting the needs of its citizens. 7. Implement a Capital Improvement Program for the management, programming, and budgeting of capital needs. 27