September, ,, 2012
:,P .
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order -at 6:00 PIS r
Boll Call: Mayor r Jessica St ckamp; c uncilme hers: vera Heidn r, Dan Sch rber and Doug
Schroeder. uncilmernber Torn Darl a Wald arrived at 6:02 PM.
Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; r; Daniel Licht,, City Planner; Andy MacArthur, City
Attorney; Gary Gruen, Finance Director; Ross Der ant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Tauri
Luff, City Clerk.
Pledge fllei�: Mayer Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
11 Open Forum.
1.1 Special Presentation: The Bank of E I k Rive r.
Parks and Recreation Manager Doss Der ant said the city is in partnership with The Bark of Elk
Kiger to provide community events. The first evert is the free Friday night movies in the park.
He thanked The Bank of Elk River for their generous contribution and introduced Mr. Bill
Lavinge, Chief Operating officer from The Bark of Elk River. Bill La Inge introduced bark
employees Bonnie McLain, Otsego Local Branch Manager, Leroy Lindenfelser, Chief Financial
Offlcer, and Tammy Andrews, Marketing Director, Mr. Lavinge said that they are very excited to
work with the City of Otsego. He stated this is a great opportunity as he feels Pres and
Recreation is the key to building a strong community and they as a community bark want to
support the community in which they do business. He thanked Otsego for the partnership
opportunity and soaks forward to a great season with the movies and the kids in the park,
Mayor Stockamp thanked The Bank of Elk River- and stated that the City looks forward to the
continued partnership. The Council members agreed,
City Administrator Johnson said the City greatly appreciates The Bark of Elk river's
contribution. she said this contribution will elevate the City's Parks and Recreation Programs to
higher level. She stated that not only is The Bank of Elk River making a financial contribution,
they are planning to have a presence at the events as well. she stated the City looks forward
to a long relationship with The Bank of Elk River as the Parrs and Recreation department
M Heidner said that the impact The Bank of Elk river- has had in the City for a long time has
always been recognized by the City Council, the Bank was one of the first banks to locate here
in the City and over the years you have always been one of our depositories. He stated this
isn't the first time The Bark of Elk fiver has worked with the City and we appreciate that.
1.2 Special Presentation. Dr. Bezels ISD 728 Superintendent.
ISD 728 Superintendent Dr, Be ek presented information on the districts Strategic Planning and
the levy questions on the fall election ballot,,
Heather Elder, New fiver Medical Center Representative, said it was another great year at the
Otsego Festival. Nis. Eldern also gave a hospital update.
Consider acienda aporoval,
CM Heldner motioned to approve as written.. seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor,
Motion carried.
3, Consent Agenda, (Non -controversial items).
3.1 Approve Claims U t.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes.
A. September 10, 2012 Meeting.
B. September 10, 2012 Special City Council Budget Meeting.
3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes: .
A. Planning Commission August 6,. 2012.
B. Parks & Recreation Commission August 8, 2012,
C. HPC August 1 , 2012,
3.4 Pay Estimates/Requests:
A. Final Pay Bequest to Pearson Brost, Inc. in the amount of $37,,503.81 for
2012 Street Maintenance Project.
B, Final Pay Request to Asphalt Surface Technologies Corp. in the amount of
$26,255,77 for 2012 Street Maintenance Project.
3,5 Approve Resolution 2012-62 making an appointment to an advisory commission.
3,6 Approve Resolution 2012-63 accepting donation from T BA.
3.7 Approve quote from W -H Electric for installation of a street light for the skating rink
and proposed sledding hill.
3.8 Approve quote for Biosolid.
19 Approve 2012 quote for Chimney Seals.
3.10 Approve Resolution 2012-64 accepting donation from the Bank of Elk River=
CM Heidner .motioned to approve. seconded by CM soh rber. All In favor. Motion
Community Development:
.1 Consider ordinance 2012-11 Garbage Collection.
City Planner Licht presented the staff report, City staff is recommending approval of an
ordinance establishing a schedule for weekly collection of residential solid waste, recycling and
yard waste by licensed collectors on Thursdays starting January 1, 2013,
CM shrber motioned to adopt Ordinance 2012-1 amending the City Code to
establish a schedule for solid waste,, yard waste and recycling collection. seconded
by CM Heidner. All in fever. Notion carried.
.2 Consider ordinance 2012-12 Citv Code revision re ardina CIN utility billina and
City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report. City Attorney MacArthur said upon review
of the City Code related to utility billing charges, language was still included regarding a public
bearing for assessment of utility charges. City Attorney MacArthur said there is no statutory
requirement to hold a public hearing so those provision have been modified in the ordinance
amendment. CM Darkenwald said in Minnesota we rely on the State Statute and ado in
accordance with that.
CM Heldner motioned to adopt Ordinance 2012-12 emending the City Code of the
City of Otsego regarding waterFsanitary seiner and stormwater use and billing.
Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carriedlk
f Administration.
5.1 Wright County Court Services.
City Administrator- Johnson presented the staff report, City Administrator for Johnson said that the
Administrative Subcommittee met with Wright County Court Service Director Michael ael Mc illan
and discussed the use of a City facility for probation meetings for Otsego residents. The
Administrative Subcommittee discussed the types of offenders, risk assessment, building
security and the location. The Administrative Subcommittee recommended allowing the use of a
City facility. CM Heldner agreed. CM l ark en rald asked if there is a contract, City Administrator
Johnson said it was not intended to eater into contract unless the City Council would life. She
indicated a letter of understanding could be drafted, but that the staff memo and motion clearly
outline the parameters of the building use.
CM Schroeder motioned to allow Wright county court services the use of the Wright
County sheriff office at Prairie center for probation meetings with Otsego residents
for misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offenses unless the offenders do not pass
the court Service risk assessment with the understanding that the city may
terminate this use at any time. seconded by CM Heidner, All in favor. Motion carried.
5,2 Hospital District discussion.
City Administrator Johnson gave a brief update on recent New River Medical Center board and
committee actions. She is recommending that the City Council appoint a Hospital Committee
which would include; City Attorney Andy MacArthur, City Planner Daniel Licht, mayor Sto kamp,
M Schroeder and herself to allow for timely response to hospital beard items or other hospital
issues to which the City should respond quickly. The Committee will report to the Council on
action iters required by the Council. CM l ark enwald said the Hospital Board was set up, thea a
new non-profit entity (board) was set up, and then they transferred rights. CM Darkenwald
said he wants to clarify the rights of the neer board. City Attorney MacArthur said the hospital
has applied for a 501(c)3 that has not been approved by the State yet and that they are still
operating as a Hospital District, City Attorney MacArthur said the hospital Beard will still be in
existence. The Council agreed that Otsego Hospital Board representative Rob v n enBerg
should attend Committee meetings he desires.
CM Heldner motioned to set up Hospital committee consisting of city Attorney Andy
MacArthur. city Planner Da nleI Licht,, Mayor 3ess1ca stoc ani ', c M Doug Schroeder
and city AdmIInistr t r Loril Johnson. seconded by CM scharber. All 1n favor. Motion
., City Council Reports and Updates.
CM Schroeder said at the last Parks and Recreation Commission meeting he was asked by the
Commissioners what the City Council's direction is for the Parks and Recreation Commission,,
They feel they need more direction from the Council. Mayor Stockamp, said the Commission
gives their input and then brings iters and recommendations to the City Council. Mayor
Stockamp said the Council grants their recommendations, City Administrator 3ohnson stated
that the Pres and Recreation Commission is valuable to the City and the Council; their
recommendations are important and we need their input during this transition and as the parks
and recreation programs grog. She stated that staff is recommending a joint meeting with the
City Council and Commissioners at the net Parrs and Recreation tion ommissien meeting on
October 10 at 6:00 PM. This will give the Council and Pars and Recreation tion om fission
chance to discuss the role and direction of the Pres and recreation Commission. The Council
agreed and asked that a meeting be noticed for the 10th at :00 Phi.
. Staff Reports and Updates..
City Administrator Johnson said staff is working with GC1 regarding the parking lot issue at
Waterfront East, The owners of the Cowboy's Jacks building are planning to purchase the
easterly parking lot parcel. To facilitate the sate and avoid parking issues, City staff is
recommending possible transfer development credits from the parking lot parcel to another
parcel owned by GCI or to be purchased by the neer owner. City Attorney MacArthur said the
agreement has credits tied to each parcel, City Attorney MacArthur said the City Council would
have to amend their agreement which City staff would bring back for consideration. The City
Council agreed.
City Administrator Johnson said the Wright County Highway public meeting n the County's five
year Capital Improvement Plan and 10 year work plan is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, at
1:30 Ply at the court house. City Administrator Johnson said she will work with the City
Engineer and City Planner on comments. Mayor St ck r p asked that the City Council receive
copies of the draft letter with comments once completet
8. Adjourn,
CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in
favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:02 PM,
ATTEST: yor Jessica Stockam
Tam! Loff, City Clerk