October 22,, 2012
6mz3O PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica St cE amp called the greeting to order at 6:30 PMI;
Roll Call: Myer Jessica Stockamp, uncilmemb rs: Vern Heldr, r, Dan Schar, r, Doug
Schroeder and Torn D rkenw ld.
Staff: Lori Johnson,, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Andy MacArthur, City
Attorney Rory Wagner,, City Engineer and Tani Leff, City Clerk.
Pled f Allegiance: Mayor Stckp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1 Open Forum_.
Heather Elden #New River Medical Center � epr s nt tive; gave hospital district update.
2. Consider agenda approval*
City Administrator Johnson requested to move item 4.1 to 8.1 or as time permits after- 7:00 P i.
CM arkenwald requested to add item 7.1 1-94 Corridor Coalition. mayor- Sto karnp requested
to add item 7.2 Holiday Party.
CM Weidner motioned to approve as amended. seconded by CM Schroeder, All in
favor. Motion carried,,
3. Consent A enda; i lon-controversial itemsj.
3,1 Approve Claims List.
3#2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes
At October 8, 2012 Meeting.
3.3 Deceived Commission Meeting Minutes,
A. HPC September 11, 20.2. i
Police Commission September 11, 2012,
. Parks & Recreation September 12,, 2012.
Do Planning Commission September 17, 2012,
3,4 Pay Estimates/Requests:
A, Approve Pay Estimate in the amount of $746,40 to EH Renner and Sons for
Splash Pad polyphosphates.
3,5 Approve Resolution 2012-67 adopting assessments for unpaid utility bills.
3,6 Approve Resolution 2012-68 accepting donation from TPC, HAK and MacArthur
Law Office for movie night.
3.7 Approve resolution 2012-69 adopting assessment for unpaid escrow accounts.
CSI Scharber motioned to approve. Seconded CM Weidner. All in favor,, Motion
Public Hearing moved to 8.1.
Community Development
, .1 Consider Ordinance 2012-13 amending the oninq Ordinance regarding si res.
C Planner Licht resented the staff report. C i ark en rald asked if this was discussed at the
City p
local business meetings and if they are aware of the change, City Administrator 3 hn on said
yes the local businesses that attended the meeting are aware, City Planner Licht said City staff
did meet with several local businesses in the beginning of this process and that City staff will
send out a letter to all local businesses if approvedt .•
CM Heldner motioned to adopt ordinance 201243 amending the Otsego Zoning
Ordinance regarding signs and approve publication In summary form. Seconded by
CM Schroeder. All In favor, Lotion carried.
5,2 Consider Dog Leash Ordinance 01-1.
Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heldner asked if this applies to cats as well.
City Planner Licht said yes.
CM Schroeder motioned to adopt ordinance 01-1 amending the City code
regarding dog leis requirements and also designation of Waterfront East Park and
the rarest portion of Prairie Park as off -leash areas. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp.
All in for. Motion carried.
53 Kittredge Crossings 11th Addition,
City Planner Licht presented the staff report.
Applicant Carty Campion, Project Engineer, said Shelard, the developer, is requesting a charge
from the city staff recommendation. They are proposing to remove all utilities except the
utilities that cross lots as identified in the exhibit they distributed at the meeting. City Planner
Licht said City staff~ is recommending it be done correctly and those utilities be removed= CM
Darkenwald asked ed what lines are north and how big are they. City Engineer Wagner r said
sewer/grater and force main are about 8 ruches, City Engineer Wagner said it would be a good
Idea to cap them if they are going to be left in the ground. Mr. Campion said yes would cap
thea. CM Heidner commented that if a person would decide to put in a heat pump, they would
have the potential to hit thein, CM Dari en aid said there could be a deed restriction on those
properties affected, CM Heidner asked haw that condition gets recorded on the Final Pint, City
Planner Licht said the deed restrictions would be recorded with the Final Plat,
C D rl enwaid asked if Shelard is planning to building homes on this plat year. lir. Campion
said the same builder as the Kittredge crossings 1& Addition Is looking at it,
CM Darken ald asked hoer many lots are impacted from this. Mr. Campion said three lots.
City Engineer Wagner said if helard's request is approved, he recommends helard blow the
pipes with sand in case of separation with time and ager Mr. Campion said they will not have
the dquiprnent to do that on hard. cC Dar en and asked the city Attorney if he sees ars
issues. City Attorney MacArthur said he agrees with city staff that the Cines should be removed
noir but it could be covered in a deed restriction if the Council chooses.
CM Darkenwald asked for wording to support leaving the utilities in placeF
City Planner Licht gave the suggested working for condition number three "The developer shall
submit a Gleed restriction to be recorded with Lots 1-5, Block I documenting abandonment of
existing in -ground utility pipes and to include as -built plans for each lot illustrating the location
and depth of said abandoned utility pipes, subject to review and approval of City staff.''
CM r enwald motioned to approve the Kittredge crossings 11", as outlined in the
findings of Fact and Decision s presented subject to the language change to
condition number ; "The developer shall submit a deed restriction to be recorded
Frith Lots 1- , Block I d ocumen !ng abandonment of existing 1n -ground t! I MY pipes
and to include -built plans for each lot illustrating the location and depth of said
abandoned utility pilpes,, subjectto review and approval of City staff" and Resolution
2012-71 approving a Development Agreement and Resolution 2012-172 vacating
existing drainage and ut'llity easements, Seconded by CM Scharber. Motion passed
p z Magor Stockamp and CM H ldner opposed.
i6, Administration. . .
.1 Consider 2013-2017 Fire Protection Agreement with the City of Albertville.
i City Admin wistrator Johnson presented the staff report. A ire Advisory Committee with two City
Council members will be set up in January. -
Schar eir motioned to approve the 2013.*2017 Fire Protection Agreement with the
City of Albertville,. seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried.
6.2 .point Pourers Agreement between the City of Otsecio and the Ci of Rogers
reaarding-TH 10CSAH 144 Interchange Imorovement Pro'ect.
City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. CM Scharber said the city had committed
to $100,000 and questioned the tiring of the project with half paid in 2013 and the other half
once complete in 2014. City Administrator Johnson said .yes. CM Heldner stated the contract
reads first half early 2014 and second half fail on 2014. City Administrator Johnson said should
read first half 2013 based on the construction timeline from Rogers,
City Engineer- reviewed the project: CM Dar en ald said he will make a motion to approve
because this wiil make the road safer for the Otsego residents and business people driving
along this road each day.
CM ar enwald motioned to approve the Joint Powers Agreement between the City
of Otsego and the City of Rogers regarding TH 101/CSAH 144 Interchange
Improvement Project with change in agreement ent to read 2013. Seconded by c
Schroeder, All in favor. Motion carried.
7. City Council Reports and Updates,
7A 1-94 Corridor Coalition.
CM Darkenwald gave an update on the 1-94 Corridor Coalition activities. Chi i ar en ald said
progress is being made but the funding is loan. CM l arken rald said other cities have given a
financial contribution, and he is asking the City of Otsego consider becoming a member. C
Da rkenraId asked what the balance is In the Courncil Contingency Fuad. City Administrator
Johnson said approximately ,000t
Mayor Stoc amp asked what the amount is that the other cities have contributed. CM
Da enwa Id sald he is not a rare, but carr find nut that !nformation and bring back to the City
Council. City Administrator Johnson said we can add to the November 13 City Council agenda as
an action item. The City Council agreed.
7.2 Holiday Par�y.
M or toc an said she would.11ke to set a date for a holiday party for Commissioners to
prove dinner as a thank you The City council set December 4 at Phi at Prairie Center
city staff vvill send out invites to the Com is loners*
Mayor Stockamp also stated with the move of City Hall she would like to suggest for the staff
-.holiday paw phones be directed to voicen all for one hour so that all staff can enjoy the party
i as with just one person answering the phones most calls would end up in voices all anyway.
The City Council agreed. The City Council set December 5 from 12- 1 Pini to be held at Prairie
Center for thq staff~ holiday party. As in the past, the party will be a potluck, City Administrator
Johnson stated she has received comments from staff regarding the number of invited guests
and the need to provide food for them, The consensus of the City Council is that it would
provide up to $250 for barbecue meat as its contributfon to the holiday paw to offset
attendance by invited guests that aro net asked to contribute to the potluck,
Staff Reoorts and Updatest
Public Hearin t
.1 Proposed Assessment for unpaid Administrative Fires and Service Charges related
to Code Enforcement,
A. 0W..Clerkattests to legal notice. .
Comments by City staff. } i
,. Presentation of prot)osed assessment roll.
D, open Hearing,. for Public Comments.
E* ---Close Public Herir . F
Ft Consider Resolution -2012-70 adoptinci assessment for unpaid administrative
City Cleric Loff attested all the proper noticing, posting and publication was completed,
City Planner Licht presented the staff report. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the process*
Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearin 7:20 PM, Hearing no public comments Mayor
Stockampclosed the Public Hearing at 7.z20 PMI
CM Scharber motioned to adopt Resolution 2012-70 adopting assessment for unpaid
administrative fines and abatement charges related to code enforcement. Seconded
by M Schroeder, All in favor. Motion carried,
City Administrator Johnson said she has passed out to the City Council a letter from New Kiger
Medical Center regarding a Hospital District City/Township Affiliation forum on Monday, October
29, 2012 at 7 PIA at New Kiger Medical Center,
9, _ Adjourn.
CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwa[d. All in
favor. Motion carried Adjourned at 7:51 PM.
Tam Loff, City Clerk
G�"" -
?r dft"P
Myor Jessica 5tockamp