ITEM 3.2A 2.11.2013 MinutesTS GO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER February 11, 2013 :00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM11 Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St k mp; C uncilmemb rs: vera H idr r, Jason W r him , Doug Schroeder and Toni Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Gary Groen,. Finance Director and Tauri Luff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allgt: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1, Open Forum. Kurt Sh rmer, 9395 O'Brian Avenue NE,, gave ars Otsego River Riders update. State Senator Mary Kif meyer was present and gave a legislative update. Ms. i iffineyer spoke of 279 acre proposed Industrial Park rail spur line project in Big Lace and Big Lake Township, Ms. Kifteyr is asking for a Resolution of support, . Consider agenda approval. CM. H idner requested to move item 3.6 to 6.1. M H idn r motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consent Agenda. (ikon -controversial it rr� A Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A, January 22,, 2013 Special Meeting. January 24,. 2013 Special Meeting, C, January 28., 2013 Meeting. D. January 2, 2013 Special Meeting E. January 29, 2013 Special Meeting. 3.3 Approve Summary Ordinance 2013-04 Assessment Policy. 3,4 Approve Resolution 2013-07 Appointing Commissioners to Advisory Commissions. 15 Approve Ordinance 2013-05 and Resolution 2013-08 establishing Water and Sever Utility Rates. 3,6 Approve Ordinance 2013-0amending the City Cede regarding rental fees for Prairie Center and Resolution 2013-9 approving a Reservation Policy for Prairie Center, -REMOVED CM Weidner motioned to approve with removal of item 3.6. Seconded by C Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Works. .1 Consider Resolution 2013-10 orderina a Public Hearing for the or000sed drain Improvements for Needham Avenue- South of 85th Street, City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City Engineer Wagner said be spore with Mrs Goenner who said he would be willing to put a drain the on his 7 1/2 acre property to redirect the water. CM Warehime asked if the drain the would be placed prior to the project being completed. City Engineer Wagner said he project would stay the sane. CM Heidner said we can move ahead with the project and if it does happen we can readjust. City Engineer Wagner said he would present both alternates. M Heldner motioned to approve Resolution 201 3-10 setting a Public Hearing for discussion of Needham Avenue Storm sewer Improvement Project on March 11, 01 7:00 PM at Prairie Center -Council Chambers, 8893 Nashua Avenue. Seconded by CM D rl en alld. All in favor. Motion carried. r Community Development. .1 Martin Farms Phase . A. Preliminary Pit. City Planner Licht presented the staff report, Representative for applicant Lennart Joe Jablonski was present and agreed with the recommendations of the City staff report and said they are excited to continue to work in the city. CM H idner asked what the purple lines are on the map. City Engineer Wagner r said they are drainage easements and catch basins. CM Heldner said it appears the berm should be roved further to the south. Cil Hi ner said once the project has started he would like to see something done in the interim to fix the issue. The City Council agreed to have City Engineer Wagner work with the applicant on this. CM Heldner motioned to approve Martin Farms Phase 2 preliminary prat subject to the fourteen conditions as outlined in the Findings of Fact as presented. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 Consider Ordinance 2013-07 amendin the Zoning Ordinance regard.ing building and constructiom City Planner Licht presented the staff report. M Heldner motioned to adopt ordinance 2013-07 amending the Zoning ordinance regarding building type and construction. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Notion carried. 6, CiW Council Reports and Updates. .1 Approve ordinance 2013-06 amending the City Code re a�g rental fees for Prairie Center and Resolution 2013-09 approvingReservation Policy for Prairie Center. CM Heldner said he is concerned if there was an emergency, there needs to be a clause added to the policy regarding the City having the fiat priority and if needed the City would refund the fee and rule an effort to find another location for the applicant/party. The City Council agreed. City Attorney MacArthur said the City Council can approve with recommendation to change the language as presented. CM Schroeder motioned to adopt Resolution 201 3-09 esery tion Policy for Prairie Center and ordinance 2013-06 amending the City Code regarding rental fees for Prairie Center with the recommended changes to the language requested by CM eidner as presented. seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 7, Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson informed the City Council of the scheduled February 14 Hospital Board meeting. City Administrator Johnson and Mayor Stockamp pian on attending. City Engineer Wagner spoke on 7W Federal Funding approved for Wright ht trey Project CIS 3 (7& Street) from Oakwood to trunk highway 101 in 2017. . Adjourn. M Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned t 7:52 PMA ATTEST: Tam! Loff, City Clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp