ITEM 3.3C OHPC 1.8.2013 MinutesOHPC 1-8-13 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission January 8, 2013 Present: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, John Noll, Tom Constant, Jamie Pfantenberg-Selbiitschka, Chris Wilson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Lisa Fahay— notified us and excused Chair Toni called the meeting to order at 7:05pm< Minutes bf the last -two' meetings were approved. Chris called Arcadia Publishing asking for copies of the pictures from the book Otsego which she co-authored; these will be -sent on a DVD within a week. We need them doth for the Parc signs and possibly City Hall pictures. Also Chris will bring the maps she procured from the old City Hall to the next meeting or drop them ofd at Prairie Center. Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschl<a has agreed to be a member of the Prairie Center Development committee to represent the interests of the OWPC and all of Otsego. Their first meeting is Monday. � Rothaus report: We have received the artifacts from the dig and the walls of the McDonald house. We will now need to figure out how to misplay and store chem, as we will for the McDonald house beam. It is currently on top of one of aur display cabinets, Chris has an idea about a "crazy quilt" being made out of an old Otsego map which is superimposed on a quilting material and Then embellished with textured . stitching, possibly a border of old photographs for display. She will sketch a rough idea for the next meeting. A11 commissioners should look at the gram which was send previously by email re: Public Art through the Central Minnesota Arts Board .. and could possibly he used to artfully display Otsego history and artifacts. See: http://Vvww,centralmnartsboardsorg/grants/t)dblicart.html Gail will write an article for the Otsego View and the EII< River paper. regarding the old City Hall/School District 10. It will state that the building is at risk due to, the Costs associated with maintaining it as the City does long -berm planning, Weare seeking whether anyone or any group is interested in repurposing uses.they might finance while maintaining the integrity of the outer structure. She will send the article to Dan Licht for approval before submitting it. I 1-8-13 OH PC / i S Our roam in Prairie Center needs to be fainted and then organized.. We sed a � date on January 26 for us to come together and have a. �paint party. All Commissioners who can come should bring drop cloths, tape, aria. any -other -useful painting supplies. Jessica will lead us, buy the paint and -her husband -will spackle where Toni removed the anchors before, then. We have not yet heard if any pictures were submitted for.' scanning and for . comideraiion for decorating the new City Hall. _ .. Meeting adjourned at 8;20pm. Next meeting is February 12, 2011: . Recorder, Gail Anderson 0j