ITEM 3.5 Approval site for biosolids�� Request for TY 0 otSegO City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities I Kurt Neidermeier February 25, 2013 PRESENTER(S)' REVIEWED BY' ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Lori Johnson 3.5 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: The February 19th 2013, Public Works Subcommittee and MPCA reviewed with approval a site for biosolids application within the City. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BAC' G RO U N DIJ USTI F I CAT 10 N: Fifteen acres of land within the City of Otsego have received State approval for biosolids application from the City's Wastewater Treatment Facilities, The acreage is agricultural property located near the East Wastewater Treatment Facility shown on the attached map, PID # 118-500-351400. Designation of these sites for City biosolids application requires City Council approval pursuant to Section 7-8-73.5 of the City Code. For reference., setback requirements for application sites using injection practices are as follows: Distance to residences 100ft Distance to residential development 3oft Distance to public contact site 30 f Distance to residential wells 20Oft SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: (X)ATTACHED 0 MPCA approval 0 Map MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve designation of the biosolids application site as related to operation of the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: N/A N/A ArP,mr1^K1 YAWC:hl c3 APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED [i TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: n mo } {:. �mrolAgency innesota P lluflo ont '4 1 a20 Lafayette Road Nof th St. paul, tffinnesota 55155-4194 651-2 ' .6300 800-657-3W 651-282-5332 TTY Equal 000110nity Employer January 21, 2013 The Honorable Jessica Stockamp Mayr, City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mayor Stockamp: This letter is written to notify you that the-blosolids land application site submitted to the M in nesota Poll utio n Control Agen cy (MPGA} by Peop lese rvice In . fo r the city of Otsego, permit numbers MN0064190 and MN0066257, on December 21, 201 2., have been approved for this I purpose. Site approvals are enforceable to the same extent as a permit. The approved site, located in the city of Otsego, Townshi' 121 N, Range 23 W, Wright County, Is: P ..Site MB --1, 15 acres its the NEY4of Section 35 The site was. reviewed arra d etermin ed suitable by the e M PCA for land application of b ioso I ids. Applicabfe standards and management practices of Minn-.. R. ch. 7041 must be followed. Any proposed changes to management practices specified in this letter must be requested in writing and approved by the MPGA before the change is initiated. if you have any questions, regarding phis approval, please . totitact me at 651-757-2320. Sincerely, Jody Dufresne Hydrologist 3 SSTS Section Municipal Division JDF:ah M. -All Rymer, People.Service.lnc Bill Stephens, Wright County Martin Bouley. Leah Berge Keith Weber Date Created* 2/20/2013