ITEM 3.7 Revised park shelter reservation policy1 10 otI TY OF ICfgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action AGENDA ITEM DETAIII RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the revisions to the Park Shelter Reservation Policy. ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR-. MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and February 25, 2013 significant increase in rentals and general public use. With this increase, the Parks and Recreation Manager resources include time spent cleaning the shelter, empting garbage, and increase in garbage PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.7 AGENDA ITEM DETAIII RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the revisions to the Park Shelter Reservation Policy. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDMUSTIFICATI ON: In 2012, with the addition of the Prairie Park Splash Pad the Prairie Park Shelter saw an significant increase in rentals and general public use. With this increase, the Parks and Recreation Department devoted more of its resources to maintaining the shelter area. Those resources include time spent cleaning the shelter, empting garbage, and increase in garbage with the addition of garbage cans. Staff estimated that 2 hours per week more in 2012 has been dedicated to maintaining in and around the splash pad and shelter. Also with an increase in traffic at Prairie Park cleaning of the port --patties needed to be increased from once a week to twice a week. During this period, there were approximately 44 weekend days during the season that could have been rented. Of those days, 40% were full day rentals by one group or individual. Currently the Shelter Rental Policy has two time slots the shelter can be rented 9AM-2PM and 3PM-8PM, the fee is $10 during the week and $20 on the weekend. Staff met and discussed the possibilities of adjusting the times of the rentals from the two time slots which both are 5 hours to 3 hour time slots with assigned time slots and leaving the rental fees the same. Changing the time slots from 5 hours to 3 hours will help increase shelter revenues which will help offset the increase in City resources. The change will also allow for more individuals and/or groups to rent the shelter both during the week and on the weekends. The Parks and Recreation Commission at their February meeting voted unanimously to recommend to the Council the revision to the policy. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE List A. Draft Park Shelter Reservation Policy B. Resolution 2013-13 MOTION: (Please viord motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to adopt Resolution No.:2013-13 Amendment to the Park Shelter Reservation Policy. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: n YES ACTION TAKEN o APPROVED AS REQ U ESTE D u DENIED oTABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: POLICY 06.04 PARIKSHUTER HESERVATION POLICY Section 05.04.01 Available Days and Times 05.04.02 Priority 05-04.03 Fees o. .o Making Reservations 05.04,05 Rights and Responsibilities 05, 04.06 Amendments SECTION 05-04.01: AVAILABLE DAYS AND T11V1E-'-3,: A. Reservations will be taken for washdays, weekends and holidays. B. t' V Cr,1 0 4 ,Plots. PM —3P-M-to----8P-M- -T inn slots will be 3 hours and will be set times. C- It is acceptable for sone on to reserve 11IL11tiple time slots. SECTION 05.04.02: PRIORITY: A. First Priority will be given to City sponsored events and City sponsored events may schedule the park as far In advance as the City Council or Parks and Recreation Cor nmission deems appropriate. B. T fi 1:6 4!ed-f�4" -�h-eir-d-atej�Ghoso-vj, C. All other users will be granted reservations on a first come first serve basis: 1. Reservations can be made up to one (1) year in advance for residents. 2. Non-residents can register after January I" of the year of the reservation. SECTION 05-04.03: r A. The Reservation Fee will be established within Section 2-4-2.13,12 of the City Code, 1 B. Cancellation within less than one (1) month of the reserved date will result in forfeiture of the rental fee. C. No refunds will be granted for inclement weather. SECTION 05-04-04: MAKING RESE-RVATONS: A. Permits may be made by returning an application to City Hall. B. Applications can be obtained at or faxed by City Hall, or downloaded from the City's website. C. Complete applications must be received by noon of the Wednesday before use. D. An application is not completed until payment has been received and the application is signed. E. Rentals are limited to one (1) per month by any individual or group and more frequent rental by one (1) individual or group will be subject to City approval. SECTION 05.04.05: RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: A. A permit entitles the holder to the exclusive use of the Prairie Park shelter for the allotted time slot but it does not provide exclusive use of any of the ball fields or other park equipment; Applicants should be aware that there are many users of the park, and that they must share these facilities. B. In order to enforce a reservation, the permit holder must have their copy of the receipt in their possession; -If there is a disagreement about the reservation, the permit holder should contact the Wright County Sheriff's Department to resolve the d ispute. C. The park shelter has capacity for approximately 30-40 people depending on table arrangement; City staff is not responsible for arranging tables or moving tables to accommodate larger groups, or for cleaning the park shelter before or after use. D. The permit holder is responsible for cleanup of their garbage prior to leaving the park. E. Future reservations will be revoked for misuse of the facility by any member of the group. 2 SECTION 05,04.06: AMENDMENTS: A. The City Council may amend this policy at any time; Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by City council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or City Council; The City Clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy; Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. K RESOLUTION NO.: 2013,,13 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PARK SHELTER RESERVATION POLICY. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has a shelter a Prairie Parks for which there is demand for regular, scheduled use by various organizations; and, WHEREAS, the City Council adopted a policy last amended in March 2012 regarding park shelter reservations; and, WHEREAS, the City staff has drafted an amendment to the Park Shelter Reservation Policy to change the hours from two five hour blocks of time daily to four three hour blocks of time daily and took out language regarding the Otsego Festival; and, WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission on 13 February 2013 reviewed the Park Shelter Reservation Policy and voted unanimously to recommend its approval. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the Park Shelter Reservation Policy is hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 25th day of February, 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO M0 Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk