ITEM 3.9 Wellhead protection grant applicationCITY OF 0 t MINNESOTA Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFOR ATIO x........�..n.... N.........w....-...m.....-.................n.......n..M-n.v............n-....ry-_..-:..:..:....:...:.:::........n......:NM.M..........-........r........._..............-....v.................................-..........................v............-......_.._.._...n._.._-.. _ ................................._....- f 1 If ATIN DEPART LENT: R� tJ� T : MEETING DATE utilities Kurt Neldermeier February 25,, 2013 PRE EI TER(s): REVIEWED BY* ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Lori Johnson 3.9 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: The Source Water r Protection Competitive Grant Application was reviewed at the February 19, 2013 Public Works Sir r itt meeting with recommendation f support to proposed expenditures t assist in implementing source crater protection measures. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? T IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BA N GRO NDIJU TIFICATIOI : A Source Water Protection Competitive Grant is being sought for $5819 to help implement source grater protection measures. The grant requires a cost share between the City ($2910) and MN Department f Health ($2909). The funding supports testing equipment, education material, mailings, and staffing for nitrate testing clinic to completeseveral W llh ad Protection plan measures. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED Grant Application POSSIBLE MOTION :.........:.............:.__....-_.::.__................... .................... -.:::.::::_-..:_.... __:.............. :::..:...:.:...::..::.-.....:.:.......:.....:..:.:..........:.......................... ..........-.....-......... ....... ...... ........... :...._.::.-..:_._.-:_.:-:_._..::-_:.:.:..::.:.:..:.-..:_:.:_::._:.:.:.:.::_:.:.-:.::.::.::.:..::.::..::.:::-:.:::...:::.-.::....:.....::.......... .... ........... ................... ... ...... .... ........ .............. n ........ ....... ...-.-...............-........_.. _............... Please word moo n as you would Il a It to appear In the minutes. Motion to approve cost share of Source Water Protection Competitive Grant. BUDGET INFORMATION I IATIO FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES - 2013 Water Operations Fund ACTION TAKEN n APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED ❑ OTHER List granges) COMMENTS: virommntal Heat Nvislon nldng water Protection Sects P.O. Box 64975 St. Patel, MInnesota 55164-097S o�a � �.Phone; 651-241-4700 Source Water Protection Competitive brant Application Public Water Suppler Systems City of Ots4agD Pw YD:1860026 Street Address: 13400 90 Street NE Apartment/Unit : City: e x County: Wright : ZIP:55330 • F !arae of the Person who will serve as the Grant Contact: Kurt Neldermeier : Email: Phone: 1 . 44. 1 Fax:763.441.9163 l neidermeter eop1sery1ce.coffl Federal Tac Id : 41- 19123 ----------- f�/�'+'y+rD IZE yre jJiy� 'Ti0N F�/�7� may■■�. 1■�■f +y/�y■ �i�#y7_ WATC R Sp P LI E + AMIOR C Name: Kurt Neidermeler ' Title: wellhead Protection Manager A140UNTS!S' - ' __` ` '-T �- - _ f_ i - - - - 5l- 4 T= i - T �_,�.,..`.� .. __..� / -+ +_�+!_+.• E � __----�_-�-T '• �' -- --.-"�-� ..._ - - .-.tea. �.. , � _.-. ,_,._ �..r.-.- - :- �tT - --T-__._ ] S+ 1 Total Cost of the Project (Amount Requested + Cost Shane): $5819 r ount Requested from l H $10,000 maximum or $30,000 if or more Pw 's apply jointly: 09 - Cost Share (amount contributed by the Grantee - Must be at least equal to the amount being requested): $291 l r ite � . b fd d d ._Un r- t r nti pfe a p"r6vid the 1[o n ln(brmatlor _ us an ado iv l page I necessary} i•' , .--_ --__ l y '-_`_--._�-_-___-•-- r T-.� _._u .. •-_�-as..M. ..-. r..rr r ._, T --"-__- ---_'_s•- ..----__'__ i -.___i- -aau. ' 1a Dec *be the work that will beperformed (use an additional page if accessary). f Residence with private wells within the Drinking water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) for the Citi of Otsego will he mailed well = management information and invite to a nitrate testing clinic. A spectrophotometer will be purchased for staff to conduct testing on samples brought to the clinic. The purpose of the project is to -fulfill several wellhead Protection Plan measures Including providing educational material for these well owner and to identify potential contaminated wells within the management arca. 1. Mount Requested for performing this worl:$0 1b. Cost Share Amount gist all contributors and corresponding dollar amounts; in-kind contribution is not accepted): City of Otsego - $2910 1c. Total Cost for performing work Item I is + lb)-: $5819 s Id. Anticipated outcomes (produces) of performing this work: utcornes of the protect Include further education of drinking water & wet Ihead protection and ars assessment of potential contamirnant risks of wells within the DWSMA. le. Sermon of the most recent sanitary Surr ey or Page N urnber In the Source water Protection Plan that reference the Sourrce Watic r T Protect lo n M easure s that will be supporter[ by this work item — please attach copies: Source Water Prot dlon measure 1.i p .I p . � i `0 MDH 2012 Sanitary Survey (pg 2 of ' '----------' I n ���������v����|�(�u����e�' / �' n�= �"= "=""'="p" �="�= form "=°°° ~~p~ ~'^~~ � �from MDHDrinking attach copies: ^ | � MOH2U12SonV�q�Suna�(pQ2o4) � . ` ' WORKITE -����-����—�__-����-�'_�-.~.�'_`__^�__ 2. Describe the work that will be pefformed: � '2a.Amount Requested for performing this Work: � 2b. Cost Share Amount (list all contributors and corresponding dollar amounts; in-kindmntribOon is not accepted): � ` � �2cTotal Cost for performing Work Item Z(2a+2b) � �2d.Anticipated outcomes (pnoducts)ofperforming this work: / ! Su Pa 0umberklthaSou VY��rPno�cUon��ntha re / . � �Protection Moasure(s)that will baauppndedbythbvwodkUtem-pkeaaeattachcopiea � / ._-- 1haLdea�ib�ad��nJ«thmtvWNba�mduck�Uo�ororemaU / 1-'--------------- —'-' - ` ' �fhomMDHDdnkingVVakerPnobadUonstaff)-pleaaaattachoopiea i ' . . ^ Describe the work that will� be performed:° ` ! ' � . i | | 3a. Amount for performing this Work: } i''---'- ''--- ---- '---- '---- ''---- -'--' ---' ----- '-- ---- ---' ---' /�.(�S�����l��o��������i�������� � 3c.Total Co�t for performing Work Item 3(3a+3b): � i3d.AnUc�ahmdoutcomes (pnoduc�)o[pe��m�gtNawork. . . � | ___ ___ ----- '---' ---- '--( ������W�����������W�/ ' 3e Section of the most recent sanitary Survey or Page Number � Protection Measure(s) that be supported by this pork ��m - p�ooa attach copies: | ` | 3f. Reference the . / correspondence - form Minnesota of Health that descdbes the work that will be conducted (letter or email � |from MDHDrinking Water Protection staff) - please attach copies:� � . . _, _ _ - _.-,-._ �4. ... �... _.t _ ?-_._► �: v.. � _� rri M - .. - ,.t _-� �� _. r �. r. �_� �_- .-. .. _-w i t M1 M1� -�� �� v__a � _ -._ _ ., � , ... _f t r c u In-. � j d_ �t _:c ries _ dire {Cosi= _ d,d6 t '= ab � f- m_�Ol �f� ; _F _t 5 Sub -Activity: ± Amount Requested from DH: ' cost char � � g aced start ; date: Purchase Spectrophotometer F 25341 25359 101 1 *i Prepare packets for residence appy. 200 — 3 fours r 75 75 6/15/2013 t - Mail packets to residence within D A approx. o CO) $1 a t loo � 100 i 013 ' Staffed nitrate testing at clinic -- 8 hours $50/hr. t Oo 2001 9/14/2m r t* r■■■ {y■rte■r i ` � "Y _ - - •- .' ` ; - - .. -}, -. ` --' _ - - '. .' M1 '` -t= . - _ ,` - ' , - ti tx I have attached for each work item the documentation required under l and or If) { I have filled out all the fields in my application 1 x I have signed ray application I have provided a detailed budget for each work item - F I have included an estimate from the contractor (where applicable) x 1 have included a sand statement or acknowledgement that proves availability of funds to support the cost share F {+ DISCLAI M AN D S16NATUftt, , , ��.-r-.-....�...t�'.�'.--'-:��_��.-r--."_._--'""#`._.�-__-���,.-�--__�__---._.-__•-_-__--•_--..-__--�-._--. "-^--T _�--�__�--�--T- �-�"---`--tet".-- - - x I certify that the information herein is tare and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I submit this application on behalf of the applicant public -water supply system: Signature ��-. Date I. , =t. FF� I [ t ander•' .gra �+ ti r ' �_ l jhr_ hti! all nedf r -8i _ t�..�r ` V. , * F' ,ff`t 'M1 [ lXa" ;y�1 ■ .i {.{�jS y' the+_obt 8 9 em re 1 s a a r r rr r r r a r r r_ i w tf w f' __- _ _ _ r :': :,.:: :::::::: ::: ::�.:::rr r:'1 �. r r rr r ai r .* r,�:.. r .. ,------------: