ITEM 4.1 Street improvement of LaBeaux Ave1 TY O I' Ot 0 MINNESOTA Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION M._.,..._rn ,, ,,V.N.,,Nn .,.M,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,n.,,.,._.,,,.-,..,....,n..,..,..,-...,.,.-.....,..-.v..,...,.,....,_...v,...............n.v.,,,,,..,..w.-n..,.,,..,_..,.,..,,n,.,......,.,...,..:...,.-.....,........,,..-..-.....,......,..:.....--.....,_.._.,-...-....—..-..n..--..-._._.....-._.... -., — ,._n__.:.._ -..:._-nn......_...-..-......:_:...: ......... ....:........:.............-,..-n.-,....._ ....... ............... ,......,.... ........ .,,.......... ,........ 1651 fC DEPART IEN REQUESTof : MEETING DATE: Public worts Ron Wagner, City Engineer 2-25-13 P ESE TE s : REVIEWED BY. ITEM Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, CityAdministrator .1 -Public Hearing AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION, A Public Hearing is required for residents to be presented project scope and possible assessment costs. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEA# I NG I E UIf D No Yes BACKGROUND1JU TIF[CATION: LaBeaux Avenue between 75th St and Both St is a gravel street that has had severe frost boils and soft areas during spring months over recent gears to the point where access to and from homes has been an issue. City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Study to determine hat needs to be completed to remedy the issues, determine a cost estimate and allocate costs. A public hearing to present the study to the residents will be held at the council meeting with council possibly continue toward a project with the potential for assessments in accordance with M N State Statute 429. A resolution will be brought to the next council meeting, March 11'h' to decide if the council wishes to prepare plans and specifications purpose of obtaining bids for the project. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED a NONE Feasibility Report 0 Power Point Presentation 0 Appraisal Motion: No Lotion tonight necessary other than to open and close or continue the public hearing. BUDGET INFORMATION ............................................. .......... ......................... ...... ................ ........................... ... ..... ............ .. ........ ... . . .... .. . ....... ...... ................ .. ............ ... ...... ........ ...... .. .. . ......... ............ . . I ........... ......... ............ ................... ............................. .. .... . ... . . . .... ... ... .... .. .. .... . ...... ...... ... .... I ........ ......... .......... FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Assessments,. City Street Fund and Otsego NO Creek Fund kCTION TAKEN IS ..... ... .. ....... . ....... ........ ..................................... ................ ..... . ................. . ......................... .. . .. .. .. .... ... . .. . . .. . ...... . ...... . .... .. .. .. I .... .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. ..... . . .. . . ..... ....... ... ........... .. .. ..................... .... ............................................ . .................................................. .. ...... . ...... .... ... .. . .. ii APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED STREET RECONSTRUCTION LABEAUXAVF---.NUE — 75 T11 STREET TO 80TH STI ELT CITY OF TSEGO, MINNESOTA December 2012 Prepared by: IL - An clersorii 3601 ThUrston AvenUe Anoka, VIN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me Or Under illy direct SLIpervision aiid that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Under State of Minnesota StatUteS Sections 326.02 to 326.16. Ronald J. Wa (0-61 26052 12/6/2012 Reg. J. Date S:\Mun1cjpaRA0TS EG0\3Zak 380 1 --ca si b 11 i ty - Revised 1-18- 013. d oc TABLE 01"' CONTEWs TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS [ INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 |[ PROPOSED PROJECT ............................. ...,....................i 111. INITIATION—.—,-------..—.....,. 2 K/ FEAS )B ILITY......................................-.....'......2 \/[ PERMITS .................................................................................................. 2 \/U. COMP[ETI(lN...---........—...—..i..~.m m m~.......2 VIII. PRELIMINARY pR(]JECTGCHED[]LE,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,,.3 }(. ESTIMATED PROJECT .....4 X. PROPOSED FUNDING ................................. ...............—.--~5 )(I[ CONCLUSION AND RI—COMMENDATION .............................................. 8 WA "M I HI I -V LOCATION MAP ....... ........~....'...^5 0 0 m 0 1 0 w a 0 ff 0 ff 0 0 0 0 0.'"....a~~^.^~.. /\ RUR/\L SECTION .~,,,,.......................... ....... .~,,,,,,,,,,,... ,,,~,,,,,,, B PROPOSED /\HGNMENT..,...............~^~~.........0~..M s 0~0 &ff0 0 m0 c BENEFITING PROPERTIES ........... [> PROPOSED sKrREET P E:CONSTRUCTION LABEAUX AVENUE _ 76TIl STREFT-1- TO 8(TIl STREET CITY OF 0TSF--.co, WIN 1. 1WRODUCTION The PLII-I)OSO Of this. Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a Preliminary exarninration Of MUlliCil)W Str-eet improvements for LraffleaLlx AvenLIO in Otsego, Minnesota (see Exhibit A -- Project Location Map). The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates and a project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. Some of the residents of the Beaudry Addition subdivision have Contacted the City regarding drainage and street iSSLIeS over the past several years. Due to the nUmber of contacts, City GOLIncil authorized a Feasibility Report be completed to determine costs and potential sources. -rhe existing roadway consists of a gravel surface approximately 21-23 feet wide. In the area, both 80t" Street NE and 77t" Street are currently bitumillOLIS roads. BiturninOLIS surfacing reduces or eliminates issues associated with gravel streets SLICII as frost boils in the spring, wash boarding, I-LItting, dust, and gravel into yards. The vaIL10- of existing housing is positively benefited by fronting on and being accessed by biftWninous paved streets. 11, PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed street improvement project consists of additional reconstruction of LaBeaux Avenue, from 751 Street NE to 80"' Street NE. Additional improvement work includes removal of old driveway and street culverts and regrading of ditch and placement Of 110W GUIverts and storm sewer. The proposed street typical section is ill general conformance with City Street Standards. The road section would be a paved rural section with no curb and gutter (see Exhibit B). This option would widen the road from the CUrrent 21-23' to 21' but would not lower the road fronn the existing road bed. A test roll would be performed to verify the compaction of the existing SUb base. Any soft spots WOUld be excavated and replaced with suitable soils. The pavement would then be placed on the existing road bed and the ditches would be cleaned and driveway culverts be replaced. This option also PI-01)OSOS a CLII-De-Sac at the SOLIth end of LaBeaux AverIL10 which would elinlillate the access from LaBeaux Avenue to County Road 19 at 75t" Avenue E. I SUrface water within the project area will be conveyed to Otsego Creek thl-OLIgh a combination of driveway CL11VO- rts and ditches. III, INITIATION The feasibility report winitiated nitiated by the City Council clue to issues regarding runoff, frost boils, wash boarding and durst. IV. FE-ASIBIL1144Y From an engineering standpoint, tho project is feasible, and will benefit the propoily being served. It can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and tho persons assessed should review the project for benefit to de renin e the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. V. RIGHT -01F. -WAY / EASEMENTS The existing streets and proposed street upgrades are located within the existing 40 foot wide right-of-way. If additional utility and drainage easements are MqUired based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to be provided to the City of Otsego. VI. PERMITS At this tim e, no permits are reqUired for this project. VIL COMPLETION This project is proposed to be completed during the 2013 construction season. 0 VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE" The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for LaBeaLIX Avef)LIO: "f*cq 1) 10- 1 City of Otsego LaBeaUx Avo[ILIO Preliminary Project Schodullo 2.012 2013 City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Public Flearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing for February 25* Improvement Project 3. City Council Orders Project and Authorizes Engineer. to Prepare Plans March 11 and Specifications or Discontinues Process 4. Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to April 8* Advertise for bid 5. Bids Due May 6* 6. City Council Reviews Bids May 13* 7. City COUncil Holds Assessment Hearing and Adopts Assessment Roll and May 28* Considers Award of Contract if No Appeals or Discontinues Process 8. City Council Considers Award of Conti -act if Appeal or DiscontillUes JUM 10* Process 9. Contractor Begins C01IStRICti011 July* 10. Contractor Completes Construction September* *Adjusted dates. V Ix, ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the street improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The CILIantities are estimates also. The contractor will be paid only for work completed. The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. On the following page are the cost estin nate tables for both proposed typical sections. Table I estimates the cost for the paved rUral section. Tablo 11 City of Otsogo LaBOaLlx AvenUe NE ProlImInary Cost Estimate Rural Section 131d Schodulo ,m ,f - Streets Item No. Description Estimated Quanilty Unit Dries Extenslon 1 Wbiliza(ion 1 LS $41000.00 $41000 2 MuckExGavaflon (E\ 500 CY $10.00 $5,000 3 Select Borrow (P) 650 CY $7.50 $4,875 4 Class 6 Aggregate Base (100% Crushed) 1,140 TON $15.00 $17,100 —5 Type LV3 Non -Wearing Course fixture (B) 710 TON $60.00 $42,600 6 Type LV4 Wearing Course MXtUre (13) 530 TON $65.00 $34,450 7 D i to in i nou s Mate da I For Tack Coat t 320 GAL $3.00 $960 8 Class 2 Aggregate Shouldering 200 TON $20.00 $4.000 9 Traffic Control 1 LS $600.00 $600 10 Right of Way 0.29 ACRE $15,000.00 $4,350 11 Salvage and Reinstall Street Sign 8 EACH $50.00 $400 Total - Bid S c fie du Io "A" Bld Schodulo "U' - Storin Sewer $118s236 lteiii No. I Description Estimated Quantfty Unit PrIco Extension 12 Coninion Excavation (P) 1,000 CY $4.00 $4,000 13 Salvage Topsoil To Stockpile (C\/) 2,000 CY $4.00 $8,000 14 Salvage Topsoll From Stockpile (LV) 2,000 CY $4.00 $8,000 15 Seeding - Typo Ditch 2.1 ACRE $500.00 $1,050 16 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 0,6 ACRE $1,260.00 $760 17 Com m erciall Fertilizer, 10-1010 540 LBS $0.60 $270 18 Mulch Materlaf Type 1 2.20 TON $250.00 $560 19 18" C MP Culvert 100 LF $25.00 $2,500 20 18" C MP Apron 6 E-ACH MOM $900 21 15" CMP Culvert 400 LF $20.00 $8,000 22 11 V CMP Apron 2,6- EACH $100.00 $2,600 Total - Bid S c lie du Io "D" 4 Total - 131d Schodules "A" & "B" Ovorhoad & ContIngoncy (20%) Total Project Cost $36,620 $164,866 $3019711 $1M6 X. PROPOSED FUNDING The funding for this project is expected to be provided by multiple SOL11-CeS. Possible fUnding SOUI-COS include the Otsego Creek FUnd, City of Otsego, and the I enefiting property owners. Th e Otsego Creek FL11-1d COUld provide funding for the proposed StOl-M SeWel- Of- (11'!VeWay culverts ,--irid ditch because it will be discharging into Otsego Greek. The Otsego Creek Fund WOUld Ileed to INOVIde apprOXinlaLely $43,944.00 to cover the costs of the proposed CUIvert and ditch system. The Otsego Creek FMA CUrrently his the funds necessary to cover the costs. The remainder of the PI-0jeCt COStS COUld 1) o- split 1) etween the City of Otsego and the benefiting properties (Exhibit D). BecaLISO half of the front foot is owned privately, the benefiting property owners COUld be assessed for 50% of the remainder project costs. The benefiting property owners COUld be assessed approximately $70,940.00 while the City, which owns the. other 50% of the front foot, could also provide approximately $70,940.00. dSTIIVIAIOEID ASSESSMENT X116 L■ By dividing the total benefiting property assessed cost by 16, 010 number of assessable L111itS, an assessment value is obtained. The estimated cost der' Ullit Was determined to be $4,433.75 for the R11 -al section (Table III Benefiting Property Assessnient SUnimary). The per unit method of assessment was used due to all the benefiting properties are single family homes and use the street ill 111LIGh the same manner. 5 Table III Bonefiting Pr opefty Assessment Summary LaBoaux Avenue — 75t'Strout NE to 80t" Street NE Rural Section The assessment portion of the project WOUld be approximately 38% of the total project costs depending on the final typical section. Ref M Property OW11014 PID8 118-112-001010 PROP H RTY ADDRESS Proposed Assessed Amount Ahrens Famli+ 2008 Rev Trust Gaylord & Barbara Ahrens 1 -i -tee 7976 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 $4s433.76 2 Jeanne M Hackermueller 118-112-001020 7962 LABEAUX AVE NE, TSEGO MN 55:301 $4,433.75_ 3 Karen M Brown 118-112-001030 7932 LA B EAUX AVE NC, OTS EGO MN 05301 $4,433.75 4 S Llea n n Nelson -118-112-001040 7900 LA B EAUX AVE NE, OTS EGO MN 55301 $4,433.75 5 Brian L Bewdry 118-112-001050 7876 LA B EAUX AVE NE, OTS EGO MN 55301 $4,433.75 6 Gary E & Kathryn G WLIFZinger 118-112-0 1060 7846 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO NIN 55301 $4,433.75 7 Richard D & Susan K Levasseur 118-112-001070 781# LA B EA UX AVE NEI OTS EGO M N 55301 $4,433.75 8 Gwendolyn M Lapp 118-M-00080 7780 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 $4,433,75 9 Jacob M Saari 118-112-00109 0 7 708 LA BEAU AVE NC, OTS EGO M N 55 301 $4,433.75 10 Glenn & Ma rg a rot Lin ie Weise r 118-112-001100 7 706 LAB EAUX AVE NE, OTS EGO M N 553 }1 $4.433-75 11 Bryce Skappel 118-112-002010 7070 LABEAU AVE NE, OTS EGO M N 55 301 $4,433.75 112 Kenneth Levasseur 118-112-002020 7634 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO MN 55301 $4,433.75 13 Donald Torgefson & Stephanie G Sin gleski 118-112-002030 7614 LAB E AUX AVE NE, OTS E GO MN 55 301 $4,433.75 14 Kurt A & Res a D Lehman 118-112-002040 7582 LABEAUX AVE NE, OTSEGO IMN 55301 $4,433.75 Is Edr, G Theis i M -i 12-002050 7542 LABEAUX AVE NE, TSEGO IMN 55301 $4,433.75 16 B rad ley & carol Fe mholz 1118-112-0020601 7514 -LAB E AUX AVE NE, OTS E G 0 MN 55301 $4,433.75 TOTAL $70,940 X11, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This report analyzed the feasibility of reconstruction of LaBeaux Avenue, from 75t" Streat NE to 801" Street NE. The improvement is technically ferasible as described in this report. The P1-0jeCt WOUld be fund by assessing the benefiting properties as well as receiving funds from the Otsego Creek Fund and the City of Otsego. We recommend this report be forwarded to the petitioners of this project for their consideration. 6 LO(-`,ko/-\r-ll-"lON M1UdAP PIROJE-.'Cl* LOCATION c rr Y o r J4 Hakanson Anderson 50 D 500 WOO SCALE 114 FEET 0;4069 co C,3 0 LLIr w TIS STREET NE _ 2 f 7976-01 J1020 7062-01 X1430 743701 ?1040 7SOO-01 7876-01 k60 _ I_ C� 0 746-01 1070 FO LA 0, 7518-01 IKC 0 7780-01 X1094 F= 7703-01 w1C0 Z, L -Ll 7706��}1 E 77th ST. 02010 T I C. 7676-01 0 CL. #2D20 aq, 1 - L 7634-01 UL LU ` #2030uu F r r 7614-01 LTJ #2040 w x 7582-4i X2037 7x42-01 V) c 7514--01 N. E. 75th ST. � ¢ � ti File # V1301001 Report Type Letter Report Effective Date FebrUary 15, 2013 Prepared By: William R. 'pe ytas, Appraiser Iia ell Appraisal & Consultina, Inc. 7515 Wayzata Boulevard West, Suite 115 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 Tel- 952.544.8966 1 Fax- 952.544.8969 Nagel] Appralsal & Consulting 1952.544-896 1 %amucalInagell.coin NAGELL APPRAISAL &CONSULTING 7515 Wayzata Blvd. #116 Minneapolis 952-544.8966 Minneapolis, MN 55426 St. Paul 651-209-6169 Established in 1968 Central Fax 952-544-8969 City of Otsego ClO MacArthur Law Office, LLC 3601 Thurston Avenue North, #103 Anoka, MN 55303 Dear Mr. MacArthur. February 15, 2012 Pro The City of Otsego is proposing to make street improvements in 2013 to LaBeaux Avenue in an area from 75th Street to 80th Street. The proposed street improvement project consists of changing the existing gravel surface to a bituminous surface which will reduce or eliminate issues associated with gravel streets. Additional improvement work includes removal of old driveway and street culverts and re -grading of ditch and placement of new culverts and storm sewer. Assignment: Per your request, you desire to know the benefit if any) as it impacts properties along LaBeaux Avenue (service road). Scope: In accordance with your request, a drive-by viewing of the properties has been made along with some general market comments regarding benefit if any) for the proposed project above as it relates to the subject market. As discussed, no specific sales data has been collected for this assignment. The general market comments herein are based on past appraisals, experience, and market information. The project area was viewed on February 15, 2012 by William R. Waytas, Certified General Appraiser, MN, in addition to the Feasibility Report by Hakanson Anderson dated December 2012, Area Description: The City of Otsego is located within the Twin Cities Metro Area. It is approximately 30 miles Northwest of Downtown Minneapolis. Otsego has a reputation as a stable community. Access to most shopping and surrounding communities is via Highway 101 and Interstate 94. The majority of Otsego is mostly made up of rural residential, large estate -sized residential and newer scattered single-family residential developments. The subject is located along County Road 19 about 1 mile north of the Albertville Outlet Mail. Sublect Properties: The properties that border the subject road primarily consist of detached single family residential homes on small acreage parcels that are along the eastern service road of County Road 19. Most of the residential dwellings are average quality with split entry or similar appeal design and appear to have been built within in the past 40 years. Na ell Appraisal & Consultilig ] 952-644-8966 1 vAim.calinagell.corn Letter — continued Existinn Road Situation and Condition; Physical Condition of the Road: The existing road is currently gravel. The road requires continuous and costly maintenance, as the subgrade appears to be susceptible to moisture. The existing road appears to have exceeded the original expected life and is not up to current road standards. Functional Design of the Road: The existing gravel design is dated and the base material no longer appears to provide adequate support. for the road bed. Drainage appears to be compromised as a result of the design. Gravel roads do not meet the expectations of typical market participants in this suburban market for re -development, resale value, and/or updating the current uses. Overall, the existing street improvements are in fair to poor condition, look dated and reflect likewise on the adjoining and side street properties. Gravel roads create significantly more dust and require users of the road to wash their cars more. Proposed Road Improvements:, The city is proposing to upgrade the subject road from gravel to a paved 7 ton surface road with aggregate shoulder and replace the existing culverts. The foundation and base of the road will also be improved to current standards to facilitate better drainage, keep the road base dry and provide safer road conditions. Reportedly, the new street it are to last for over 20+ years. Discussion of Market Benefit: Listed below are the factors that will be taken into consideration concerning the potential benefit to the properties. Description Existing Improvements Chan e 1) Road Surface Gravel Paved 2) Base Condition Poor New 3) Curb N/A N/A 4) Drainage Average Average 5) Storm Sewer Older Culverts Install New Onof., 6) City water N/A N/A 7) City sewer N/A N/A 8) Sidewalk N/A N/A 9) Street Lights N/A N/A 10) Functional Design of Road Dated New 11) Traffic Management Fair Average 12) Pedestrian Use (biking, walking etc.) Fair Good 13) Median N/A N/A 14) Road Proximity to properties N/A N/A 1 ) Dust Yes Nil 16) Visual Impact on Properties Poor New 17) Side Street Users (not factored) Gravel Paved ac ll Appraisal & Consulting 1 952-544-8966 1 mm. ca I In ag e 11. co m Letter — continued Based on the preceding grid, the subject properties will improve in 9 of the 17 categories. Market participants generally recognize that streets like many home components (heating, siding, driveways, patios, etc.) need replacing when nearing the end of their economic life. A typical buyer in the subject market commonly prefers a paved surface road versus a gravel road. In addition to visual benefit, new paved street improvements provide better and safer use for pedestrians (biking, walking, stroller, rollerblading, etc,) and drivers, (less dust and need for washing the car). The new street and culverts will enhance potential for updating the Current properties. Properties that directly abut the subject street will benefit. Based on past appraisals and market information, it is not uncommon for properties like those in the competing markets like the subject to realize an increase in price for new street improvements. For most properties (depending on site size, building quality, type of use and overall appeal) the average benefit for an existing or buildable property with frontage on the subject street could be around $9,000 to $12,000 per property. Conclusion: The benefit amount abovo should not bo construed or relied on as being an appraisal, bUt are observations based on theovon-All market. If an appraisal were made on the individual properties, the actual benefit amount could vary and/or differ. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, William R. Waytas, SRA, CRP Certified General MN 4000813 Enclosures: Location Maps, Aerial Maps, Project Maps, Subject Photos, Qualifications, Engagement Letter Na ll Appraisal & COMUltillg 1 952-544-8966 1 mwi.calInagell.com 5