ITEM 5.1 Transportation Updateaha 1"�'1f ot e F 0 MINNESOTA T0: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM Ron Wagner, City Engineer DATE: February 2, 2013 RE: Update of Otsego Transportation related projects. 70th Street Project Update - Project Memorandum and iso rough set of plans have been send to the State for review Preparing ROW and easement exhibits - Nagel Appraisal is completing appraisals Preparing for another meeting with residents with more complete plans and ROW takings anticipated sometime in late March/ early April - ROW taking expected to take up to 1 year - Plans and Specs to be 100% complete and ready for bidding in March/April of 2014 - Construction to begin May or June of 2014 and be complete July/August of 2015 Wright County CSAH 37 County Project (Oakwood to TH 101) - Region 7W recently awarded Wright County a $1.511 grant to upgrade CSAH 37 to CSAH standards - Construction expected in 2017 County and Cities (Albertville, Otsego, and St. Michael)may wand to start negotiations regarding turn back of Old CSAH 37 on cries terms - Possibly discussions of CSAH 37 and 70th St intersection - Trail maintenance CSAH 42 Elementary School Turn Lanes and Bypass Lane - Wright County will be completing upgrading the shoulder and striping the shoulder to create a bypass lane at the Otsego Elementary Schaal with its own forces Construction will be during the summer of 2413 An information letter has been sent to the elementary School Principal letting them know and suggesting driveway widening with separate fare striping CSAH 42 overlay (TH101 to 851h St) - Wright County has included and overlay of this section of CSAH 42 in its 5 year transportation CIP. It is scheduled for 2016. The Elementary School was made aware of this in the letter 2013 Maintenance Projects Several miles of the City will receive crack filling, seal coal, or fog seal, patching and striping - $618,000 - Salvaged chips will be used to save cost - Fog Seals will be complete on previously seal coated streets that have shown good adhesion Areas anticipated to be covered are Mississippi Pines, Forest Hills, Norin's Landing, Island View Estates, Kittredge Crossings, Duerr Creek, Sun Ray Farms, Martin Farms, 70th Street, MacIver Ave., Great River Acres, Otsego Waterfront East, Pheasant Ridge 1-4, Prairie Creek 1&3&5, Queens Avenue, Randolph Ave, and Riverpface. - Several mites of trails will be completed also but have not been determined at this time - $35,000 Gravel Roads - Possibly remove LaBeaux Avenue(0.5 mi) in 2013, from 16 miles of remaining gravel 70th Street will remove another 1 mile in 2014 New Municipal State Aid Needs State Aid needs is changing for 2014 to be directly related to ADT, therefore prior to June Ist most non-existent routes with zero ADT will be moved to higher ADT streets that meet State Aid requirements. N CSAR 37 Flashing Curve Delineators At a previous meeting discussion of the delineators; not working at all was determined that they are in disrepair. The installation of the delineators was a grant pilot program and the source fuming has been used and any costs to repair and maintain the flashing delineators would be at Wright County's cost and they have terminated the project, Direction to staff is needed to see if the Council would like to ask Wright County to repair the flashing delineators as an effective safety program.