ITEM 6.1 OHPC Histroric Signs grant application� .\ �. . CITY OF Ot MINNESOTA nFPARTMFNT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action 7 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 25 February 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY* ITEM #: -City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 6.1 — HPC Grant Application AGENDA ITEM DETAILS City staff recommends approval to submit a Certified Local Government grant application to the Minnesota State Historical Preservation Office related to the Herbage Preservation Commission's perk history sign project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF«CONTRACT? |IS»PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? BAC momouwouuSTI F �Cxr/ow: The City Council approved the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) to proceed with aproject to develop signs to be located in City parks that provide information regarding communityhistory arid the history of the immediate area surrounding each park. Abudget of 13.,500 was approved for this effort and adopted the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Plan for completion in 2013. City staff received information from the Minnesota State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) of grant monies available to Certified Local Government (CLG) units. Otsego has maintained its CLG status and the HPCshistory sign project quaUfiesasaneducadona|progn*munderthegnantgu|deUnesandis eligible for funding. The grant requires a4Opercent local contribution tothe project, vvh|chbasedon the previously approved budget means. that acquisition of any grant funds would be used to lower the City's costs. City staff has prepared the proposed grant application that includes an updated budget, which is attached hereto with input from SHPO staff for consideration at the 25 February 2013 City Council meeting. The grant application /srequired tobesubmitted by1March 2Ol3. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: oAT7Aonso EiwomE A. CLG Grant Application POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve SUbmission of CLG Grant application related to the HPC park history sign project in the form presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: X YES ACTION TAKEN � " APPROVED ASREQUESTED ooEm|Eo oTAoLEo oOTHER (List changes) oomMewnS: Flu xx Grant Welcome, D. Daniel Licht LQg0L1t R-1302-13629 Back toMain Menu 1 Edit Request CI'ty of Otsego L3 Rcqttest for, $10,560.00 11ttps://grr,illts.IIIll ls.org/poltal_g.t-aiit—i-cqiiests/ 13628 Develop and install interpretive signs in 7 City parks with information regarding Community History consistent with the HPC's mission to discover, preserve, interpret and communicate Otsego History. Certified Local Government {CLG) Grant Request Status: Draft Loading Map., Project Information Project Title (Be descriptive and succinct) Otsego Heritage Signs Brlcf Project Summary (200 cliaractcr 11mit) : Develop and install interpretive signs in 7 City parks with information regarding community history consistent witli the HPC's mission to discover, preserve, interpret and communicate Otsego history. Plcase Consider for Pre Application Review Budget Information Midget Line Items BlIdget atent Gi-ant Anit Match: Match: Match: Total I of 4 2/21/2013 10-30 AM ' Flux .+ Installation City Planning Consultant Graphic Design Services Signs (7) Total: littPs:Ilgr-arts.innhs.org/p rt I grant requests/13628 Budget Line Itenis Requeste(I Cash In -Kind $1,00 X3,040 $200 $ 1 M60 $640 $10,560 $55640 $15400 How were the above figures deternilned? Donation Match $15400 $35000 $23000 $640 $0 $7,040 MHS pricing for sighs is tised to estiniate cost of the signs. Costs related to services of the City Planning Consultant and Graphic Designer were estimated by City staff. Aniount Requestcd Use total froin above): $105560-00 M-atch. Offered (Use total from above): $7,040.00 Application Narratives Project Description. - Otsego is a rapidly growing coniiiiiiiiity in the northwest region of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The history of the conitnunity is well documented and dates to original settlements established in the 1950s. Recent history has seen expansive increases ill population that more than double l between the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census. As a result, there in a need to educate the City's newly established population about the history of Otsego to strengthen community identity and create a sense of place. The inission of the Heritage Preservation Coininission (FIPQ is to discover, preserve, interpret and coinnitinicate. Otsego history. The City has iniplemented a policy to desigiiate City parks with local historically significant names as the City's park system is intended to be a coniniunity focal point within the developing urban landscape. The HPC completed a SCEP process in 2011 that ftirther identified development and installation of signs within the City's growing park system as a priority project to iniplenient it's inission in a way that would be highly visible and accessible to the coinniunity. The project involves developing interprctive signage that will be installed initially in seven existing City parks with additional sighs to be added in the future as the park system continues to develop. The HPC, with the assistance of the City Planning Consultant, will research and draft text regarding general coinm iinity history and history specific to the geographic location of each part to be displayed witli photographs frorn the HPC's collection Nvithin a professiotially designed graphic forinat and installed on high quality sighs within each park. 2 of 2/21/2013 10:30 AM I Him Grant li(tl)s:Hgt-atit s.iiiiiiis.oi-g/l)oi-tal—gi-aiit—i-eqLiests/I 3628 The project is specifically iWended to elated kiiowledge of history and of significaiit local and regional historical sites, persons and evems. This objective is consistent with the first goal of the Statewide preservation plan to ""crease conummity awarenes of the value of Minnesota historic resourcesil and related go to implement programs that encourage preservation education and reach new audiences. Project Products: Seven high quality, durable sigiis measuring 36" x 22" will be ilistalled M City parks to display text and full color graphic s and photographs. Signs are to be installed in the following locations: Prairie Park School Kiioll Park Fratikfort Park Lily Pond Park Kittredge Crossings Park Beauctry Meadows Park Zimmer Farm Park Community Support: The HPC has recommended the Heritage Signs project as a means to implement its mission. The City Council has approved the project and included cash match and in-kind contribution for the project as part of its 2013 budget and Capital ImprovemeiA Plan. Project Impact: The Heritage Signs project will provide opportunity to educate a wide audience by providing access to hiformation regarding Otsego history at pronihient. locations within City parks, which are a focal point of the City's developing areas. The signs will identify the HPC and their mission wit1iin the City of Otsego to discover, preserve, interpret and communicate Otsego history. Vie Heritage Sigii project will be promoted through articles Hi the City newsletter published quarterly acid mailed directly to all property owners, issuance of press releases to local newspapers and on the City's website wliere the graphic sign elements will also be displayed on both the HPC and Parks acid Recreation pages. PrQJect Persotmel: The project is being administered by D. Daiiiet Licht, AICP, who serves as the City's Planning Consultant. Mr. Licht has almost 20 years experience in City platming, which includes historic preservation and project admiiiistration. Mr. Licht has worked for the City of Otsego since 1996 and serves as the City staff Raison to the HPC. 6 Graphic design and sign fabrication services will be contracted. Supporting Ictimentatioll 3 of 4 2/21/2013 10-30 AM Fluxx Grant littl)s-Hoi-atit s.iiitilis.ot-g/l)oj-tal_gt-t-tiit._i,eq4iests/f 3628 Reqtjire(I Doctimeiits to be uploaded with completed Public Education gralit reqtiesto. For Certified Local Goverimmit grant requests, reqi,dred doctiments will vary, depeiiling on your prop osed proi ect. Cheek the project g it i (I e I i ne s for the appropriate category to d etc rm 1 ne; if s upp or t i 11 g doctimeiitatim is required for ymir applicatioll. Reqttest Docitments -,' HIIC ParkSignage vIOI.pd - By D. Daniel Licht Added at 10:26 AM mi February 21, 2013 Supporthig Documentation Required Doctimciits to be uploaded with completed grant request: Or, gani zation Docinti citts '.) Click the green Ysign in order to upload all relevatit reqtiest and organizatioli dmimeiits. Funding Sources No futiditig sources available Repools No reports Tramactiom No tramactions Back to Main Menu if lR' F L U X X 4 of 4 2/21/2013 10-30 AM