ITEM 4.1Item 4.1 TO: Parks & Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: June 16, 2016 RE: Review of Departmental Goals The City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, and City Staff reviewed short and long term goals for the City's parks and recreation department at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in February, 2016. At that meeting the City Council and Commission asked that staff update the Commission on the progress of the goals throughout the year, and start discussion of the 2017 goals so modifications can be recommended during budget discussions. Staff has included the completed list of goals and action plans that were discussed at the meeting in February and reviewed in April. Staff will review the list of goals and action steps with Commission and provide updates on progress and seek recommendations on modifying existing goals and adding goals for 2017. Goal #1 Planning for the parks and trails system shall be a dynamic process that organizes and addresses recreation activities in a comprehensive manner. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ ACTION YEAR/ STATUS The Parks and Recreation Department shall provide comprehensive park and recreation programs and facilities for all residents and groups of the community. RECREATION Create more opportunities for seniors 2016/ Increased hours ACTION ITEM to participate in throughout the year. for bingo. Added a a. Movies square foot garden b. Increase in attendance and class, card making, hours pickleball class, c. Add 4 additional programs overnight casino trip. Support private recreational programs Ongoing and facilities that offer opportunities to the community. RECREATION Update current independent 2016/ Will line up a ACTION ITEM recreation contractor agreement to be meeting in August up to date on insurance requirements youth groups. and legal terminologies. Contract is in process. Continue to work with TRSA, ROYBA, and NW Diamonds through identifying areas at Prairie Park that could be improved through collaboration. Advertise City park facilities and Ongoing recreation programs through the City newsletter, brochures, newspapers, webpage, informational signs and other available media. PARKS Install kiosks at the Prairie Park 2016/Ordered kiosks ACTION ITEM Splash Pad that will be used to goal is install by mid - advertise for recreation programs and July community events. RECREATION Provide interactive maps of each park 2016/ Once Parks & ACTION ITEM on the website. Trails map is complete will work on interactive map for website RECREATION Create a QR Code for the splash pad 2016/ Will coordinate ACTION ITEM that when scanned with a smart with website map phone will bring the user to the Parks & Recreation main page. Goal #2 Acquire lands for development of a park and trail system to fulfill the long- term needs of the present and nroiected nonulation of the communitv. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ ACTIONS YEAR/ STATUS Maintain a balance between active, passive and cultural recreational areas and activities tailored to the needs of the community. RECREATION ACTION ITEM Work with the SOAR theater group to secure funding for a two act play to take place at Prairie Park this summer. 2016/ Complete RECREATION ACTION ITEM Work with the Elk River Area Arts Alliance to develop ways to partner with the City of Otsego. 2016/ Work has started, waiting on a written request from E RAAA. Pursue grants and other alternative funding sources for the acquisition and development of park and trail facilities. Ongoing PARKS ACTION ITEM Apply for the Outdoor Recreation Grant through the DNR for development of Norin Landing. 2016-17/ Going before the commission in June 3 Goal #3 Develop a comprehensive system of safe, aesthetically pleasing parks, greenways and trails located throughout the community in a manner compatible with surrounding land uses that provide a variety of facilities to all the residents of Otsego. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ GOALS YEAR/ STATUS Park development shall minimize impacts upon adjacent land uses through provision for but not limited, to the following: a. Appropriate location and orientation of activity areas and buildings b. Screening and landscaping site design elements c. Structures are to be designed with appropriate scale, design, color, and constructed of quality materials. PARKS ACTION ITEM Construct Northwood Park following the guidelines laid out in the Comprehensive Plan for neighborhood parks. 2016/ On Track Continue with preparation of plans and specifications for Norin Landing for bid in Spring 2017. 2016/ On Track 2 Goal #4 The Parks and Recreation Department will provide for the efficient maintenance and operation of clean, orderly, controlled, safe and attractive park lands and recreation facilities. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ GOALS YEAR/ STATUS Parks and recreation facilities will be maintained according to generally accepted standards of performance and comply with all applicable safety requirements. PARKS ACTION ITEM Inventory and update park assets into the GIS software. 2016/ Process started in June of 2016 PARKS ACTION ITEM Update trail and court maintenance into the GIS software. 2016/ Process started in June 2016