12-10-12 CCOTSEGO Glib COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 1, 2012 7;00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pik. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St ck mp; uncilmer ber : Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder and Tern Darkenwald. Absent: CM Dan Sch rber. Coundimember elect Jason Warehime was,present. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Gary Groen,, Finance Director; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation tion Manager and Tani Luff, City lerkf ,Pledge. f Allegi r� e. Mayer Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1: Open Forum. Special Presentation: Cub Scouts- the City Council and Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented certificates to the Cub Scouts for their help with the Otsego Pumpkin Patch. Special Presentation, Wright County Commissioner Elect Mark leiden- Introduced himself and stated he grants to work with the City as its representative at the County. Mayor Stockmp asked him to look into the lights on Oakwood Avenue that are not working correctly. Mr. Dleiden said he will check into it, Dike Gard ing, 8105 P rell Ave HE, Representing the Otsego Snowmobile Club, thanked the City for use of the facility for youth snowmobile training. Mr. Carding said the Club has January and February Club trips planned and on February 16 they will be holding their 2nd annual vintage Show and then on February 17 they will be holding their Hot Doggin on the Trail event. 2, Consider agenda approval. CM Heldner motioned to approves writtem, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial iterns 3A Approve Claims List. .t2 Approve City Council meeting Minutes. A* November 26, 2012 Meeting. November 26, 2012 SCC meeting. 33 Approve Ordinance 2912-1emending the City Code regarding utility service delinquent accounts. 14 Approve Resolution -2012-79 approving the permanent interfund accounting transfers of monies for debt service obligations. 3,5 Approve Change Order for Well House #3 gutters. 3,6 Approve Resolution 2012-80 Baster Partnership Contract renewal with MnDot, 3 Approve 2012 General fund budget revisions. 3,8 Approve MDH agreement. CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 4, Community Development: A resolution 2012-81 adopting the Coni rehensive Plan. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heldner motioned to approve Resolution 2012-81 adopting ars update of tete Otsego Comprehensive Plan. seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. .2 Consider initiatirng rezoning of PIIS 118-500-164407. City Planner Licht presented the staff report: The property has been foreclosed upon and is noir bank owned. Being that the City has dealt with complaints regarding the keeping of horses on this property; City staff~ is recommending eliminating the allowance to keep horses on the property. CM Heldner motioned to direct the Planning Commission to consider* amending the Zoning Map to rezone PID 118-100-110from A -*1 District to -3 District in accordance with section 3 of the Zoning ordinance, seconded by CM Dar enwald* All in favor. Motion carried. . Public lions: A Consider Resolution 2012-82 Needham Stor water Improvement Pro'e t. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. Needham Avenue south of t� Street has had standing water continue to worsen over the last several years. A resident has requested the help of the City to remedy the situation. The Council questioned the tern of the assessment. City Engineer Magner said he will draft a sample assessment schedule in 5, 7 and 10 year. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2012-82 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a Public Hearing for discussion of Needham Avenue Stormwater Improvement Project on January 2 ,, 2013 at 7:0PM at Prairie center council Chambers,. , 8899 Nashua Avenue. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried i, 5,2 Consider Resolution 2012-83 Labeaux Front a a Road Improvement Project. City Engineer Magner presented the staff report. LaBeaux Avenue between 75th Street and 8& Street is a gravel street that has had severe frost boils and soft areas during the spring months over the years making ing access to and from homes ars issue. There was discussion on the width of the road. City Council agreed to change from 24'to `= CM Heldner asked how the City portion of this would he funded. City Administrator Johnson said from the Otsego Creek Fund and Street Reconstruction Fuad. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2012--83 accepting the Feasibility Report and setting a Public Hearing for discussion of LaBeaux Avenue Street Improvement Project on February 11 at :00 PM at Prairie Center council Chambers, 8899 Nashua Avenue as amended to 22rroad. seconded by CM Darenrald, All in favor. Motion carriedA t Administration: .1 2013 Tax LgW and Bud et. Budget and Le Presentation. B. Public 1npu . C. Consider Resolution 2012-84 Adopting the Final 2013 Tax D. Adopt 2016 Budget. City Administrator Johnson and Finance Director Groen presented the proposed budget and levy presentation* Adam and Bonnie Heinz, 10087 Kadler Avenue NE,, were present r rding their property valuation. CM Heldner explained that meeting is held In the spring. Mrs. Heinz also spoke regarding Kadlr Avenue and culvert; that was installed at her property. City Engineer Wagner said the man prole is crumbling and there pipe that comes under their driveway. City Engineer Wagner said city staff will take a look at it. Mayor Stockamp opened the budget meeting for public input at 8:27 Pel. Hearing no comments Mayor Stockarp turned it back to the City Council for discussioni, CM ar enwald motioned to approve Resolution 2012-84 Setting a Final Tax Levy of $4,377,310 for 2013 Budget Appropriations. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Schroeder motioned to approve the 2013 budgets as presented; General Fund $3,701,520; Building Safety $210,,663; Wterr $448,860 and Sewer $902,491* Seconded by CM Heldner. All In favor* Motion carried. .2 Adopt 2013.2017 Capital Improvement Plan._ Finance Director Groen presented the staff report. CM Heldner asked if an updated document will be provided after approved. Finance Director Groen said yes, CM Heidnerr motioned to approve the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan. Seconded by Cly Schroeder, All in favor. Motion carried,, 63 Call a Special hill forTuesday, January 22, 2013 at 6:00 PM for the purpose of Strategic Plan update CM l ar en old motioned to a call a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January , 2013 at 6 PM at City Hall. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried* 7, Public Hearing. 7A To consider the 2013 Fee Schedule. A. City Clerk attests to legal notice; B. Presentation of the proposed fee schedule. C, Public Comments. D, Close the Public H It .�'. Approve Ordinance 2012-19. City Clerk Loff attested that all the proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed. City Clerk LofF presented the staff report, City Administrator Johnson said Ehlers is set to attend the January 28 Special meeting to continue the water and sewer rate study discussion. CM Heldner said the City should include an IT data retrieval hourly rate for data practices requests. City Planner Licht said that should be covered in page 9 under other documents; costs incurred plus 15%, The City Council agreed. Payor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at 8;41 PM- Hearing no comments Mayor Stockam closed the Public Hearing at 8:42 PM. CM Heldner motioned approve Ordinance 2012-19 establishing the fee schedule of City fees for 2013 and publication rn summary form, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. . City Council Reports and Updates. Mayor Stockarp thanked the City staff for plowing coming in early yesterday and also said that the Santa Day held last Saturday was a creat event. 1_ Staff Reports_and Updates. 9.1 verbal update on 1-94 Corridor Coalition. City Engineer Wagner gave an update. City Administrator Johnson said she can draft a letter of thank you for the support if the City Council approves. The City Council agreed. 9.2 verbal update on T 1,..,,refund. City Engineer Wagner gave an update. City staff is recommending dropping the request. The City would be refunded $50,000. The City Council agrees and recommends it be placed hack into the Revolving Capital Improvement Fuad. 10. _Adjourn,. CNS Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried, Adjourned at x:58 Ptd ATrEST: Tam! Loff, City Clerk 4 c)r Jessica Stockai6p�n