ITEM 5 Reorganization Phase 4-Emergency managmentY 0 ot C1 Te F MINNESOTA 90 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: February 15, 2013 SUBJECT: Reorganization Phase Four � Emergency Management Over the past year the City has undertaken a reorganization of positions and areas of responsibility to meet the City's changing needs. The reorganization is almost complete with the exception of addressing and assigning emergency management functions. Currently, emergency management duties fall mainly to the City Administrator. As, we have discussed previously, this is not the appropriate position to serve as the emergency management coordinator`/director. Typically, either the police or fire chief serves as the City's emergency management director. That is the ideal situation; however, because the City contracts for both of those services, that is not possible here. There are two probable options to fulfill the emergency management duties: 1. Hire a part tirrie public safety employee trained in emergency management. 2. Assign the emergency management duties to an existing position on an interim basis. For several reasons, assigning these duties to an existing position is the recommended short term solution. First, funds are not included in the 2013 budget to hire emergency management or public safety staff. Most important though is the timing of assigning this function in order to update and enhance to the City's emergency management plan. Assigning the function to an existing staff member allows that work to begin now. The one shortfall of assigning the duties is that there is not a public safety or emergency management professional to whom to assign the duties. That must be clearly understood when the decision to assign the duties is made because it means that additional training and time are to be expected to provide the resources needed for the employee to be successful in this assignment, The question then becomes which position takes on these duties until the City hires a public safety employee. The two departments outside of public safety that are often called upon in a natural disaster are the building safety department and the public works department. Because the City contracts for building safety services, that is not an option. Thus, the position that is the most logical and recommended choice to assign these to is the chief public works position, the Street Maintenance Supervisor, This position mould be responsible to lead and coordinate the City's emergency management team. At Monday's meeting, please provide input and direction on how to proceed with assignment of the emergency management duties. 2