ITEM 1 Utility Rate studyCity of Otsego U11111Y Rate Study Base Model I bates Ivan 2 Rmnue grv.0 mrrplJon-non-u7aga 3 lweshpnl income 1ipld 4 5 pence WuMl - genml and aftn, M-ia 5 Expense gro,4 • c,)0actual 5 E)pens e gro&-Supfl',es 10 8egi Ar g net assets 11 12 Dperatng Rrmuis 13 9Vatsr5ales 14 Sew €hargas 15 Revenue Due to Groth 15 Total Oparatq Revenues 17 19 Opel abg Dpenses 19 Personal8enrim 20 Suppl"es 21 MEr Services and Charges 22 Dgec afon 23 Total 4peratng Expanses 24 25 Net Operatons 26 lean opera'n$ reverms (aupenses) 27 Cvnnec6an Fee; and Assessmenh 28 Interest Income 29 Ikscfteous revenue 30 In! mt and Mer Upews 31 Transi?ers N(OU►) to Entorprse Funds 32 Transfers N(04 to Other Funds 33 Total non ope#a`ng revenue (expenses) 34 as Net increase (decrease) in [esaurces 35 37 Enkg net assets 36 CIP Funding 39 Purchase of NptA Assets 40 Bond Proceeds 41 Pa#rfents From'(To) EscrwAgent 42 Bond P&I - Futwe • 10 y7s at 4.0'la 46 0014 Prin ba -Ag 47 481ieginning Cash 49 Add rret uperatun,s (T.ne 22) 50 Add back depredaton (ne 22) 51 Add fiat non cpm ng (lane 33) 52 Add capital and gond (,nes 345) 53 Net change In bahme sheet /ems 54 01er MshuflN 55 EnLg Cash 56 Otey investmeni1.- 87 Ending net assets 58 60 Target m!nlrr`om mk�g uptal 61 Acral YoO--ng catitkash Wance 62 Over (Under) target v0}ng Upitall 63 64 65 Cowctlon Charges 65 # a1 un 4s on Platted Praperly (50"16 pd) 67 # of Jeo ori Newkres - Matted 68 # 0 UnY4s on Ne; kes - Permil 0 Total Esbma`.ed # of M 70 Total Estimated Connectkn Fees Actual Esi mated Pre used 14a I'A 1°lj I /; 1r1a lila Pro'ected I 1 1°1a I 154 1' 1 4,090 $ 3,063 3 3,099 $ 2010 7311 2912 2013 2014 2015. 2916 2017 2318 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2924 2025 2026 2D27 30 0 0 2.50'1; 2,501 2.50A 2.501; 2,56A 2.6 Vo 2.50Io 2,5910 2.50010 2.50°1 2.5O1s 2,50'1) 2,50'0 2.60'1; 2.6W 170 174 170 2.40'1, 2.00'1 2.0410 2.00'% 200-A 2.001 7.04'10 2,001; 2.00'10 2.00"% 2.00'/S 2,00''A 2.40'10 2.001; 2.00'1 142 ;35 104 1.251 1251 1.60'lj 135% 2.441; 2.0014 NON; 2.0{7'1 2.Mi 2.40'1 2.04°1 2,00% 2.00% 2.001a 2.00'10 7.001: $42,440 564,964 $ 97A60 $ 593,810 4 599,761 3.40°l; 3,002/; 3,0401 3.0 DIA 3,94'1; 3.06'1 3.44'1; 3.90'1; 3.04"1 3,00°10 3,00'A 301A 3.010 3.441; 3.44'1: 3.00'1; 3,00'l� 3.004'; 3.04 3.0014 3.0013 3.40'7; 3.001; 3.40`1 3.04' 3.00% 3.0410 3,44'-10 3.0No 3.40'1 2,407, 5,40"•17 5,0021, 5,9Dia 5,041; 5,00'4 5.04" -la 5,00/1 55,00'73 SM 5,D0'Ia 5.00%a 5.00!6 5.44'10 5,001. 1DP99,O44 10,140,469 91842,431 9,904,242 918972485 iD,W,930 10,285,992 9,570,359 9,100,378 8,684,442 80127,301 71771,444 8,414,031 9,231,499 10,158,008 11,169,237 12,294,110 13152s,m 73T,164 728,544 003,)23 921,397 °44,432 966,043 992,244 1,017,050 1,042,476 1,0 ,538 1,495,252 1,122,633 1,15499 1,179,455 1,208,953 1,239,177 1 70,156 1,301,910 0 22,685 56,940 86218 11W 152,454 191,563 232.051 210,664 300,262 321,127 345,117 3913014 454,826 534,507 613,593 737,164 728,544 9D9,323 944,082 1,001,312 1,054,251 1,119,204 1,169,504 1,234,039 1,340.589 1,355;312 1422,915 1,472,426 1,527.583 1,600,347 1,694,002 1,801),fi63 1,915,503 55,022 61,427 59,367 57,919 59,457 61,446 63,294 65,188 67,144 59,158 71,233 73,310 15,511 77,839 80,173 82,579 65,056 87,648 34,524 72,411 66,781 64,023 57,224 70,585 74,115 77,820 81,711 85,797 9007 94,591 99,321 104,287 109,531 114,976 120,725 126,751 313,506 331,801 291,K6 322,485 331,745 341,700 351,551 362,514 373,385 394,588 395,124 403,008 420,248 432,855 445,841 459,216 472,993 487,182 473,658 473,231 473;544 487,705 502,335 517,405 532,928 549,916 565,384 582,340 599,816 617,610 536,344 655,435 575,093 695.351 710,211 737,623 876,914 588,876 891,074 931,732 90,984 991,138 1072,234 1,454,434 1,087,624 1,121,887 1,157,259 1,193,779 1.231,484 1,270,415 1,314,613 1,352,122 1,39085 1,439249 13 ,7e1 189,3321 18,249 12,350 411,408 63,523 87,920 115,070 145,415 178,702 203,652 729,136 240,942 257,158 289,734 341,881 445,879 476,254 543,394 MAI 417,409 151,551 2134,926 292„958 3050 325,5f1 342 93 358,107 40a 467 41. 591.690 554,435 671,7 69a;441 698,155 102,881T 72;514 115,927 38,635 55,933 69,372 REST 112,fi73 59,314 81, 83 67,882 66,823 48,325 61,180 618,520 77,447 91,953 108,845 127,459 8231 7,904 62,934 50,000 51,500 53,445 54,636 55,275 57,064 59,743 61,404 63,339 65,239 67,195 89,212 71,266 73,423 75,629 (657,64'3) (256,115) (2!:5,111) (K6,116) (N5,116) pOa,11) 12;5,5:6) 234,k 211,4701 187:'321 (10,4N) (137,582) (117,010) (9037) (13,630) (50,3"0) (26165) 0 0 900 000) 'cKD,000 1;00,000 {09,400) (900,00) 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5,70,5 8,000 9,804 19,575 13,625 10 52;( 10,625 1Q ;25 (10,525) (10,62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191,111 337,206 24302 19,107 129,057 155,419 70),5415"'5.1)aI 062,391 635,803 550,503 449,451 576,727 667,141 773,495 783,D52 830,047 979,789 41,425 497,538 261,311 (5,7571 169,455 219,042 515,624 v ,ani 515,�7� 457,101 351,851 538,59.7 917,659 924,349 1,013,229 1,124,433 1,235,725 1,356,413 10,140,469 9,642,931 9,944,242 9,697,485 1D,O5B,95D 10,286,942 9,610,369 9,100,378 8,684,442 8127,391 .71775p!44 8,414 031 90231,599 1{}1165,008 11,169,237 12,294,170 13,529,895 14,885,938 0 0 0 (334,760) (344,793) (54,636) 6,275j (307,24$) p1,048) (91,011) (955,271) (65,239) (2j IND (221,477) (242,370 (c64,33'i) (237,3'12) (311,573) 8,445,171 900,000 (8,4;1,135) 5,589,945 2,451,13D (110,962) (110,962) (11 D,964 (IIO,W) (110,9¢2) (110,962) (110,`62) (5,2 9,01)) (1,765,20)) O D 0 (529,007) (28,253) (553,385) (597,190) (611,603) (677,~45) (674,475) (700,925) (M,612) (600,415) (622,893) (634,6n) 2AQT,244 21953,935 3,090,:932 4,476,633 4,624,831 4,951,844 5,533,652 055,681 4,099,141 VA116 2,841,159 2,416,239 2,6581990 3 325,979 3081`2,369 4,891,479 1,442,241 6,372,923 (139,716) (150,332) 18249 12,350 40,448 173,123 87,920 115,070 146,415 178,742 201,652 229,130 240,942 757,168 284,734 341,881 405,679 476,254 473,658 47431 473,500 48T,705 542,336 517,445 532,928 549,916 565,384 562,345 599,816 617,810 636,344 655,435 675,098 695;351 715,211 737,698 181,171 (337,20;) 243,062 (19,107) 129,057 165,919 (703,544) (684,031) (662,391) (53501) (560509) 409,451 576,727 657,141 723,495 783,052 820,047 919,789 NO,745 552,940 (334,75')) (344,793) (54,63+1) (535,276) (5,;,46;11 (754,433) (678,24I) (672,879) (813,616) (981,024) (1,033,? 1) (x53,014) (915,713) (1,021,252) (1,057,355) 75.0366 2,953 935 3,094 832 4,478,6334,6;?4,831 4,951,84+7 5,633,852 063,681 059,141 3A94,116 2,841,159 2,416,239 2,858,990 3,325,979 3,812,398 4t$97,670 5,442,241 5,37025 7,409,311 101140,419 9,442,991 9,904,242 9,897,486 10,066,950 10,286,992 9,670,369 9,1040378 5,684,402 8,12T,301 7,775,444 8,414,031 9,231,999 10,156,08 11,189,237 12 294170 13,123,895 14,685,938 1,943,454 1206,893 1,188,116 1,166,116 1,695,116 1,693,794 1,697,391 1,6SBAO 1,745,590 1,817,661 1,823,019 1,828,897 1,715,867 105,047 1,894250 1,671,948 1,671,949 2,95],4]6 3,090,832 4,418,633 4,62031 051,844 5,633,652 4,0M,531 4,099,141 3,3a4,116 7,841,159 2,416,2;5 2,858,990 3,325,979 3,872,358 4,537,510 5,442241 61312,925 1,409,311 2,953,336 2,047,375 3.211.74 D. 3,453,715 3,785,724 3,938,535 3271,137 2,401,754 1,635,455 1,135,559 598,378 1,035,971 1,49702 2,156,791 2,912,553 3,751,991 4,140,917 50731,363 019, -25% 141, 1% 14a I'A 1°lj I /; 1r1a lila 1 r'0 I 1 1°1a I 154 1' 1 4,090 $ 3,063 3 3,099 $ 3,130 $ 3,151 $ 3,193 $ 3,225 3,257 3,28D $ 3,323 $ 3,356 $ 3.390 $ 3,424 5 3,458 $ 3,493 $ 3,52, 142 92 95 100 107 92 78 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 3 5 5 9 28 52 115 150 154 170 170 174 170 120 171 =1a`T (Y15) = 3 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 3 28 52 115 150 154 170 110 173 142 ;35 104 105 110 120 130 145 ISO 160 110 .�17a 170 170 170 171 $ 290,350 145,730 $ i84,9S1 $ 164,326 $ 178,893 $ 199,683 $ 21708 $ 241,019 292,810 552,238 478,23D $42,440 564,964 $ 97A60 $ 593,810 4 599,761 112112013 EHLERS Water Utility Financial projections City of Otsego Monthly Water Rates 112112013 FREERS 6xIsting 2012 Proposed Monthly Rates 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2420 2021 2022 Percontago Increase 2,60% 2,50% 2,50% 2,50% 2,50% 2,50% 2,60% 2,60% 2.50% 2.50% Flat Rates Meter Site 1All users) (See Note) 518" 8,00 8,20 8,41 8,62 8,83 9,05 9,28 9,51 9,75 9,99 14,24 314" 8,40 8,20 8,41 5,62 8,83 9,48 9,28 9.51 9,75 9.99 14,24 1.0" 8.04 25,00 25,63 26,27 28,92 27.84 28,29 28,99 29,72 34,46 31,22 1.5" 8,44 50,44 51,25 52,53 53,54 55,19 56,57 57,98 59,43 54.9.2 52.44 2,0" 8.00 75.40 76,86. 78,80 60.77 82,79 84,86 80,98 89,15 91.38 93,86 3.01, 8,40 150,00 153,75 157,59 161,53 155,57 169,71 173,95 178,34 182,75 187,33 4.0" 8,40 375.00 384,38 393,96 403.83 413.93 424.28 434,89 445,76 456,90 468,32 Usage Rates Res!dcntial 0 ` 2,404 gallons 1.54 1,58 1.62 1.08 1,70 1,74 1,79 1,83 1,88 1,92 21000 - 5,000 gallons 1.50 1.54 1,58 1.62 1.66 1.70 1.74 1,79 1,83 1,88 1.92 51000.14,000 gallons 1,04 1.54 1,58 1,62 1.66 1.70 1,74 1,79 1,83 1.88 1.92 Over 10,040 gallons 1.60 1.64 1,66 1.72 1,77 1.81 1.86 1,90 1,95 2,00 2.05 Commercla! 0.2,400 gallons - 1,54 1.58 1,62 1.66 1.70 1,74 1.79 1,83 1,88 1,92 2,000.10,000 gallons 1,50 1,54 1,58 1,62 1.66 1.70 1.74 1.79 1.83 1.88 1,92 101040.54,004 gallons 1.64 1.54 1.58 1.62 1.66 1.70 1:74 1.79 1.83 1.88 1,92 Over 50,400 gallons 1,60 1,64 1.68 1,72 1,77 1.81 1,86 1,90 1,95 2,00 2,45 CltyPrDperty 0.2100D gallons - 1,54 1.58 1,62 1,56 1,74 1.74 1.79 1.83 1.88 1,92 2,000 .5,000 gallons 1.50 1.64 1.58 1.62 1.65 1,70 1.74 1.79 1.83 1.88 1,92 5AD -14,000 gallons 1.60 1,54 1.58 1162 1.66 1.70 1,74 1.79 1.83 1.68 1192 Over 10,004 gallons 1,64 1,64 1,68 1.72 1,77 1,81 1.86 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 Irrloalion 0.21000 gallons 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.77 1,81 1,86 1090 1.95 2.40 2.05 21400 - 5,000 gallons 1,50 4,64 1,68 1,72 1,77 1,81 1,86 1.90 1.95 2.00 2,45 Over 5,000 gallons 1 1.64 1 1.64 1.68 1 1.721 1.71 1 1.81 1 1.86 1 1.94 1 1.95 1 2.04 1 2.05 112112013 FREERS Cit of Otsego Water System Capital Improvement Program Actual UP 12012 U411ars) 3alm 525,UU0 SU,VUg buluuU 255,UUU 1 50i i4,UUU f54,1DU HIM 1WINU IUU,UUU 11U,UUU 1uo,Vw IVUJ 00 2U0,000 Percent Inflation 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3°la 31/0 334,754 34 A3 541636 561215 307,245 1f1,048 91,811 955,271 65,239 241,687 2210477 242,379 264,336 287,392 311,693 1121/2013 FREERS ,CAPITAL EQUIPMENT `+ i ■Rehab ■ I ■ i Pump & Pump House 91 Repaldhlaintenanw :Meter Replacement Waler Tower #1 Interior Painting ;Pump & Aquger Rehab PlaceholdetAniount Actual UP 12012 U411ars) 3alm 525,UU0 SU,VUg buluuU 255,UUU 1 50i i4,UUU f54,1DU HIM 1WINU IUU,UUU 11U,UUU 1uo,Vw IVUJ 00 2U0,000 Percent Inflation 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3°la 31/0 334,754 34 A3 541636 561215 307,245 1f1,048 91,811 955,271 65,239 241,687 2210477 242,379 264,336 287,392 311,693 1121/2013 FREERS 610001000 51000,000 41000,000 31000,000 21000,000 11000,000 0 Water Fund Capital Cash Reserves 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Target working capital Okual working capbl EHLERS 1/21/2013�,��� City D Otsego IJtibly Rate Study Base Model I #fates Inlaton 2 Reverpue gra•rkh assurrgt.�n - nm-msage 3 Imshent income yIldd 4 Expeme groMh- Vgeral and ad,oW OA -4e 5 Upme 9ro'+doh - contractual 6 ExpEnSe gro',th-6r,ppl'Cs 10 oglnning net assets 11 12 opmr ing aerenuzs 13 Water 4es 14 Semdr Charges 18 Revenu2 Due to Gro,%Vb IG Total operating PfVrl im 17 18 Opve.ng Expenses 19 Pergpnal 5ery m 20 Supptr:s 21 Wr Se*fces and Charges 22 dapreclatRun 23 Total Ope trg €xpenses 24 25 Net Operations 26 Nlon eperatq reaenues (expenses) 27 Umdonl=ees Whsessmon{�. 28 Interest kome 29 V,,icAbnem Rm-nue 30 Interezl and Other Expenses 31 Transfers InV(00) to Velpr'ie Pun&- 32 Transfers hl(Out) to Offer F&6A 33 Total non opvatag revenue (erper,ses) 34 35 Net Increase (decrease) in resources 36 37 Ending nat assets 38 C I P Funding 39 purchase olCapUk5et- 40 Bond Proceeds 41 Payments Rarljoj EscrorrA nt 42 Bond pal -We. 10 }Ts MR, 48 BondPrin -UsUrg 47 45 Beglnntng Cash 49 Add net operat ens Vena 22) 50 Add back dge+datm (I;rke 22) 51 Add net non operatng (8ne 33) 52 Add Ceptal and band (Tnes 3945) $3 Pyel tl'}ange h ba!av $beet Iterm 54 Offerbvestmerl� 55 Ending Cash 56 Mr in'reshvts 67 Ending net essels 58 60 Target rr!n'mum vvWq tap of 61 AMI V.0ng cap;takash balani 62 Over {ander} target v0ing upU 63 e4 65 Connectkn Charges 65 # of Urat art Platted Property (54113 p� 67 # of Urtt on Havikes -'Alatted 68 # of Vts on 1►e"wkes - Pe et 69 Total Estmated # of W4 70 Total EsUrnaterl Connection Fees Mal Es mAd Pro used 3°YJ 3°% YA 3111, 3% 3% prglted 3°v� 3°% 3110 355 3; $ 7,210 5 8 92 3 5,541 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2916 2017 2418 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 30 0 D 5.001/ 5.00 f; 5.00"l1 5.40"11 5.50'1; 5.001/° 5.001a 6,09 6,0910 5,03,° 5.00% 6, P9 5.4011 5.007, 55.00°% 170 170 170 2.05°I 2.90"% 2.0G°% 2.40'1 2.00 2.040° 2.041° 2.0A 2.00'1; 2.04A 2.40'1 2.00 2.001 2.00y0 2.00'1n - 142 95 IN 1.2,5°I 125% 1255 1155 1155 125519 1.25110 1.25% 1.25° 1.2511; 1.2514 I.2 % 1.25`lo 1.2510 125{10 125°% 3.94'1 3.00� 3.90"% 3.40'% 3.000'0 3.041° 3,00A 3.00% 3,00°4 IOU; 3,005 3.1:010 3.09"A 3.0075 3.00"1 HOY, 3.00°% 3.00°% 3.0070 3.00% 3.00,/1 3.001'0 3.w% 3.00'1; 3,0410 3.00% 3.001A 3.00,1'0 3.0T.4 3.00°% 2.04'1 5,00°h 6,95°I 5.0G'ii 5.00 5,0010 5.00% 5.00% 5.00°h 5.0010 5.00y5 5,0010 5,00'10 5,001a 5,00°I ifi,837,984 16,074,762 14,663,378 13,869,092 12,814,T36 11,670,249 10,992,919 111104,434 11,342,954 11,769,362 12,354,034 13,262,693 13,634,924 0142A$5 15,691,859 17,167,021 16,929,514 24,875,646 978,455 1,051,945 1,031,1°3 1,118,166 1,174,104 1,233,440 1,295,112 1,359,07 1,427,860 1,499,253 1,574216 1,6521927 1,735,573 1,622,352 1,910,470 2,009,143 2,109,600 2,215,450 31,105 57,815 89,U2 124,865 165294 213,211 264,997 317,955 363,376 491.564 448,291 517,837 615,868 735234 870,093 978,455 1,451,945 1.031,188 1,149,871 1,232,519 11322,482 1,41'9.976 1,525,165 i 64`1,078 1,764,251 1,892,171 21018,303 2,137,137 2270,643 2143047 2,625,011 2,84034 3,085,174 57,121 75,815 52,603 51,919 59,651 61,445 63,294 65,189 67,144 69,158 71233 73,379 75,571 77,838 80,173 621519 65,956 07.608 17,564 3954 $3,171 115,307 124,222 130,433 139,955 143,803 150,993 158,543 166,470 174,793 183,533 192,710 202,345 212 ,462 223,935 234240 631,809 100,B22 610,854 986,S70 652,079 581,941 914,560 942,417 970,278 999,386 1,029,369 1,060,249 1,092,056 1,124,1318 1,158,562. 1,193,319 1229,119 1,265,992 8191869 826,095 830,000 $54,900 880,547 946,963 434,172 X2,197 991,063 1,D20,795 1,D51,419 1,082,962 1,116,451 1,148,914 1,183,382 1218,803 1,255,444 1,293,113 1,526,183 i,638,885 1,556,628 1,918.0466 1,926,505 1,986,7B5 2,048,997 2,113.206 2,179,478 2,247,862 21318,494 2,391,374 2,4661611 2,544, 80 2,624,462 2,747,243 2,792,710 2,980,953 547,728) (948,741 52s,410 r 3,t2� u? .`3LrJ &j4.103 � x,323 HL ,040 538, '0 483,631 426,319 375,311 329,414 213,637(03J55),R2_23?) 52,125 204221 445,647 128,490 526,730 410,334 457,35,5 491,825 541,849 612,652 677,896 745,810 920,495 1,125,916 1§53, 39 1,7$3,040 1,8gZ,870 4114M2,070,0920 2,132,140 101,752 118,970 53,608 46,823 45,890 44,347 43,305 31,361 31,701 23,159 2127 27,77 21,461 24,348 23,342 33,413 47203 64,071 11,392 15,143 11,000 11,330 11,670 12,020 12,381 12,752 13,135 13,529 13,934 14,353 14,783 15,227 15,653 16,154 16,633 17,138 pIf,2W�J) (1,1811,253} 1739,G',Jj (1x9,9'3,) (739,99.1) (739,994) 739,991) (710,�74 450,70 (,�o3,010) x125,1213} ( 71,205} (382,573) (325,374) (263)78) (24V42} (140,124) (12,11,1) 0 0 01 900,400 940,000 900,000 900,090 990.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 00,11 18,000 19,600 21,225 21,225 21,220 21,22,, 2,225 21,120 21,:.20) 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215,9' 924,643 165,256 230,732 1215,591) (210,527) 736,136 830,866 954,803 5,076,303 1,338,978 ,785,901 1,207,205 1,493.241 1,868,917 1,854,725 1,993.897 2,140,541 (763,222) 1,511,380 GJ3,��`'u) (U58,957) (X110,157} (577,33,1) 107,115 242,926 412,403 594.872 912,659 321,831 871,732 1,219,604 1,475,782 1,771,993 2,045.932 2,344,762 16,474,762 14 553,378 13,869,652 12,810,735 11,874,249 30,992,919 11,100,034 11,342,960 11,765,3$2 12,380,034 13,262,693 113,584,924 14,462,259 16,681,859 11,187,621 48,929,614 20,915,846 23 320,347 (91,101) 0 (15, uo) (ki o) (41,741} (103,183) ia'318y8} pI,I?'i) (I In",' 7) (5'4114} (146,3184) {11}31521) (I 74.70j (179,9$0) (165,30) (219,320') (202,5°0) 14295,352 (14,2951352) 9,937,680 4,351,672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (9,429,800) (1,651,804) 0 0 0 (1,471,0-N) (1;?3'3 7131 (1,516,0!5) (11632,810) (1,717139)) (1,712,655) (1,975525) (1,840,075) (1,535,328) (1,668,5w5) (1,732,103) (%N5,2�:)) 4,440,007 44453,290 4,288,671 3,805,857 3,653,451 3,547,770 3145944 2,93B,863 2,536,104 2,2.53,550 2,182,093 2,222,294 1,684,911 1,527,854 1,887,352 2,&45,818 3,776,200 5,125,153 (47,723) (556,7 41) (525A30) (161,12 } (693,420) (56111,303) (829,020) (538,104) 0143,031) (423,319) (375,011) (329,174) (273,637) (1193,155) (62 232) 52,125 204221 919,699 826,045 834,009 954,900 880,547 903,963 934,172 92,197 99t,063 1,920,795 1,051,419 1,092,882 1,115,451 1,148,914 1,183,382 12`19,983 1255,449 1,297,113 (215,484) (924,643) (168,236) (20,132) (245491) (A3,027) 736,136 630,956 950,803 1,078,343 1,3381978 H6,01 1207 45 1,493,241 1,668,917 1,85445 1,993,607 2144,641 (91,10) 519,980 (519,128] (41;,310) (47,741) (195,180) (1,521,648) (1,657, 92) 11,685,020) (1,665,924) (1,923,87T) (1,(912,116) (210504234) (7,129,025) (%150,67T) (11,8,0,484) (1,951,42')) (1,157,73x) 97,720 3,790 4,45300 4,288,671 3,946,881 305,451 3,647,714 3,469 224 2,988,883 2,635,144 7,253,684 2,182,093 7,222,294 1.684,911 1,627,859 1,667,352 2,645,819 3,776,200 5,126,153 6,798,292 16 0T4182 14,563 78 13A69,692 12 1OX6 11,910,249 10,992,919 11,100,434 11,342,960 11,765,362 12,354,034 13,292,693 13,584,524 14,492,255 15,691,659 17,157,621 18,979,614 24,375,546 23,320,347 245,212 1,323,471 76709 2206,616 2;M.616 3,677,616 3,673939 3,683,9141 3,687,472 3,796,743 3,710,383 3,724,725 3,741,071 3,425,928 3,340,949 3,333,949 3,31!4,635 3,304,636 4,453,299 42a8,671 3,935,857 3,655,451 3,547,710 3,459,224 2,998,863 2,538,104 2A3,550 2,152,093 2,222,2°4 1,684,911 1,527,659 1,567,352 2,645,619 3,716200 5,126,153 5,798292 447,079 2,953200 3,117,949 1,448,835 1,34!,154 203.392) 1;85,975 X1,147, 3T 1,433,922 {3,524,659) (1,483,059) 2,039,814 2,1102112 11553,518) 595,130 437,351 1,621,517 3,491,656 01'j 1Va 3r1� 3°% 3°YJ 3°% YA 3111, 3% 3% 310 3°v� 3°% 3110 355 3; $ 7,210 5 8 92 3 5,541 8,197 9,461 9,333 S 9,613 $ 001 3 10,195 $ 10,90.4 3 10,819 3 11,144 $ 11,416 11,622 S 121177 12,54 142 92 95 194 107 92 Ta 30 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 3 5 5 3 2$ 52 115 164 160 170 170 170 170 179 171 k4ay {Yrs) 3 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 3 2a 52 115 150 190 170 170 114 - 142 95 IN 105 i10 120 134 145 150 160 170 170 174 170 174 170 616,170 393,870 S 427,051 451,843 511 48 X3,343 648,878 1 732,675 $ 907,622 $ 1,113,424 $ 1,541,703 $ 1,783,044 $ 1,893,874 $ 2,409,740 $ 2,070,050 2,132,144 112171913 EHLERS Sewer Utilit Financial Projections City of Otsego Monthly Wastewater Rates 112l/2013 ;I 4r EXILES Existing 2012 Proposed Monthly Rates 2013 2014 2015 2016 07 2018 2019 2020 -2021- _W2 5,00% 5,00% 5.000/0 5,00% 5,00% F5 5,00% 5.00% 5,00% 5,00% 5,00% Flat IRAs (See Note) 51811 5.00 7,88 8.27 8.68 9.12 9.57 10,05 10.55 11.08 11.63 12122 314H 5.00 7.88 8,27 8.68 9,12 9.57 10.05 105 11,08 11.63 12.22 1.01, 5.00 15.75 16.54 17.36 18,23 19,14 20,10 21,11 22,16 23,27 24.43 1.5n 5.00 39,38 41.34 43.41 45.58 47.86 50..25 52.77 55.40 58.17 61.08 2.0" 5.00 78.75 82.69 66.62 91.16 95.72 100.51 105153 110.81 116.35 122117 3.0" 5.00 157.50 165.38 173.64 182,33 191,44 201,01 211,07 221,62 232,70 244133 4.0" 5.00 393.75 413.44 434.11 45581 478,61 502,54 527,66 554.05 581.75 610.84 Usage Rates All Usage, pet 1,000 gallons 5,00 08 5,13 5138 5.65 5.93 6.23 6.54 6,87 7.21 7.57 (Residenlial mounls use Ulu Avvage) 112l/2013 ;I 4r EXILES City of Otsego Sanitary Sewer System Capital Improvement Program ACM I UP (ZOO U01101 4brUOU 451000 HiM 451M 139jUQU HOOM 44jUVU IU31000 INIOU0 134,UUU 13LIM ]DIM INIM 145pUQU I JUIVOU Percent Ingalion 3% 3% 3% 3 Ila 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Sys 3% 3% Inflated Project Costs 46,350 47,741 168,180 56p640 1611p139 i19p465 54,114 206,484 16%621 174,709 179,951 185,349 190,909 21%326 202,536 EHLE S 112112013 .CAPITAL EQUIPMENT East WWTF - Replace Meteriftg Eylipment LiHtaWnfi ' Replace Pump #3 LiR Station f8 - Replace Pumps #1 & #2 tation #2 - Refte, Pump.Lfl & #2 1111 V M, I M1, 73-10m, FITI-3-101, LIR StAon #4 - Replace Pumps #1, #2, #3 Lilt station #3 - Replace Pumps #1 #2 SCADA Compter Replacement LiR Stgon Pump Replacement Collecton Sys�em Repairs Sump Pump Wpections (1&1) P Fac e)Fo Ide'r A rn o un t ACM I UP (ZOO U01101 4brUOU 451000 HiM 451M 139jUQU HOOM 44jUVU IU31000 INIOU0 134,UUU 13LIM ]DIM INIM 145pUQU I JUIVOU Percent Ingalion 3% 3% 3% 3 Ila 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Sys 3% 3% Inflated Project Costs 46,350 47,741 168,180 56p640 1611p139 i19p465 54,114 206,484 16%621 174,709 179,951 185,349 190,909 21%326 202,536 EHLE S 112112013 Sewer Fund Capital Cash Reserves 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Target working capital actual working capital 1/21/01 EHLERS Impaof Analysis on fate Payers 112112013 Annul Averaw 21N 53,12 74.16 3,39 4.8% � 66,68 53,12 119,80 4,62 3.9% 168.11 162,79 451,69 782,62 33,41] 4.5% 337.47 072,05 940,26 2,249,78 61,16 21% $ 1,299.96 335,87 2,506.24 4,142.08 161.44 3,7% t� ° t EHLERS Existliq Froposed Monthly Bills 2013 1 2014 1 201 1 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2421 2022 2012 Utility Rates Resldentlal Property [Winter) Water J,0O0 €gallonshonlh) $ 15.50 18.98 $ 19,45 $ 19.94 $ 20.44 $ 20,95 21,47 22,01 22,56 23.13 23.70 Sevier (7,000 gallonslmon1h) 40,00 42.88 44,16 46,36 43,68 51,12 53,67 55,35 59.17 62.13 65.24 Tclal Months utility Bill $ 65.50 61,43 60,61 $ 66,00 $ 59,12 $ 72,07 75,14 78.36 S 81,73 85.26 88,54 $ Increasel(Cecrease) 5,53 2,58 2.0 2.82 2.95 3.07 3,22 3,37 3453 3,68 % Increasel(Decrease) 14,0% 4.2% 41% 4,3% 4.3% 41% 4.3% 4,310 4.3% 4,3% Residential Property (Stimmer] Wafer (32,400 gallons/month) $ 58.24 59,68 S 61.17 52,71 $ 64,26 $ 65,87 $ 67,53 $ 69,21 70,93 $ 72.71 6 74.54 Sewer 7,000 gallonslmonlh 40,00 42,45 44,16 45,36 48.68 61.12 53,67 56135 59.17 62,13 65,24 Total Monthly ulilily Bill 95,20 101.73 105,33 $ 109,07 $ 112,94 $ 116,99 $ 121,20 $ 125,56 $ 130,10 $ 134.84 $ 139.78 $ Increasel(Decrease) 6Z 3,60 3,74 3.88 4,45 4,21 4.36 4,64 4,74 4.94 ala Increase! Decrease 619% 3,6% 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% 3,6% 3.6% 3,6°1 316% 3.7% Damrnerclal Property (Account 20420.02) $ 143,52 150,10 $ 153.86 $ 15T,70 $ 161.64 165.68 $ 169,83 174,07 $ 178,42 182,89 $ 187,45 Water (65,000 gallons/month) Irrigallon (60,040 gallcnslmcnth) $ 100,00 148,40 152,12 155,92 159.80 163.80 167,91 172.10 176,40 180.81 155.30 Sevxr 68,000 allonslmonth 352,20 356,74 374.57 393.30 412.97 433.62 456,29 478,07 501,96 527,06 553,41 Total Monlhly utility Bill $ 59532 655.24 680,55 706,92 734.42 $ 763.14 $ 793,03 $ 824,25 856.79 $ 690,77 $ 926.24 $ Increasel(Decrease) 69,62 26,32 26,37 27,60 28,608 29,93 39.21 32,55 33,87 35,43 % Increase/ Decrease 10.0% 3.9% 3.9°1 3.9% 3,9D/O 3,9% 3.9% 3.9% 4.o% 4.o% Commercial Property (Account 30930, 0) $ 412.00 $ 291.40 $ 298.70 306.16 $ 313.81 $ 321,65 $ 329,70 $ 337,94 $ 346,38 $ 355,05 $ 363,91 Mater (135,00D gallonslmonth) Irrigation (504,000 gallonslmonth) 804.00 $ 870,00 691,76 $ 914,05 $ 936,89 $ 960,31 $ 984.33 $ 1,046,93 11034,15 11064,01 $ 11086,50 Sewer 135,000 allons1w1h 840,00 737,89 774.78 813.52 854.19 896,91 941.76 988,84 1,038,28 1,090,20 1,144,71 Toial Moilhly utility Bill $ 21016,00 $ 1,899,29 1,965,23 21033.73 21104,89 21178,87 $ 24255.75 $ 21335,71 $ 2,416.81 $ 2,505,26 $ 2,595,12 $ Increasel(Decrease) I11611I ON 68,60 71.16 73,97 76.92 79.03 53.10 86,45 88466 % Increasel(Decrease) •5,6% 3.6% 3,6% 3,5% 3,5% 3,5% 3,6% 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% Commerclal Propeg Account 24360.01 $ 11256.00 $ 11149.00 $ 1,177,74 1,207,17 $ 11237,34 $ 1126B,28 11299.99 11332,50 $ 11365.80 $ 1,399,95 1,434.94 Water (475,000 g4onslmonth) Irrigation (140,000 gallonsimonth) 228,00 $ 304,6D $ 312,22 320,42 328.02 335.23 $ 344.63 353.25 $ 362,07 $ 371.12 360,40 Sevv 325,000 allons1mon1l7 11937.50 1,980.55 2,079.59 2,183,57 2,292,74 2,407,39 2,527,76 21654.14 21786.85 2,926.19 3,072,51 T41al Monthly utility Bill 3,421.50 31434,16 $ 31569,54 31710,76 3,858,11 $ 4,011,89 $ 4,172.37 $ 4,339.88 4,514071 $ 41697.26 $ 41887,85 $ Increasel(Decrease) 12,66 135,38 141,22 147,35 153.79 160.43 167.52 174,83 182155 190.59 % Increasel(Decrease) 0,4% 3.410 4,0% 4.0% 4.0%1 4.0%1 4ZI 4.0%1 4.0%1 4,1% 112112013 Annul Averaw 21N 53,12 74.16 3,39 4.8% � 66,68 53,12 119,80 4,62 3.9% 168.11 162,79 451,69 782,62 33,41] 4.5% 337.47 072,05 940,26 2,249,78 61,16 21% $ 1,299.96 335,87 2,506.24 4,142.08 161.44 3,7% t� ° t EHLERS