ITEM 2 Commerical/industrial tax baseCoal 1; Expand the City's commercial and industrial tax base, 4 Promote Otsego name EntrancesIgns Identify Land Include la budget utilise logo Otsego Unit on Viright Count S�Uad Cars Mork with Sheriff Hagerty Light po!e banners in retail areas/bou!evards Cmaitelidentify Dmvntovin East West Central C4 vehicle identity Newspaperads Increase frequency of newdeter Promote Otsego for a ll Dip codes Business stickers Commu*events Council Approval VkrkkvithOtsego BuslnessGroup nclude in budget Determine if Mot vol adow a sign on the CR 36 bridge iylnpot confirmed that no signage is al!owed Dissuss!on options with Nght County Sberiff department Approved $5,000 from Ceonomic North East Area Retail Croup formed; Cast Development marketing budget to work with meeting held; priorities identified; second businesses in North East Oksego'for marketing meeting held October4; October 12 and identifying this business area stakeholder meeting scheduled Install neer fogo on Cityvehlcies, C006i ContiNency funding approved (estimated cost $21044) Completed Do not change frequency; Include businesses Include in budget on mailing list if they do not own their building Completed; mailing list updated Completed; Newsletter and Wright County Cb3nge all addresses to Otsego propery owner records Information lmluded in the Otse,geVew 5 ldenti development uses and locations Update Comprehensive Plan Complete Comprehensive Plan Process Council Approval 6 Otsego Business Gmup increased participation Continue meetings InterestIngTopics AcNeve Business. Group Goals 7 ,Stark service organMlons Find residents jbusiness v illing to champion this eff ort Lions Rota ry Jaycees IM On schedule for completion In 2011 jAdopted December 10,= )A Survey of business conducted; will hold quarterly meetings in future I Meetings to be scheduled for 2413 (Outside individuals stepped up to gauge Remove from bt; not in City's control Interest in Was Clubs Lies Club stating Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed July 9, 2012, Council Direction" Status: October 41 2012 Status: January 2013 I Evaluate development fees Compare to other similarcities, Survey Co6aue to provide cost comparlson data Determine cast financial analysis Paris Dedication Thorough review with 2413 fee schedule. Utility rate study Stara Mater 5treelkess SAC 'IAC 2 Partner on a rental bay building Bequests for rental space Contact Developers Transferred to EDA forcoasideratlon 3 Offernew/enhanced developmentlncerrtives DevelopPolkles EDA revleweddraft pof;clesSeptember 24, Transferred to EDA forcoasideration 2412 Finance Committee; EDA ponies EDAApproval Council Approval 4 Promote Otsego name EntrancesIgns Identify Land Include la budget utilise logo Otsego Unit on Viright Count S�Uad Cars Mork with Sheriff Hagerty Light po!e banners in retail areas/bou!evards Cmaitelidentify Dmvntovin East West Central C4 vehicle identity Newspaperads Increase frequency of newdeter Promote Otsego for a ll Dip codes Business stickers Commu*events Council Approval VkrkkvithOtsego BuslnessGroup nclude in budget Determine if Mot vol adow a sign on the CR 36 bridge iylnpot confirmed that no signage is al!owed Dissuss!on options with Nght County Sberiff department Approved $5,000 from Ceonomic North East Area Retail Croup formed; Cast Development marketing budget to work with meeting held; priorities identified; second businesses in North East Oksego'for marketing meeting held October4; October 12 and identifying this business area stakeholder meeting scheduled Install neer fogo on Cityvehlcies, C006i ContiNency funding approved (estimated cost $21044) Completed Do not change frequency; Include businesses Include in budget on mailing list if they do not own their building Completed; mailing list updated Completed; Newsletter and Wright County Cb3nge all addresses to Otsego propery owner records Information lmluded in the Otse,geVew 5 ldenti development uses and locations Update Comprehensive Plan Complete Comprehensive Plan Process Council Approval 6 Otsego Business Gmup increased participation Continue meetings InterestIngTopics AcNeve Business. Group Goals 7 ,Stark service organMlons Find residents jbusiness v illing to champion this eff ort Lions Rota ry Jaycees IM On schedule for completion In 2011 jAdopted December 10,= )A Survey of business conducted; will hold quarterly meetings in future I Meetings to be scheduled for 2413 (Outside individuals stepped up to gauge Remove from bt; not in City's control Interest in Was Clubs Lies Club stating Goal 1; Expand the City's commercial and Industrial tax base, Proposed July 9, 2412 objective t atr lee a1 Measure Action(s) needed July 9, 2012, Council Diredion* status: October4, 2012 Status; January 2013 a Promote Cites amenities Include in 10 marketing W oA water ani sewerexteNlon on Wier � for Industria lzoned ares Transportation infrastructure Access to freeway Location 9 Build amenities identifycurrent amenities/services Consider with CiP reviev and adoption Continue annua[Strate& Planning process Iruluded funds for facilitator in 213 budget Identify areas for improvement survey Community Goals Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City services Proposed July 9, 2012 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed July 9i, 2012, Coundl Direction* Status: October 4, 2412 1 Complle lick sof all services LIA of services 2 Compile list of serves not prove List of services not pfaMed Determine which services residents/busi Ross want 3 Gather revenue and expenditure luta by Run financial reports progrrarn/serke/department 4 Ubora5d staff time Review ADP rep as Reinforce importance of accurate al'uraVon repoaing with staff Status; January 2013 Expanded ADP accounts entered to better track Ala in 2113 5 Revlgw adkitycoM Ensure costs are al!ucated correctly finance department review Finance department update of chart of accounts and discussions with depanmeAt heads, Name software conversion February 4, 2013. to Review in-house versus contracted xMtes Inventory contracts for service NterNne roll benefrt analysis for each to Reviewed bu��Irlg inspection se:Vic . determine which method is best Upconung review of other wkes will be completed in 2413 7 Evaluate customersatisfaction Survey COUAVl approval of Community swvey DeterNne cost of an onlinesuyey Presented to Council August 6, 2012; no decision made Miting for direction from Council 8 Deternune if adequate and proper resources are Compare staffing level to slimilar site Comparison of methods available communities Staff reorganization ongoing Re,rl %v equiprunt needs Outcomejresults Ongoingthrough CIP and budget Iked detailed reports fromNpartment heads 9 Revie•ea TKhnology Compare to industry standard Budget for and install efficlent technology Sign software approval requested January 28, in a timely manner 2013. GiS review underway 10 Define expecUions at all levels Discusslun of ,service levels and programs desired Included in budget discussion; ongoing Determine resources needed to achieve expectations Match resources with outcomo expectations 11 Renew deNery methods Complaints and compliments lnv'er}tory interviews %with staff members Internal External Up Down 12 Define roles and responsibilities of staff (employee Review position descriptions and contracts Create consistency Staff reorganization Ongoing review of all and consultant) contracted services ongoing Enhance cownlcalion Assign "project leader for each protect f' *ct process changed by QWAdmin iAraror for all future projects! neve responsibilides, corrumnkated and assigned to all inti^olved go Managernentteam privrityto review VIEB QA to deterrnine complaint response, v+D'un'k, trends, typical complaints, and etc Ongoing Goal 2. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City servkos Proposed lu iy 9, 2412 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed July 9, 2012, Ceundr Direction* Status,, October 4, 2012 Status:,lanuary 2013 13 We ew WAOA ertitirW How many tiros a request is reasslgned Rug reports and anAe data Updates made frequently to improve sy+ ep ongoing review Trne to complete a request 14 Develop process for assohg Council dlfedives Inefficiency in past Council d[scusslon k chain of command 'if no comment inwited, Council concurred Mith no additional mrnent W Goal 3: Review public safety services Proposed August 6, 2412 obiectwo to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed August 6; 2012, Council Direction* 5tatus'. October 4, 2012 Status; January 2013 uenetol mlre sv fetp 1 Public perception of the Cites public safety Survey Council approval of survey Survey MoMey or simllar option preferable. can Rip%decision resources survey given services CityMmWtratorand staff to identify asexampla an 10/10/12 potential questions for Cour l decision on Presentedto Ccuntll August 6; no decision survey, made Increase commurilcatlon to publicthrough View and Website 2 Send comistent message from staff to public What does staff tell the public when Staff training Ongoing education and training with staff Management team goal to ALWAYS provide about public safety services questions are asked? exceptional service PON 3 ,Monitor existing services Determine if coverage is adequate Continue to meet v ith Sheriff and his staff City administrator discussions held with Sergeant Talker and Sheriff Hagerty Number of calls Joint city Council police Comm ssi n meeting with Sheriff Hagerty 4 Discuss statim needs Add signage to buildingand squads See Goal I Objedive 4 S Establish office hours Determine volume of administrative Waitirig enti] end Df yearwerkshog schedule type request Meet with Sheriff invite Sheriff to a council meeting has been finalized See above Make connection to public Fire 6 Acquire land for West station Density, population, Cjl development Identify sites Identi� potential sites in ComprehensW Plan Sites identified 7 Decrema response time Distance Identify physical barriers Review response times from three Open stations in Cq limits departments serving the City Improve transportation routes Adjust district boudarles 8 Reduce number fdepartmeatsser*g Review contract boundaries and City Otsego stations Reduced from four to three effective 2413 by Coordinating with Albertville and; Wright previous Council actio,~, County for transition on December 31,2012 Reduced to 3 January 1, 2013, Review of other possVe reduction In 2013. 9 Review fare inspectlon process Number of inspections completed Discussed with Elk River Fire Chief. Walt4 for completion of theirTask Fora Agre( recornrnendations Janus Timeliness Use of inspection information - were respective fire departments notified? Cost analysis of contracted versus inhouse 10 Review fire service contracts Are theycomMent and comparable? Rewrite contracts if necessary Dues the contract provide adequate coverage? Cq representation in management of contracted department(s) MCI New Albertville contract prepared, Albertville Council to consideron October 15; Otsego Council to consider on Octobar 22 Elk River and Rogers Contracts will be revievmd next rnent urith Elk River on agenda for ry 28, 2013, Review Rogers in 2014, Albertville Joint Fire Advisory Suk=mittee formed, Gaal 3: Review public safety services Proposed August 6, 7017 Objective to achieve goal Measure Action(s) needed August 6, 2012, Council Direction* Status: ctobe-N, 2012 Status: Jaauary 2013 11 Pian for Otsego department substation Population Icontinue to review as City grows Insurance cast savings to residents and business vs cost of department 12 Improre ISO rating Track current 150 rating Extend viaterservice Waitingfor 2012 ISO raVAg data Construct fire stations 12.1 (Added to list presented to Council) Explore Ongoing a Rd part of contract review fife dlstrictsQhotherci es 12.2 {Added to list presented to Council) Secure Ongoing and part of contract review city representation on fire departments in other cities OF EmergenryManagement 13 Practice Exerclses Include funds in budget ldentify training needs and schedule Invited to Albaollla's NIMS IraWriel; Elected ofRslal training offe red Additional Albertvilla training foreiected officials planned for falVwinter 2012/NI3 14 Define Organization Refine emergency management Council adoption City Aditlratorto present as phase of staff orgarr¢ational structure reorganisation plan 15 Dedraft emergency management manual Review current manual and MAO Will be dome after staff reorganization changes to reflect changes in staff and City needs 16 Appoint appropriate emergency management Evaluate staff roles and responsibilities Part of staff reoranhtion listed above director in a disaster dmbr�lrand 17 Decrease response time Review existing response times Not fully within tray's control or abfl� to change; continue to monitor 18 Review service districts Review curerage areas relat ie to Staff and Council agreed this is notcurrently respome times realisticas districts are set bythe State and volume does notjustify change 19 Explore City ambulance service Review statutues authorizing Staff and Council agreed this is not currently ambulance service district$ realistic as districts are set by the State and volume does not;usti chane 20 Explore first response unit Meet with current providers to Review as a component of contract review, determIne.benefits and feasibility future substation construction, and partnerships with other departments *if no comment inserted, Council concurred with no additional comment Proposed August b, 2011 Objective to achieve goal, Measure Image Goal 4: Define and manage the City's image and Identity Action(s) needed I August 6, 2012, Council Direction* I Status: October 4+ 2012 1Status: ianuar 2013 1 Enhanced Code Enforcement Council action to be proactive instead of reactive Discussed maintenance of parr and Cik facilities during budget. Proposed budget Includes increased maintenance at parks; proposed budget does net include additional Council to review during budget discussion code enforcement staff or funding Leel of enforcement Weed control Private property City property 2 Maintain City Property at a high level Include in budget requests See above. Contract mowing is being evaluated in budget process Reievi City and contract moves 3 Educate public Newsletter and website Ongoing through Otsego Vzv and website 4 Citysignage Are City bounaries identified at entrances? Staff directed to bring back costs for signage 'In process City Campus Informational (changeable) City sign Logo signs at entrances Obtain quotes 5 Parks Maintain at a high level See nates above MRPA Gold Standard in Park Accredication b fire Station on 85th Add sign stating "Future home of Otsego Fire Station." Delayed until Urn ing is known 7 Business stickers Council approval for additional funding due Delayed pending recommendations from to increased cost Business Group 8 Staff logo Clothing Review Uniform Policy Vehicle condition/consistent calor/logo Update logo on neer vehicles and purchase Staff directed to change all vehicle logos to new consistent calor logo at July 9 meeting. Complete Otsego name on Wright County Squad ldenitfy type of magnet/sticker that will cars meet need See Goal 1 Obje0ve4 Otsego name on PeopleService vehicles ldenitfy type of rnagnetJsticker that v ill meet need 9 Press releases Utilize more newspapers (berth C(ow Write press releases and submit to Wwer, Monticello and others) nevispapers Press releases have been sent to nevrspapers although not always published and if so, not in a timely manner 4;1 Goal 4; Define and manage the City's image and identity Proposed August 6, 2012 Objective to achieve goal I measure 10 Design standards for development Promote/require high standards to attract quality Action(s) needed August 6, 2012, Council Direction' Status: October 4, 2012 Status; January 2013 Write letters to residents that are positive 11 Recreation Special everts and programming Partnership vAth The Bank of Elk River; flew programs and events off erect (canoe trips, movies, T•ball..) 12 Recognition programs Nice yards, Christmas light displays, Develop programs Volunteer recog0or identified as highest other priority Identity 13 Public speaking Speak to community organizations and schools - Council and staff 14 Community Center City gathering place Darned former ciW hall 'Otsego Prairie Center" Completed 15 Recreation pfograms Offer recreation programs as an Ongoing; Community business partnerships ammenityto retain and attract formed to supportand grow recreation residents programs and events 16 Downtowns - identify to create community Name "dowfltovin" areas feel Wotking Group formed and meetings held; Group's goal is to present a proposal to the Previauily approved City Council In October or November 17 City Open House Advertise and host open house Have City vehicles on display at 2012 Otsego Vehicles were oa display at 2012 Otsego Festival; Coordinate open house in 2413 in Festival; Open house plans %will be determined conjunction with Otsego PestiVal once Otsego Festival planning begins 18 Continue Otsego Business Group Provide staff resources to coordinate Continuing on a quarterly basis wlth 194 West Chamber; Subcommittes and working groups to be formed as needed to address specif is items 19 Otsego Festival City participation and promotion Have City booth and promote City see above See above 20 Beautification program Faster gardner program Explore community gardens in 2013; Wew agreement with teFebvre re; use of city property; Contact h1nDot re; mooring along Dory 101 Community garden Communitygarden 4:2 der review by Planning mmission Otsego Festival Volunteer recognized in View Prairie Reuse Subcommittee Changes to City involvement In event Goal 4: Define and manage the City's image and identity Proposed August 6, 2012 Objective to achieve goal I measure Actions� needed August 6, 2012, Council Direction* Status-, October 41 2012 Status: January 2013 City grounds - maintain to high level I 4:3 1 x 1 TY 0 ot Ce F 0 MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DINE: January 1, 2013 UBJECT: 2013 Strategic Planning In 2012 the City Council adopted a strategic plan that outlined four goals: Expand thCity's commercial and industrial tax base 2, Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of Citr services 3. Review public safety services 4. Define and manage the City's image and identity On October 4, 2012, Council and staff reviewed progress on those goals. As we begin 2013, it is Imp o rtant for the Cou TI to r view the 2012 goals arid, if desired, define nevi priorities and goals for 2013, As you can tell by reading the 2012 goals, they are not goals that are easily completed in the nitre months since their adoption; these are iters that grill continue t require our attention and time in 2013 and beyond. The ongoing nature of these items will be a factor in setting r e v priorities and goals as the goals must be achievable with the resources, both financial and staff, that currently exist orthat the Council is willing to provide. Attached is an updated summary of the spreadsheet the Council reviewed in October. At the meeting we gill go through the various objectives, answer questions, and take further direction from the Council, Following that discussion, the Council should discuss their goals for thCity for 2013 and 2014. Budgeting for 2014 will begin ire a fever months; thus, if there are goals that require additional finanial or staff resources, those need to be included in the budget. Additionally, one item that was planned for this winter was to survey residents to get their input on various topics from public safety to recreation and ghat the feel are top priorities for the City. At a previous meeting we discussed survey options anal costs. Staff needs further Council direction to complete this task. One of the main areas of focus over the past 18 months has been the reorganization of staff t better align with the needs of the City; those needs have changed considerably with the high growth spurts, downturn in the economy, and noir the increase in development activity and demand for City services. Further, the reorganization is part of Strategic Planning Goal 2: Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City Services. Two phases of reorganization have been completed; the third phase is reorganization of the finance, economic development, and administration areas and the fourth phase is emergency management. Phase three focuses mainly on economic development and administrative staff needs. The Council has vocalized its strong desire for an increased economic development focus for the City to achieve Strategic Planning Goal 1; Expand the City's commercial and industrial tax base. That increased economic development focus requires more stafftime than is currently available with existing staff that have economic development expertise, mainly the Cit} Administrator. There are several options to provide the staff time and skills needed to implement the goal of increasing the City's economic development efforts, Those options include: 1. outsource function by hiring an economic development consultant . Hire an economic development coordinator/manager/professional either full or part time t Combine economic development duties with an existing position Of course, the option of not making any change is possible as well, but the Council must take into consideration that not providing additional economic development staff/consultant resources means that some other projects and tasks will not get done as quickly or as thoroughly because economic development will tape priority when economic development projects and follow-through are required promptly in a very short timeframe, which is often the case. Further, economic development under this scenario will be mainly reactive and proactive only as time allows. At the meeting the benefits and drawba ks of each of these options gill be addressed and discussed prior to the Council's direction on how to proceed. In addition, a plan to fill the finance direction positron will need to be discussed and approved soon to allow for a smooth transition. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Goals Goal No. 1. Expand the City's commercial -industrial tax base. Goal No. 2. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness s of City services. Goal No. 3. Review public safety sei-vices Goal No. 4. Dernie and inanage the City's Ynnage and identity Goal No. 1. Expand the City's continerclal-industrial tax base. 0 Use incentives to actively encourage increased commercial development • Activate the City's Economic Development A t ority (EDA) o Conduct work sessions o Develop strategies to recruit businesses 0 Evaluate the use of tax increment finaneing 0 Explore the use of a revolving loan fund Goal Na. 2. Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of City sei* ices. Determine what City services will we provided by City staff o Review staffing allocations to determine capacity and efficiency o Determine rmi ro th or financial thresholds that will trigger a review of how services are provided 0 Identify opportunities to continuously improve services Goal No. 3. Review public safety sei-vices Analyze the adequacy of lav enforcement and fire services o Define the baseline of services currently provided o 'Establish a process to ensure City oversight of services provided 0 Schedule thnes during the year for the County Sheriff or his designee to provide service overviews to the City Council a Review adequacy of lav enforcement and fire services repoilin H Explore City representation on fire departments City of Otsego, Nnnesota. Strategla Planning Workshop