ITEM 3.2A 1.14.2013 MinutesO SE O CIT` COUNCIL EETI f OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER January 14, 2013 :0o P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Sto k r p Called the meeting to order at :09 PIS 6 Roll Call= Mayor Jessica Sto k mp; Co n ilr e bers: vera Heldner, Doug Schroeder and Tori Darkenwald and Jason v r him . Staff; Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and T mi Loff, City Clerk, Please of Allegiance: Mayor Stokrp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 11 Open.F rum. 1.1 Swearing in of New City Council Members. The cere nor i l swearing in was done by City Clerk Loff for Mayor elect Jessica Stockamp and un ilmer bens elect Douglas Schroeder and Jason W re i e. Pat Hilder, Otsego River Riders President,, 7097 Odell Avenue, gave an update on snowmobile ativities# . Consider aclenda api)roval. Mayor Stockamp requested to add item 7.4 calling a Special Meeting for interviewing the Advisory Commission applicants. Mayor Stockamp also asked if the Council should pull the check for Metro Appliance Recycling from the claims list being Jason W rehime is on the City Council now. City Administrator Johnson said she consulted with City Attorney MacArthur on this ratter, Since the payment is for a small amount for day to day operations and not for contract, it does not reed to be pulled from the consent agenda. City Attorney MacArthur stated the expense acquired in 2812. CM Heldner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor* Motion Carried. . Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. December 10, 2012 Meeting. BR December 11, 2912 Special Joint Meeting with Police Commission. C. December 20, 2012 Special fleeting. 3.3 Approve Resolution 2013-02 adopting ars official Newspaper. 3.4 Approve Resolution 2913-03 Establishing Depositories for City Funds. 3.5 Approve 2013 Garbage Hauling Licenses. 3.6 Appr" o the 2014 and 2015 Assessment Services Agreement with Wright County. 33 Approve Wellhead Protection Plan Manager appointment. 3,8 Approve Parks and Recreation staff. 3.9 Approve Pour Wine Bar & Bistro Liquor License. 3,10 Approve the Liability Coverage Waiver. 3,11 Approve Development Well Test. CM Heldner motioned to approve as written. seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion Carried. mmunity Develo ent. .1 Amend the Zoning Map to rezone PID 118-500-164406 and 118-500-164407 from t -3 District. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The City initiated acti Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. Three Rivers Soccer Association TRA has voted to donate $100,000 to develop the Prairie Park soccer fields subject to an agreement. Mayor Stockarnp, said she will be abstaining from the TRA item. Acting Mayor CM Heldnor took the floor. 1 Heidn r said the agreement is in effect until 2021. City Planner Licht said correct. A reprised field use policy which includes changes to the scheduling and priority scheduling was presented and discussed. City staff recommends adoption as written. CM War hime asked if the supplies and staffing for maintenance are included. City Planner Licht said the field site has been agriculture with no cost to maintain; taking it from that use to park use will require an additional cost for maintenance. City Administrator Johnson said there will be n annual maintenance fee charged for field use starting in 2014. There was discussion on item G in the proposed field use policy regarding wear and damage to the turf for non -soccer activities. City Planner Licht recommended mooring from the field use policy item G on page two to the TRSA agreement under paragraph 3. Mayor Stockamp said it carries more weight in the agreement then the policy. Parks and Recreation Manager Denant agreed. M Schroeder motioned to approve T SA agreement with additional wording to be added to Paragraph 3. Seconded by Cly Darkenwald. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Stockamp p a st ined. CSI Heldner motioned to adopt the Field Use Policy nth the changes discussed. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 6,2 Improvement Projects items: A. Consider appraisal from Nagel for Laaux Avenue. City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report. CM D rkenw ld asked if the due date in 30 weeks should read 30 days. City MacArthur should said yes it should be 30 days. CM eldner motioned to approve the. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Preliminary Project Schedule for Needham Avenue. C. Preliminary Project Schedule for LaBeaux Avenue. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report, CM Heidn r recommended adding wording to the schedules stating when a City decision on whether or not to proceed will be made. City Engineer Wagner suggested on the LaBeaux Project Schedule combing line 2 and 3 to the sane date and including wording stating a City decision on whether or not to proceed under line 9 on the Needham Project Schedule. [M Schroeder motioned to approve to approve the modified Project Schedules for Needham Avenue and LaBeaux Avenue proposed improvement projects and amend both approved Feasibility Reports, Seconded by Mayor Stomp. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Administration: .1 Appoint 2013 Actinci Mavor If the Mayor is absent. CM ar enwalld motioned to appoint CM Heldner as Acting Mayor, Seconded C Schroeder. All in favor. Motion crriedS .2 Council Liaison Appointments for 2013. PLANNING COMMISSION 3 CM Heidner. Alternate CM Darkenwald. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - CM Schroeder. Alternate Mayor Stockamp. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION- Mayor MIISSIN- M y r St ck rnp Alternate CM Schroeder. POLICE CiMISIN- CM W rehir e. Alternate CM Schroeder. Public Works Si1.TT`EE- CM Schroeder & CM H idner. Alternate CM Warehime. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBCOMMITTEE- Mayor LAB i IITTEE- f y r St ck mp & CM Heidner. Alternate CM Darkenwald. OTSEGO CREED AUTHORITY- Mayor UTH RIT` - M y r Stockamp & CM D rkenw ld. Alternate CM Schroeder. FIRE ADVISORY - CM Heidner & CM Warehime. EDA FINANCE CifITFEE- CM W rehime & CM Dart enw ld, CM Hel ner motioned to approve the suggestions from Mayor S o kamp for the 01 liaison appointments,. Seconded by CM Dar enwald. All In favor* Motion carried, 73 Appoint Council Representatives to the Joint Fire Advisory Committee with Albertville. This iters was included in iters 7.2. 7A Call a special r eetina for interview w Advisory Commission applicants,_ City staff will set up 10 minutes intervals and provide the City Council packet information prior to the interviews. CM Schroeder motioned to call Special Meeting for the purpose of interviewing the Advisory om i ion applicants on Januar at :00 PM and January 29 at :00 PCS both to be held at City Hall. Seconded by CM Warehir e. All in favor. Motion carried. . City Council Reports and Updates. No iters. 91 Staff Reports and Updates.. City Administrator Johnson gave distributed the Wright County Five Year Highway Improvement ent Plan for 2013.2017. City Administrator Johnson said the sewer and water rate study will be on the January special meeting erg and reminded the City Council of the scheduled January 22 Strategic Planning Workshop at 6;00 Pik. City Clerk L' will set up City Council photos at 6:30 PM before the February 25 City Council meeting. 10. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:35 PM. ATTEST,., Tam! L, City Clerk 5 Mayor Jessica Stockamp