ITEM 3.3C OHPC 12.11.2012 Minutes1 7rM Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission December 11., 2012 Present: Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson. Called and excused: John Noll, Tom Constant, Lisa Fahey, Jamie Piantenberg- Selbitchka. Also present: Council Member Doug Schroeder, Mayor Jessica Stockamp briefly attended. Quorum not present so no forma[ business was enacted. Toni did call the meeting to order at 7:10pm. Minutes of the last meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting, January 8 and amended or approved. Discussion of the committee to be formed to flan the interior of Prairie Hall yielded the information that Ross, Mayor Stockamp and Doug Schroeder will be on this committee and three others will be picked from outside the Commission system to involve as many citizens as possible. Gail & Toni met with Dan Licht and Kim Welter, graphic designer, to share information re; the park research and sign project. Doug states that Ross is very eager to have Otsego history in the entry hall of the Prairie Center all the way to the largest meting room. We discussed possibly getting two of each sign to post both at the parks and in the hallway, We also discussed having two signs at Prairie Park, one showing some of the major building sites of the originsl town site at City Hail and another talking specifically about the history of this particular land at another location TBD. The final report from Dr. Rothaus was received. We will need to read his report and Toni will ask Dan if Dr. Rothaus returned the artifacts found. We discussed the old town hall/School Dist. 11 building. Gail will write an article about it to see if any citizens of Otsego or the surrounding area have any ideas about reuse. She will run it by Dan when written. We want to include that the area is designated as Wild and Scenic by the DNR so that the land can only be used as a park or residential. The building has the issue of deterioration continuing and should either be preserved (costly) and repurposed or demolished. We discussed That this building is the only public building in Otsego of historical value and an iconic landmark so the OHPC Commission would prefer to see it preserved if we can find a reuse strategy. It would be ideal if someone were wilting to preserve the outside's historical integrity and use the inside for a home or other purpose at their own cost. Pictures to hang in the City Hall were discussed. Gail heard from one resident who will help her mother-in-law submit her considerable collection of early pictures. Gail and Dan were called by a resident who has the equipment to scan historical photos with high resolution, Mark Pletsch (763-274-2102 & 763 439-3686,) Dan had stated that he would check out whether he was offering as a volunteer or if there would he a labor charge as well as materials. We discussed Jessica's very generous offer to have her husband and her paint the OHPC room if we could prepare it by moving items out of the room or to the center of the room and removing or pounding in the anchors and spackling. Jessica will lei us know if and when this is possible. Meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm. NEXT METING IS ON JAN. S AT 7PM. Recorder; Gail Anderson