ITEM 3.3D Parks 12.12.12 Minutes1 7r M 3 w 3 ID OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIQN MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER December 12, 2012 7;00 PM Call to Order, Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at b:59 PM. Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles VonBerg; Commissioners; Mike Brumm, Susan Krekelberg, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts and Triste Freeberg; City Council: Counci[member Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff. Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Sandy Linenfelser, Special Licensing, , Open Forum: i No Items 2, Consider Agenda Approval: Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Kreke[berg. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the. Foilowina Minutes. 3.1. November 14, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes, Councilmember Brumm noted that he was not present at the Special Meeting, Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried. .2, November 14,..2.012 Reaular Meeting Minutes* Commissioner Brumm motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Vice Chair VonBerg,, All in favor. Motion carried,. 4. Unfinished Business: 4,1. Potentia[ Dog Park Locations. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented Three (3) different maps of potential dog park locations on the west side of Otsego with the hopes of a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission for future projects, Locations discussed were Lily Pond, Kittredge Park and Zimmer Park. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant stated the average size of an enclosed dog park is approximately 100 deet by 200 feet. Commissioners suggested having separate enclosures for larger dogs and smaller dogs. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant suggested the Parks and Recreation Commission go on a tour in the spring to look over the various dog panic locations to get a better idea where to put a park in the future. Commissioner Brumm recommended that a dog park be added to future planning projects. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Motion carried. 4.2. Potential Ice Rink Locations. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented maps for potential ice rink locations on the west side of Otsego, noting that putting a rink on irrigated turf would involve restoration costs in the spring. Flooding blacktop and tennis courts were discussed and will be discussed in the future as ice rink needs are addressed. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that they have been flooding the ice rink at City Hall noting that it is freezing up well with the hopes of being open for Christmas. They have also plowed a horseshoe on the north side of the rink for skaters. 4.3. Temporary Use Polic dor Prairie Center. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that he has been receiving inquiries about renal space in Prairie Center, At this time a Temporary Use Policy has been drawn up and Staff is asking that the commission look at it, make changes, and recommend the Temporary Use Policy to the City Council. Commissioners were concerned about liability insurance issues, whether or not alcohol will be allowed, and whether or not the fees that are to be charged will cover the cost of the utilities and staffing that will be required when the building is in use. Rental space for non-profit organizations will only he allowed ars Tuesdays. Monthly and weekly meeting rates for non-profit organizations were discussed. Volunteer hours for these organizations will also be required along with their rental fee. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant assured commissioners that these issues will be looked into, Commissioner Freeberg stated that other City's rewire a certain caterer if load is to be served, This may also be the case if alcohol would be served. Commissioner Torresani asked what the difference is in allowing alcohol and food in Otsego"s Prairie Park Shelter and then prohibiting it inside Prairie Center, Again, Parks and Recreation Manager Demant reassured the Commissioners that this will be looked in to. Chair Torresani motioned to recommend that City Council adopt the Temporary Use Policy for Prairie Center with an amendment to the weekly and monthly rates policy. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm, All in favor. Motion carried. 5. New Business. Parks and Recreation Manager Demand said that a Prairie Center Subcommittee was established to review possible future uses of Prairie Center and to oversee building improvements that are needed. Parks and Recreation Manager Demand encouraged the commissioners to attend the meetings if they would. He went on to say that at this time there are some repair issues that need to be addressed that include the HVAC system and the roof, as well as revamping the restraoms to meet ADA requirements, Commissioner Freeburg asked why none of the Parks and Recreation Members was asked to serve on this Subcommittee. Mayor Stockamp noted that City Councilmember Schroeder who is the Liaison to this commission, Parks and Recreation Manager Demant and herself are on the Subcommittee and they all represent the Parks and Recreation Commission. CrP and City Budget booklets were given'and commissioners were told if they had any questions to contact Parks and Reaction Manager Demant with any concerns. 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. Parks and Recreation Manger Demant asked Doug Cassady of the Rogers Youth Baseball Association program to introduce to the Parks and Recreation Commission its new name as Rogers/Otsego Youth Baseball Association. Mr. Cassady said that they will be looking into what needs to be done to legally have this name changed. The name change came up in a general conversation between Parks and Recreation Manager Demant and Mr. Cassady, He went on to state that Santa Day was again a success, lines were not too long and there were no complaints. Program guides were handed out and people were excited about the upcoming programs offered and about the new skating rink. Approximately 25-30 people attended movie night to see "The Grinch". 7, City Council Reports. City Counci[member Schroeder said that the City Council has finalized the CZP this week and looked at the EDA Commissioner Roberts gave her resignation staffing that this would be her last meeting. This evening was also Commissioner Freeburg's last meeting as she is moving to Texas. Chair Torresni and the rest of the Commission wished them both well, 8. Adjourn by 10 PM. Commissioner Freeberg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:08PM PM. Written n Sandy Lindenfelser,, Special Licensing