ITEM 3.4 Delco Roofing quote for Prairie CenterTy OF ot C1 fgo MINNESOTA Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT T INFORMATIO m�.._.ry..............._._.vnn..n.....v.n..........:.... :.:._.n._..._......N.n.�...,v.N..............nnN.._...NN_._..-:......:...:..............v........................... .......... .------- ENT: RE UESTOR: MEETING DATE: Pars and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and January 28th, 01 Recreation Manager PRESS TER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator .-quote from Delco Roofing AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the approval ofthe quotefrom Delco Roofing and Sheet Ketal for $790 to complete a detailed assessment of the Prairie Center roof. ARE YO U SEE I IN APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS A PU B L IC HEAR] NG REQUIRED? No No SACKGROUNDMUSTIFI TIO : At the December 101h Prairie Center Sub -Committee meeting the Sub -Committee directed City staff to contact i inghorn Construction and get an assessment of the current condition In of the roof at Prairie Center. Staff made contact with Kin horn and after discussing options, i inghorn suggested having a roofing contractor come in and do a detailed assessment of the roof. Delco Roofing and Sheet fetal was contacted and provided a quote of $790 to do the assessment. This assessment will include an overall assessment of the roof to include photos of deficiencies, a possible core sample for analysis, and a CAD drawing of the roof and the equipment located on the roof. After the assessment, Delco will create a web base roof maintenance program which will Include budget forecast for maintenance and future replacements. The proposal from Delco was brought to the January 14 Prairie Center Sub -Committee meeting. The Sub -Committee reviewed the proposal with a representative from Kinghorn and decided to recommend the proposal to go before the City Council for approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTAC HED NONE quote MOTION: (please word motion as you would like it to appear In the m1nutes. Motion to approve the quote from Delco for $790 to provide a detailed assessment of the roof at Prairie Center, BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: Community Facilities Fund #206 BUDGETED: X YES . � o ACTION TAKEN January 4, 2013 John R. Studer Kinghorn Constriction 14198 Nr1 Blvd. Rogers, MN 55374 15525 --- 3Td Avenue North a Plymoudi, Minnesota 55447 a 763-559-0222 Fax: 763-559-3783 Online Roof Management Pro r Otsego City Hall 1347 NE 9 street Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Studer, Thank you for considering enrollment in Dalco Roofing and Sheet Metal's online roof management prograi n. The following is a brief summary of the services that are included in the program. The basis of our maintenance program starts with an interview to determine the history of the facility and any ongoing problems the roof may be experiencing. This is followed by a review o the roof to identify its condition. If the components or the ago of the roof system is questionable, a core oust of the system is taken. Digital photographs of deficiencies will be taken and the roof will be measured for a CAD drawing to include all roof top equipment. All of this information is input into our web based roof maintenance program. Based on the information obtained, a maintenance plan will be generated to help the client decide how to best maintain the roof for routine expenditures. The program also includes a budget forecast for maintenance and future replacements. Further, the program also provides the ability to trach maintenance e repairs. Upon completion of input of the information regarding your roof, we provide a Bard copy of the report generated by the program to our client. The program also allows our clients to access the information via our web site. Copies of the report, to include photographs and the roof plan, may be generated from your desktop. To view a sample of our program you may log onto our website at "I alcoroofi g.com". In the upper right hand comer you will see a link to log into Facman. Click on this link to enter our electronic roof management site. The user name for our sample program i "client" and the password is "dalcoroofing" WHERE" EXPERIENCE C 0 UN TS -, SIj 2 c rs, 194-5 Please review the sample program at your leisure, The initial cost to enroll in the program for the facility referenced above is: Seven Hundred Ninety and001100: $790.00 As one of the country's most respected roofing and sheet metal contractors, we aro eager t demonstrate our strong commitment to duality workmanship, safe work practices, and uncompromising customer satisfaction. We look forward to an affirmative response, and would welcome the opportunity to address any questions or provide any additional information about any aspect of our proposal, If you should have any questions or require additional information please contact ane either at our office at (763) 383-9718 (direct dial) or on my cell phone at (612) 490-6963, Respectfully, M OU t Jon Meyer Roof Maintenance Department Accepted by: Date: TERMS: NET DUE 30 DAYS 'LEASE VISIT OUR WEBS @ ww.dal r ofin . n f Page 2 of