ITEM 3.7A Transfer of culvert fundsRequest for TY OF Ot C1 ego City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT ENT INF RMATI N �w_.. n........ ......... ._..� ORIGIN I1 DEI RT E 1T: E UE TOR: II EETIhI DATE; I Finance Department Finance Director Groen January 2, 2013 PRE ENTER s ; REVIEWED BY: ITEM ; Consent Agenda City Administrator for Johnso 3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: I recommend $4,205 remaining in the 2012 budget for culverts, account #101--43100.392, be transferred to the neer Story Water — Out -of -District Fund #220 to provide financing for future storm grater projects. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The 2012 General Fund budget included $5,000 for culvert replacement. Of the budget amount only $795 will actually be expended in 2012. The public works subcommittee discussed various out -of -district storm water projects to be completed in the near future. The remaining balance in the culvert budget was identified as a financing source for these projects along with the 2013 general property tax leery. The City Council approval its required to transfer the unencumbered balance of the culvert budget lire item to the Stora Water Out -Of -District Fuad. The transfer will be reflected in the 2012 financial statements. SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTS: POSSIBLE MOTION n Al A HED X NOME Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the transfer ofthe unencumbered balance o $4,205 io the culvert budget #101- 43100-392 101- 4 10 -392 to the Storm Water Out -Of -District Fund. BUDGET INFORMATION INDING: : E D ETED: YES nencumbered Balance in #101-43100-392 ❑NO CT[N TAKEN a APPROVED AREQUESTED DENIED FABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: