ITEM 3.8 Otsego sign software systemY*, TY 0 OtCl e F 0 MINN# SQTl Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORIVATIO 1 Hill: :::.......:.x....v.N......................_.......v._.._._v......n..n.... .......... ...... _.:.... .... ....................... :.:....n.......n......n........Y.....v...._.._.................n..n.x.._.n.._...._.:.....---._.:....:..::.......:.:......._.......... ............. _.........._............................... ..n ........ _..... .. v...v.n.M._....v.nn.M....w_____.:..___:.._n.n............nN..... x....r................ ..__...._..._......_........... R fI ATII r PARTI EI T; Street Maintenance Supervisor MEETING DATE: Public Works Streets Belair January 28, 2013 PRE ENTER : REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, CityAdministrator 3. AGENDA ITEM DETAII RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends purchasing equipment and software needed to manufacture and maintain the City of Otsego street sign system. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? NO NO BA KGR UNDIJU TIFKATION: To efficiently manage the City of Otsego street sign program to state and federal standards including providing accurate budget proposals and maintaining a current sign inventory.. I recommend upgrades to our sign software and related equipment. Rick Knutson, Ron Wagner, and i reviewed four sign management software proposals considering cost, complexity, and compatibility with our current GIS and sign programs. The four software pr ram considered were from Epic solutions, dpointe Technologies, Cartegraph, and SignCAD Systems. We recommend purchasing SignTrack sign management software from Sign CAD Systems which provided the lour quote and also integrates the sign inventory software signTRACI with Sign Cad which is the software we currently use for sign making. In addition to purchasing SignTrack we also recommend the purchase of software upgrades to Sign Cad and an electronictahletforfield use. The$5,966.39 total cost estimate for the recommended purchases is $5,366.39 from SignCAD Systems and approximately $6for the purchase of an electronic tablet. The Public Wo rks Sub -Comm ittee discussed the sign department upgrades at their Jan ur r 16, 2013 meeting and recommended the purchases be placed on the January 2 , 2013 City Council consent agenda for consideration. SUPPORTINGDOCUMENT& X ATTACHED HE 0 Quote from SignCAD Systems Inc. MOTION: Motion to approvepurchase from SignCAD Systems Inc. in the amount of $5,366.39 and up t $600 for the purchase of an electronic tablet. BUDGET INFORMATION ................... . . . . . . ........ .. .... . . - 0zMwwz== ............. ........ . .................. . ... ..... ................... .... .................. .... ! .................... ......... .. ... . ........................... .... .. .... .. ... ... .... ..... ...... ..... . .. .. .... .. . .... .... ........ . ... .. ............... ................. .. ... .. ...... . ........ ............... ........ . . . FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Unencumbered funds from 2012 general funds ij NO in accounts 101-43100-240 small tool & equip. and 101-43100-393 &101-43100-395 street I signs kCTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED COMMENTS: .. ................ .. DENIED n TABLED o OTHER (List changes) SignCAD Systems, me � 10590 Wayzata Blvd Suite 230 � Minnetonka, MN 55305 . N0 SPEED UMITS Bill To City of 0 Accounling Departnient 8899 Nashwa Avenue NE Nego, &I 55330 Shfp'fo Cit} otsg Rick Kmitsoji 8899 Nashwa Mum NR is go, MN 55330 Dais invoice # I2117f2012 104239 P.O. Number Terms Ship Via R.B. Verbal Date on receipt 12/17/2012 Download Pe rfod:t2{2 12-12#26/13 * In stal I atio n Guide wiIli TratliftlgT atorfals Qu ntIly Item Cade Dascrfption 1 Prlro Each Amount 1 I Mai 1gnCAD AM SignCADXAM SoffivaroAnitual Nfahitenance, 950,001950,00 VMV1S1gfleRdxoju Pe rfod:t2{2 12-12#26/13 * In stal I atio n Guide wiIli TratliftlgT atorfals * Phone support throughout on ye-ar ivanuty pefiad fbr;S1gnCAD acid tgn A . * Phone support is ave 1leble frons 910 am - 4:30 pm hf-F CST oxc pI hallda . * Free s'off we vpdates as (hoy beconia availabi # thriauj�tout on r uwmlf)r period, I SigIMUCK web * SsgnTRACK is a Web bised sign inwPtory nwagement system chat 3,995.00 3,995,00T hicludes 01 e SignTRACKiPad app for raid 4ala ca Ieel lom # Captum ImOo y.s, images and alt sign a#tributfs hi tba field view and manago al sign rocords at tiro de -Atop or laptop Iucitides map vio Pied atel[Itc At both dw computer an tithe 0.00 Wad, instantly findsigm on 1ha map and Ylew aid cdit ricers rrom Ileo n1ap. xPort data coinPagblo wi t ES R1 Arc1 ftp. * Rrqui MS ipad 2 orl ter$1 lh ceItill ar ervlc . * up to S User . Save 1 rt ADfiles to 810GRACK. . MN Salol Tax on requIred Mai nit pan cat 1.38 21.73 21.73 M1 SeIWfa on S ignTRACK Web at 6.875°% 274.66 274.66 1 Maim SiguTRACK SigiiTRACKSoflwueMaintenaricePtriod: 1=7/12-=6113 6 5,00 625.00 Credit card discount Credit card discount -500.00 -500.00 Sales Tax - Kxelnpt 0.00 0.00 Total $5,366.39 Paymente/Credits t00 Balance Due $5$366.39 (952) 544-9561 sa1es@signcad.com hone # Fax E-mail Web site (952) 54 4.955 (952) 544-9561 sa1es@signcad.com VMV1S1gfleRdxoju