ITEM 4.1 Feasibilty report for proposed drainage improvementsCITY OF ot0 MINNE-50TA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action .. . . . . . . . . ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE, Public Works Ron Wagner,, City Engineer 1-28-13 PRESENTER(s): REV] EWE D BY' ITEM #., Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council direct staff to compile information received at the informational meeting from the affected residents. This compiled information can be used by the Council to make an informed decision regarding going forward with a Public Hearing. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No, this is an Informational meeting with public input. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Needham Avenue south of 85th Street has had standing water continue to worsen over the last several years. A resident requested help from the City to remedy the situation. City Council then authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Study. An information meeting was presented tonight to the residents explaining the proposed remedy and the proposed assessment. A Public Hearing for the project with the potential for assessments in accordance with MN State Statue 444 will need to be scheduled f the Council determines that the project process should proceed. The schedule outlined in the Feasibility Report calls for the Council to consider ordering a Public Hearing at the next Council meeting, February 11th. The Public Hearing is proposed to be set for March 11th at 7:00 pm at Prairie Center — Council Chambers, 8899 Nashua Avenue. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ci NONE 0 Feasibility Report Motion: No motion is necessary. or I 13UDGET INFORMATION 211C. - FUNDING: BUDGETED: Ei YES N/A N/A ci NO ACTION TAKEN u APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED oTABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS- FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEEDHAM AVENUE — SOUTH OF 85TH STREET CITY OF TSEGO, MINNESOTA December 2012 Prepared by: Halcanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. Ronald J. W#r(er 26052 12/612012 Reg. No. Date TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................ ■..RRRRi...................■.° 1 1 • EXISTING ■ ■ ■o.+ I T I 4.� N ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ r ■ ■ Y r ■ ■ t R • i II # f R f J ■ R R R ■ • a ■ ■ a ■ r ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ ill■ PROPOSED PROJECT ............................................................................ I V ■ INITIATION i i . R . R . J . i ■ a . ■ . a a t . t a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ... r r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .. ■ . r r ■ ■ R a .. i i ■ . . . i . . ■ ... R J a a . .. a ■ ■ .. a ■ a ■ . ■ ■ a ... 2 V. FEASIBILITY .■.a■■■■■■■.■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■..................Ill...a.■aa■■■....■■.■........■......■..... 2 V I ■ RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENTS .. ■ ■ ■ ■ .■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a 2 a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . r ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ '■ a s ■ ■ i . a l R R i i R R R R R . R t a . a . a . ■ VII. PE! \ ITS .. R R R R R .... R . R .. a ■ .. a . ■ . ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r r . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ r ■ r ■ ■ . ■ s ■ ■ ■ i i i R . ... i R i ■ ■ ■ ■ a a . a ■ ■ ■ ■ ... a . a . ■ ■ r ■ a . ■ ■ 2 1!111. COMPLETION .......................................R...■■..■......■■ttt.■......■■............■■■...■... 2 IX. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE.......■..■a■■■■..■...■....,........................ X. ESTIMATED PR JECT COST ..................................................■■■■■■■■..■■■■■ XI. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT...... ....................... IL .... L ........ ................. ...... XI 1. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ■....■....■■■...■■..1.,.......■.■■■.■■■.■■■■■. EXHIBITS LOCATION MAP ■■■■.........r....■.......■...........■.■.■■■.■..■■■■■■■■■■..■■■■■■....■...........A PROPOSEDST ! k■ Y ■ SEWER ■ . ■ r ■ r r r ■ ■ t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ '■ ■ . • t i R . R ■ . . R 7 . . t i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r V BENEFITING PROPERTIES.......... - . ................................ K - - rs......r...ii� PROPOSED DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NEEDHAM AVENUE — SOUTH OF 85TH STREET NE CITY OF TSE O, MN 1, INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of municipal drainage improvements for Needham Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota (see Exhibit A — Project Location Map). The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates and a project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 444 for projects resulting in special assessments for drainage. Some of the residents along Needham Avenue have contacted the City regarding drainage issues over the past several years. Due to the number of contacts, City Council authorized a Feasibility Report be completed to determine costs and potential funding sources. 11. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing right-of-way consists of a bituminous surface (Needham Avenue) with adjacent drainage ditches and driveway culverts. The existing drainage system was constructed approximately 20 years ago using private funds without City assistance but within the City Right of Way. To minimize storm sewer costs, the pipe sizes and materials were less than City standards. The construction intended for the water to be conveyed to 85th Street NE via storm sewer and a manhole. The storm sewer was constructed on the west side of Needham Avenue to convey water north to the intersection of 85 th Street NE. At the manhole located at the Southwest intersection of 85th Street NE and Needham Avenue, the storm sewer water was directed west through storm sewer and day -lighted within the 85th Street NE ditch. The 85th Street NE ditch was replaced with municipal storm sewer during the urban section reconstruction of 85th Street NE in 2002. However, the storm sewer pipe has failed along Needham Avenue, causing water to pond within the ditches and onto private property. The existing profile of the ditch also reveals some flat and reverse grades within the ditch and culvert system, which is also creating ponding. Some of the property owner existing issues are septic tanks and drainage fields inundated, mosquitos, stagnant water, rotting vegetation and loss of usable land. III. PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed drainage improvement project consists of a ditch and storm sewer system along Needham Avenue. The storm sewer would connect to an existing catch basin at the southwest corner of 85th Street NE and Needham Avenue (see Exhibit B). To convey the water to the proposed storm sewer, re -grading of the ditch and replacing the driveway cuiverts would be required. The transverse culvert would increase from an 18" to a 24". The water would flow north along the east side of Needham Avenue until It crosses Needham Avenue through the 24" culvert. The water would continue to drain north along the east side of Needham Avenue until it reaches the proposed storm sewer, which would be increased in size from 10" to 15", and finally the existing storm sewer at 85th Street NE. The material proposed for the storm sewer pipe is either HDPE or Reinforced Concrete. Iv® INITIATION The feasibility report was initiated by the City Council due to issues regarding water ponding. V. FEASIBILITY The project is feasible from a technical standpoint and generally meets all local, regional and stag standards for municipal improvements. vi. RIGHT-OF-WAY I EASEMENTS The existing streets and proposed ditch upgrades are located within the existing 66 foot wide right-of-way. If additional utility and drainage easements are required based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to be provided to the City of Otsego. v11. PERMITS At this time, no permits are required for this project. VIII. COMPLETION This project is proposed to be completed during the 2013 construction season. IX. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE_ The preliminary project schedule for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue: Table I City of Otsego Needham Avenue Preliminary Project Schedule 2012 2013 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report December 10 and Schedules Information Meeting 2. Mail Individual Notices for Informational January 18* Meeting 3. Publish Notice of Informational Meeting January 19* 4. City Council Holds Informational Meeting January 28 5. City Council Orders Public Hearing or February 11 Discontinues Process 6. Publish Notice for Public Hearing February 16 & 23* 7. Mail Individual Notices for Public Hearing February 18* 8. City Council Holds Public Hearing March 11 9. City Council Orders Project, and Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans March 25* and Specifications 10. Engineer Submits Plans for City Council Approval and Receives Authorization to April 8* Advertise for bid 11. City Council Receives Bid and Awards May 13* Contract or Discontinues Process Contractor Begins Construction June* 13. Contractor Completes Construction July* 14. Assessment Hearing and Approval of Septernber* Assessment Roll 3 * Adjusted dates. X. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the drainage improvements. The costs quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed prices. The quantities are estimates also. The contractor will be paid only for work completed. The cost estimates are based on previous projects costs. The estimated costs for the drainage improvements for Needham Avenue are as follows: Table III City of Otsego Needham Avenue Preliminary Cost Estimate Mir] Q&%helffillel "All - nifnk Item No. Description Estimated Qua it Unit Price Extension 1 Mobilization I LS $1,500.00 $1,500 2 Common Excavation (P) 140 Cly' $12.00 $1,680 3 Remove Culverts 268 LF $6.00 $2,144 4 TratFo Control 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000 5 Salvage and Reinstall Street Sign 2 EACH $50.00 $100 6 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 0.4 ACRE $2,500.00 $1$000 7 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 160 LBS $1.00 $160 8 Mulch Material Type 1 0.30 TON $450-00 $135 Total - Bid Schedule FIXI Rid Qi-harfida "Fill - qfnrm Nawar $7,719 It m No. Description Estimated Quentity Unit Price Extension 9 Remove EAsting PVC Pipe 438 LF $4.00 $15752 10 Catch Basin I EACH $1,500-00 $1500 11 24" RC Pipe Apron 2 EACH $600.00 $1,20 12 .1510 RC Pipe Apron 7 EACH $500.00 $3,500 13 12" RC Pipe Apron 2 EACH $300.00 $600 14 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) 472 LF $30.00 $14,160 15 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL IH all depths) 32 LF $35.00 $1120 16 12" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) 24 LF $27.00 $648 17 Connect to EAstin g Storm Sewer i EACH $500.00 $500 Total - Bid Schedule 11 BF1 4 $24,980 Total - Bid Schedules "N' & 111311 $329699 Overhead & Contingency (351'16) $113446 Total Project Cost- $445144 X1. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT The estimated assessment was determined by the contributing area (see Exhibit C). Each contributing area was adjusted using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve numbers and an affected area multiplier. The SCS curve numbers incorporate land use and hydrologic soil groups. Properties were also weighed based on the likelihood of water ponding on the property. Properties with water likely to pond on the property were given a factor of 1.5 while properties with water likely to pond in the ditch in front of the property were given a factor of 1.25. If no water was likely to pond on the property a multiplier of 1 was set. The elevation used to determine likely ponding was 942 feet. A weighted average was then determined and used to determine the appropriate assessment. The estimated cost per assessment is summarized in Table 111. The assessment portion of the project is 100% of the total estimated project costs. 5 0 ca LM cl >11 co E U) w CL 0 Ln 0) 0 m 0 w T-- w T- w r-- 0 0 0 N 0 (D (e) m 0) Q T- (D 0 0 0 4 C6 6 m (d 00, Lo (C) V ; o C,5 o, T- C4) r -- CL o C) 1,.- 0 0 d m 0 0 w m 0 m n 0 m m 0 w N r-- o wlw 00 00 0 M 0 q to CK) 0 m CO 3; co 0 T-- V: V: r-- r-- (n cf - r— M V> (4 csi C\i C4 r— 0 ce) 00 T -- (a 0 LE a- v)- I 61# 611, I Epol I Grk I 6s I I V) I (a I p 61} I V) (0 co F- m m m m w w w 0 m N N 03 m 16M N 0 m 0 0 0 w ED 0 -I M 0 M m 0 m 0 m w Cl) 0 w > N CVm F- 0 0 w w 0 o m o m N . F- I 0 0 N in m . N r F� PC V) (D co N Ln 0 LO 0 LO a lqt Nr co r,- Ln q 0 Ln (D (0 a 0 �� 0 (D w . CD m . 'q w . 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CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This report analyzed the feasibility of drainage improvements for Needham Avenue south of 85th Street E. The improvement is technically feasible as described in this report. The project is proposed to be funded solely by the benefiting properties. 7 LOCATION MAP OF 0 MINNESOTA 9 kson ; An erson Dec 0S. 2012 1.52prn FEASdiq 500 0 500 1000 SCALE FEET EXHIBIT A T4*5 LVENUE 5TH A CJ 69'L£6-A?41 p2 IN HH/03 Dtflisixl M3H I9`1?#6-AN1 ,, I 'XI I9'17V6-At l .,Z e hk3fl 6Z`Vi76'AF41 „Z I_ *X3 6 'V#' ANI r,Z I MTM U'76—Aral .9I 'X3 +6CZ176-ANI „St - 1AM 69' V -ANI SSI LX3 69796 -ANI ,G I M34 £ I'M -ANI 'X3 V9'Si!6—ANI 9'OV6+-NIN IHNSO M3N '23 6 -ANI ,Cl 'X3 OCR26—ANI ,.01 Mlt3 17 U6 ANI VZ 'X3 v 'M-A?V „9I m3N LV'H6—Aral 11• 'X3 'ZO'6SS6-ANI 49I IAM LTMAtfl ,GI 'X3 6'1916 -ANI .,91, AUN OTH6-ANI y,GI 'X3 VR'9� —ANJ � I IAM MM—ANI ,GL— .X3 0#M ---ANI WS I AUN 99'8 6 -ANI ,SI ipc J "J N a 1, .y �, ,* +- a tar _ � ,{ '� �#. s t � �S�� • d AL M I It fq s � J �il�l ■ SA i its =as Wn as Em ..a ==I 1 , - 'IN ==I M3H I9`1?#6-AN1 ,, I 'XI I9'17V6-At l .,Z e hk3fl 6Z`Vi76'AF41 „Z I_ *X3 6 'V#' ANI r,Z I MTM U'76—Aral .9I 'X3 +6CZ176-ANI „St - 1AM 69' V -ANI SSI LX3 69796 -ANI ,G I M34 £ I'M -ANI 'X3 V9'Si!6—ANI 9'OV6+-NIN IHNSO M3N '23 6 -ANI ,Cl 'X3 OCR26—ANI ,.01 Mlt3 17 U6 ANI VZ 'X3 v 'M-A?V „9I m3N LV'H6—Aral 11• 'X3 'ZO'6SS6-ANI 49I IAM LTMAtfl ,GI 'X3 6'1916 -ANI .,91, AUN OTH6-ANI y,GI 'X3 VR'9� —ANJ � I IAM MM—ANI ,GL— .X3 0#M ---ANI WS I AUN 99'8 6 -ANI ,SI • 3 99.8 6—AH1 .191 I J "J IN � J � a M I cq J �il�l ■ i its =as Wn as Em ..a ==I 'IN ==I Em =win mmi Em mmi Em. mm m t mm Em. moomm! OEM: mm -mm' mmilamemom Mu m 1. =a -IN, 0 m =Lmwmmmm mmsm- m Wd m 'mm • 3 99.8 6—AH1 .191 I J "J � J � a ,lto Z CL cq J YL' s s :2: CL W m 4.5 ILL L 0 <3 .7 7 }3 �4'Y�ir, S`l�+31`=4T..��f �•ti.-►t' 1':3'�Js`e =�x PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTIES LEGEND PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY kanson Anderson 09, 2013 1 1; .3 -own SCALE 1N FEET K- \c o-J—ef. 2\PR CIJEC TS\V0' 4: PA L\O TO 5\c! �\O 105 F E jkS d. ) EXHIBIT G OT435 T NJ 1 t I (12 L.Lj LJ < G 3 13 4 14 15 0 0 7 16 17 2 Oji0 2 oQig 10 20 2 11 21 2 LEGEND PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY kanson Anderson 09, 2013 1 1; .3 -own SCALE 1N FEET K- \c o-J—ef. 2\PR CIJEC TS\V0' 4: PA L\O TO 5\c! �\O 105 F E jkS d. ) EXHIBIT G OT435