01-28-13 CCi CITY 0F 0 ot e MINNESOTA Call to Order: Roll Call: Pledge of Allegiance: 1. Open Forum: 2. Consider agenda approval. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, January 28, 2013 7:00 PM Otsego Prairie Center COUNCIL ACTION 1/28/13 3. Consent Agenda: 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. January 14, 2013 Meeting. 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. Planning Commission November 19, 2012. B. Police Commission December 11, 2012. C. HPC December 11, 2012. D. Parks & Recreation Commission December 12, 2012. 3.4 Approve quote from Delco Roofing for a roofing assessment for Prairie Center. 3.5 Approve Parks and Recreation Staff. 3.6 Approve Ordinance 2013-02 Snow Removal. 3.7 Approve Public Works Budget revisions. A. Storm Water System. B. Sign Management Software. 3.8 Approve quote for Sign Management Software and equipment. 3.9 Pay Estimates/Requests: A. Approve Pay Estimate 94 to Fehn Companies in the amount of $11,135.77 for the 70th Street Project. 4. Informational Project Meeting: 4.1 Stormwater Improvement of Needham Avenue- South of 85th Street. A. Presentation from the City Engineer. B. Public Comments. 5. Public Hearing: 5.1 Consider proposed increased in both intoxicating liquor and non -intoxicating liquor annual City license fees. A. City Clerk attests to legal notice. B. Presentation of the proposed increase. (Loff) C. Public Comments. D. Close the Public Hearing. 6. Community Development: (DDL) 6.1 Consider Ordinance 2013-04 amending the City Code regarding Special Assessments for Public Improvements and Resolution 2013-06 approving a Policy related to Special Assessments. 7. Administration: 7.1 Consider Fire Inspections Agreement. (Johnson) 8. City Council Reports and Updates. 9. Staff Reports and Updates. 10. Adjourn. Open Forum: All comments are appreciated. If you have any questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be recognized by the Mayor during the "Open Forum" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. Public Hearin_ Items: tems: The City Council wants to assure that citizen comments are received at the proper time and place to be most effective. In order for some comments to be legally considered by the City Council they must be presented at a properly noticed public hearing specifically related to a certain issue. This includes comments related to zoning or subdivision applications, public improvement projects, assessments, code enforcement or other issues that are by State law or City Code subject to a hearing process. You may be advised by the City Council and/or the City Attorney to present comments related to the issues listed above at the appropriate forum to assure that your comments are given proper consideration. Consent Agenda Items: Are considered to be routine and non -controversial by the City Council and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member, Staff member, or Citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. Information: The City Council has been provided background information for agenda items in advance by staff and appointed commissions, committees and boards. Decisions are based on this information, as well as City policy, practices, input from constituents and a Council member's personal judgment. Note: The City Council members and/or City staff may gather at the Rockwoods Bar and Grill, 9100 Quaday Avenue, NE, following the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. The next regular City Council Meeting will be held on Monday, February 11, 2013, 7:00 PM at Otsego Prairie Center. *THE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE MEETING FOR A SEPERATELY POSTED SPECIAL MEETING IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR MEETING at 7:00 PM.