06-14-16 Public Safety Commission MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Minutes June 14, 2016 6:30pm 1. Meeting called to order 6:33pm Roll call: Mark Driste, Chuck Schauss, Greg Hubbard, Jim Breitbach, Tina Driste, Paul Fields, CM Jason Warenhime, AVF Chief Bullen, Rogers Chief Feist, ER Deputy Chief Surratt, Wright Cty Sheriff. Absent: Mark Lucht, Mayor Stockamp 2. Meeting Agenda approved. Motion to approve Mark Driste. Second by Paul Fields. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. May meetings minutes approved. Motion to approve Paul Fields. Second by Greg Hubbard. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum – no items. 5. Wright County Sheriff: Schools out-increase in juvenile activity; traffic complaints related to detour—road construction will be completed tomorrow (6/15/16) Rogers Fire: No calls, quiet month Albertville Fire: Riverwood Fire 6/3/16-under control quickly; with road construction ER fire is providing coverage; Safety Camp with ER 7/13/16 Elk River Fire: Fire academy graduation 6/22/16 6. Old Business: CERT / Community Project update: Chuck will arrange with Gary from the state to come to July 12th mtg 7. New Business: Kwik Trip set to have Grand Opening Sept 8th 8. City Council Meeting update:  6-13-16: long night-many traffic complaints from residents 9. City Council Meeting Assignments:  6-27-16 Paul Fields  7-11-16 Paul Fields Motion to adjourn by Paul Fields. Second by Mark Driste. All in favor. Motion approved. Meeting minutes written by: Tina Driste