ITEM 5.1 Wright County 5 year Highway Improvement PlanP Otsezo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator July 11, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item only for the Council to receive the Wright County Five Year Highway Improvement Plan 2017 —2021. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: On June 14, 2016, the Wright County Board approved the Five Year Highway Transportation Plan 2017- 2021. A copy of the plan is attached for your review. No action is requested from the City Council; this is on the agenda to inform the Council of Wright County's transportation maintenance and improvement plans for the next five years. As you can see in the plan, the scheduled projects in Otsego include completion of CSAH 37 from TH101 to Odean in 2018 and CSAH 37 from CSAH 19 to Maclver in 2019. CSAH 19 improvements from the outlet mall to 70th Street are also scheduled in 2019. No funding is included for additional improvements to CSAH 39 in the five year plan, although reconstruction/expansion of CSAH 39 from CSAH 19 to CSAH 42 is included in the 2022 to 2037 work plan. With traffic volume increasing on CSAH 39 and the high number of traffic accidents, expansion of this corridor is a high priority for Otsego. The County Engineer has explained that the County has several roads/highways with significant safety concerns, some of which are higher priority than CSAH 39. That said, with development in Otsego occurring at a much higher pace than other Wright County communities, increased traffic volume and safety concerns could move this up on the countv's list of priorities. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Wright County Five Year Highway Improvement Plan 2017-2021 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. No motion requested. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING BUDGETED: ❑ YES N/A ❑ NO ®.a'0'ry ®� WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS = m O Affright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North 7855 .4y Buffalo, MN 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 133 T°elepahone, (763) 682-7333 FAX. (763) 632-7313 MEMO To: Wright County Cities & Townships 1, From: Virgil G. Hawkins, P.E., County Highway Engineer Date: June 22, 2016 RE: Five Year Highway Improvement Plan 2017-2021 VIRGIL HAWKINS, P.E. Highway Engineer CHAID HAUSMANN, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer STEVE MEYER Maintenance Superintendent JER.EMY CARLSON Right -off -Way Agent The Wright County Highway Department is pleased to present to you our current Five Year Highway Improvement Plan that was approved by the County Board on June 14, 2016. This plan is similar to plans of the past, with a continued emphasis on preservation of the existing Wright County Highway System, combined with an aggressive program of safety projects and major improvement projects (subject to available funding). Wright County, in conjunction with our Cities and Townships, recognizes and supports the critical role of transportation planning as our county experiences continued growth. Vital to this growth is a strong infrastructure system, which includes the County's 511-mile Highway and Bridge System. The Five Year Plan contains an average of $6.5 million dollars annually for preservation efforts, which include bituminous reclamation and bituminous overlay projects. The plan also contains an average of $3.5 million dollars annually for safety and/or major reconstruction projects (typically supplemented with federal funding). However, this is a flexible plan, and some of the reconstruction/expansion projects do not have a funding source identified to date. The County continues to pursue and leverage outside funding (federal grants, safety grants, etc.) and/or will consider partnerships with others (Cities, MnDOT, etc.) to look at creative funding for some of these projects. We trust that you will find this plan beneficial for your City/Township planning and we look forward to working together with you to preserve the integrity and safety of the Wright County Highway System over the next 5- year period, and beyond. Please contact our office if you have any questions, we value your input as a transportation partner with us. Enclosure: 2017-2021 Five Year Improvement Plan cc: County Commissioners Lee Kelly, County Coordinator Chad Hausmann, Assistant County Engineer Steve Meyer, Highway Maintenance Superintendent File J,NT�r p� a � 60 ", 78sS HIGHWKT' DEPT +r( Five -Year Plan 2017-2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Responsibilities.........................................................................................1 Roadway Descriptions..............................................................................1 Purpose of Capital Improvement Plan.......................................................1 Primary Funding Sources.........................................................................2 Background..............................................................................................3 Pavement Condition Ratings.....................................................................4 Five -Year Plan Summary — 2017 to 2021..........................................4A & B Five -Year Plan Map................................................................................. 4C County Bridge & Township Bridge Priority List..........................................5 Six to 20-Year Work Plan — 2022 to 2037.................................................6 Appendix................................................................................................... 7 • NE Wright County Sub -Area Study Improvement Projects • Bridge Resolution I � i The Wright County Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance and administration of over 511 miles of county highways and 39 county bridges. This includes activities such as engineering design, construction management, signing, signals, and routine maintenance of all kinds (snowplowing, patching potholes, crack sealing, mowing roadsides, cleaning culverts, brush cutting, etc.). The county roadway system is comprised of two different categories: ® County State Aid Highways (CSAH) ® County Roads (CR) There are about 408 miles of CSAHs. These highways are supported by the Minnesota Highway Users Tax Distribution Fund, which is made up of the following: ® Gas Tax ® vehicle License or Registration Fees ® Motor vehicle Sales Tax There are also 103 miles of CRs which are entirely supported by local property taxes. This is referred to as the County Road & Bridge Levy. In Wright County, the CSAHs are identified by one and two -digit numbers, such as CSAH 35 between Buffalo and St. Michael, or CSAH 8 from Waverly to Maple Lake. The CRs are identified by three -digit numbers such as CR 138 located near the Wright County Public Works building. The primary purpose of the CIP is to provide a mid -range planning document that can easily be shared with the public allowing both the residents and stakeholders of Wright County to plan for future roadway improvements. It is intended to provide a transparent method to relay how roadway improvement priorities are established and how limited roadway funding is utilized. Each CIP also includes a yearly report on the condition of the county roadway system and its performance compared to established performance targets related to ride quality. The CIP also represents a priority listing of county, township, and municipal bridges that are in need of rehabilitation or replacement. This plan was developed by the Wright County Highway Department based on fiscal restraint (expected funding levels) and is not necessarily sufficient to provide the minimum investment level needed to maintain the pavement quality of the county highway system. Actual projects will be dependent on federal, state, and local funding levels. In addition, the plan may change annually as it is subject to the annual Wright County budget process. 06.14.2016 1 2017-2021 Plea • Federal Funds — Funds assigned to projects through the Federal Transportation Sill, Federal Safety Programs or other special federal transportation programs. A percentage of federal funds appropriated to the State of Minnesota are allocated to the counties and cities. This share of federal funds is distributed on a competitive basis. Projects must be submitted on an annual basis (usually two to four years ahead of planned construction), and then they are evaluated and selected. Average Annual Federal Funds — Variable: $0 to $2,000,000 Wright County has often been successful in obtaining federal funds to help offset funding shortfalls and typically utilizes federal funding for preservation, bridge, and reconstruction projects. State Aid (SA) Funds (Regular) — Annual allocation to the county from state gas tax and vehicle license or registration fees. Regular SA funds may be utilized for any element related to roadway construction or rehabilitation on the CSAH system. These funds may not be used on the CR system. Average Annual SA Allotment: $6,000,000 State Aid (SA) Funds (Municipal -under 5,000 population) — Annual allocation to the county from state gas tax and vehicle license or registration fees. Municipal SA funds are designated to be utilized for any element related to roadway construction or rehabilitation on the CSAH system located within the established boundaries of a municipality (under 5,000 population). These funds may not be used on the CR system or in areas outside a municipality. Average Annual SA (Municipal -under 5,000 population) allotment: $500,000 • County Road and Bridge Levy — Funds generated directly from Wright County tax revenue. These levy funds are primarily intended to maintain the CR system but may also be used to supplement other funding sources. Average Annual County Levy: $3,500,000 • Bridge Bonding — Funding allocated by state legislative action to complete specific bridge construction projects on any county, township, or municipal roadway within the county. Bridge bonding is normally allocated only after a complete set of bridge design plans has been developed. Average Bridge Bonding (for past five years): $200,000/year on a case -by -case basis as bridge replacements are needed. We will continue to apply for a bridge bonding for eligible projects on a case -by -case basis. 06.14.2016 2 2017-2021 Plan The 5-Year Plan is developed by the county engineer and highway department staff to aid with budgeting, planning, programming, and construction of highway and bridge improvement projects. The 5-Year Plan is presented to the public for input and then to the County Board for review and approval. Numerous factors are considered when developing the 5-Year Plan. Listed below are the most essential: Traffic Volume (ADT a Average Daily Traffic) — The higher traffic volume highways will typically receive higher priority, all other factors being equal. Pavement Condition — Pavement condition data is collected every four years. This data is used to determine current conditions and analyze trends of deterioration of each highway. ® Accident Data — Segments or spot locations with higher numbers of accidents or crashes will be analyzed and given higher consideration. ® Sufficiency Rating (Bridges) — Bridge projects are generally prioritized based on the condition of the various elements (deck, piling, etc.). Sufficiency ratings of 50 or less are scheduled for replacement, usually with Federal and/or State Aid Bond Funding. ® Public Input— Feedback and input received from the public and elected officials at the Five - Year meeting and throughout the year are considered when selecting projects for the plan. Fund Availability — Many projects require local money. The plan has been developed with an understanding of a local commitment, the amount of which can vary and affect the viability of the projects (so some projects shown may not be funded based on the local financial commitment determined by the County Board). a,n, the 5-year Plan be modified. YES — This is only a plan. Funding levels, priorities, and County Board directives change. It is the goal of the Wright County Highway Department to maintain this schedule to the best of our ability with the resources given to us. It is intended that this plan will be updated and revised on a bi- annual basis to account for changing priorities and/or funding commitments. Please feel free to contact the Highway Department at 763-682-7383 with any questions or comments. 06.14.2016 3 2017-2021 Plan In Wright County, a roadway's pavement condition is quantified using its Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The PCI takes into consideration both the roughness (Road Quality Index -RQI) and surface distresses on a segment of roadway. Common surface distresses such as cracking and rutting can be closely related to the roughness on roadways. The ROI and surface distress of each CSAH and CR is measured by MnDOT every four years as part of the overall pavement management program. Wright County then enters the ride quality and surface data into our pavement management software, at which point deterioration curves (mathematical formulas) are used to project pavement conditions based on the new and historical data. Generally, PCI is used to help determine when rehabilitation is needed. Understanding the type and cause of the surface distress helps determine what form of rehabilitation is needed. A roadway's PCI, field reviews by highway department staff, and the roadway A®T are the primary means in which pavement rehabilitation needs are prioritized in Wright County. PAVEMENT CONDITION RATINGS CATEGORY PCI Very Good 81-100 Good 61-80 Fair 41-60 Poor 21-40 Very Poor 0-20 9_1I N .P12 Y h VERY POOR 06.14.2016 4 2017-2021 Plan FIVE YEAR PLAN SUMMARY - 2017 to 2021 Revenue Assumptions (Based on 2016 dollars): State -Aid $6,000,000 Municipal SA $500,000 Local Levy $3,500,000 Federal Variable Baseline Program $10,000,000 2017 Project Type Estimated Cost Pavement Preservation (30.9 mi.) $6,500,000 CSAH 9 — Waverly to CSAH 35 (7.1 mi.) CR 108 — CSAH 9 to CSAH 12 (2.7 mi.) CR 110 - CSAH 10 to TH 12 (3 mi.) CSAH 16- CSAH 30 to Cty Line (4.8 mi.) CSAH 6 - US12 to TH 55 (13.3 mi.) Reconstruction CSAH 3 (TH55 to CSAH 2) Grading $3,400,000 Safety Intersection Conflict Warning Systems $200,000 ($180,000 2017 HSIP Fed Safety Funds) TOTAL $9,600,000 Breakdown $6,000,000 SA / $180,000 Federal / $3,420,000 Local Levy 2018 Project Type Estimated Cost Pavement Preservation (25.9 miles) $4,800,000 + (CSAH 3 Fed Proj. listed below) CSAH 37- CSAH 3 to CSAH 5 (3.6 mi) CSAH 5 — CSAH 37 to CR 183 (3.9 mi) CSAH 3 —CR 129 to TH55 (3.9 mi) CR 101— CSAH 3 to TH24 (3.4 mi) CSAH 4 — US12 to CSAH 35 (6.1 mi) CSAH 3 - TH 12 to CSAH 35 (5.0 mi) $1,500,000 ($981,000 AC 2019 Fed Funds) Reconstruction CSAH 60—Turnback (Montrose) $600,000 CSAH 3 Pavement (TH55 to CSAH 2) 2017 Grading $600,000 CSAH 3 (Pave Shldrs., TH 55 to CSAH 2) 2017 Gr. $300,000 ($270,000 HSIP 2017 Fed Safety Funds) CSAH 37 (TH101 to Odean) $3,500,000_($1.53 m 2017 Fed Funds) Safety CSAH 34-CR 134 RAB $930,000 TOTAL $ 12,230,000 Breakdown $6,000,000 SA / $2,781,000 Federal / $3,449,000 Local Levy 4A 2019 Protect Type Estimated Cost Pavement Preservation (25 miles - TBD) $6,500,000 Reconstruction CSAH 37 (CSAH 19 to Maciver) $2,000,000 ($919,000 2018 Otsego Fed Funds) CSAH 19 (Mail to 70' St) $5,000,000 ($2.384 m AC 2020 Fed Funds & Alb./Otsego) Safety Safety Project (TH25/CSAH 12 in Buffalo) 1,000,000 TOTAL $14,500,000 Breakdown $6,000,000 SA / $3,303,000 Federal / $5,197,000 Local Levy (County/City) 2020 Pavement Preservation (25 miles - TBD) $6,500,000 Bridge CSAH 7 Bridge (#90700) $1,500,000 Safety Safety Project (TBD) $1 000 000 TOTAL $9,000,000 Breakdown 6,000,000 SA / 3,000,000 Local Levy 2021 Pavement Preservation (25 miles - TBD) $6,500,000 Reconstruction CSAH 19—St. Michael 4-lane expansion $3,000 000 Safety Safety Project (TBD) $500,000 Bridge Bridge Project (TBD) $1 000 000 TOTAL $11,000,000 Breakdown 7,000,000 SA / 3,500,000 Local Levy / $500,000 Other 4B BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date September 15, 2015 Resolution No. 15-49 Motion by Commissioner Daleiden Seconded by Commissioner Husom RESOLUTION REGARDING DEFICIENT BRIDGES (see attached) YES HUSOM X SAWATZKE X DALEIDEN X POTTER X BORRELL X STATE OF MINNESOTA) 5s. County of Wright ). HUSOM SAWATZKE DALEiDEN POTTER BORRELL NO 1, Lee Kelly, .duly appointed; qualified, and acting Clerk to the County Board for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution or motion with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Wright County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 1511 day of September, 2015 on file in my office, and have found the same to be true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Buffalo, Minnesota, this 15t" day of Septe ber, 2015.. Lee Kelly, County Co dinator RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Wright County has reviewed the pertinent data on bridges requiring replacement, rehabilitation, or removal supplied by local citizenry and local units of government, and WHEREAS, the County of Wright has determined that the following deficient bridges on the County Highway and Township Road systems are a high priority and require replacement or rehabilitation within the next five (5) years, and Bridge No. Road/Highway Estimated Bond Town Bridge Proposed Proiect Cost Funds Needed Funds Needed Construction Year 90700 CSAH 7 $1,100,000 $ 650,000 2017 90687 CR 108 $ 625,000 $ 410;000 2018 7164 CSAH 5 $1,650,000 $ 765,000 2019 724-4 CSAH 2 $ 793,000 $ 396,500 2020 L9395 Rockwood Ave (Southside Twp) $ 600,000 $. 580,000 2015 L8124 60a' Street SW (Woodland Twp) $ 250,000 $ 280;000 2016 L9396 Meridian Ave S. (Franklin Twp) $ 200,000 $` 1.80:000 2018 L95$3 40,h St: SW (Cokato Twp) $ 2651000 $ 245,000 2019 L8128 ST".St. (IVliddleville Twp) $ 140,000 $ 120000 .2020 WHEREAS; local roads play an essential role in the overall state transportation network and local bridges are #lie :critical component of the local road systems, and WHEREAS, State support for the. replacement or rehabilitation of local bridges continues to be crucial to maintaining the integrity of the local road systems and is necessary for the County to proceed with the replacement or rehabilitation. of the high priority deficient bridges described above, and WHEREAS, Wright County does hereby requestauthorization to replace, rehabilitate, or remove.said bridges, and requests financial assistance with. eligible approach.grading and engineering costs on township bridges, as provided by law; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that Wright County intends to proceed with replacement -or rehabilitation of these bridges as soon as possible when State Transportation Bond Funds are. -available, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Wright County commits that it will proceed with the design and contract documents for these bridges immediately after being notified that funds are available. ( r. r 0 2 4 - - _ -- �` F2019-2021 ote; Miles Pavement Preservation to be Determined (TAD) 111 :t `% - -- Sugar, - `-. 123 = A Clearwater - �- —I 135 r a eS®ulz Iav�ptr7 101� rs 106 Cedar 04 19 _ J'1na iddl - - - -� - 106 1017, Twin J _ : t Sylvia -- 131 �+ - ---I �7gp�ii le - - Pelican �rl 129 Lake - 113 I I (v4 t Pulaski 117 II is 1 LJ 132 _ 109 S _ CiSAH9 —I I 705 B[Y _ —I_ Between h I—f' - l lz4 134 Beebe CSAH 35 & TH 241 r - 109 �/ Buffalo S zE1�1®U%eb - I � 7 I, ; 147-- i ' PoFcAor • I 1 - - 116 i O 107 i2 QkQt -- H Ovi3ro-- - HoWaverl, Lal��Waverl � y - J610 ,2 -I' — 133 j I llz 2017 Pavement Preservation f 30.9 Miles Reconstruction Safety/Spot Reconstrction Traffic Control = 2018 Pavement Preservation 411111114wo 25.9 Miles Reconstruction 0*4b/ Safety/Spot Reconstrction Traffic Control CSAH 60 TURN BACK ^ v 2019 Pavement Preservation ! TBD I----' Est. 25.0 Miles r Reconstruction Safety/Spot Reconstrction a Traffic Control 2020 I Pavement Preservation F Est. 25.0 Miles Bridge —� Safety/Spot Reconstrction TBD Traffic Control 2021 IPavement Preservation # TBD Est. 25.0 Miles Reconstruction Safety/Spot Reconstrction TBD Traffic Control Bridge © TBD 4 C r, a. E 21, 2 0 HIGHWAYI .I'�i ., f; ��e � NAME :11 SUFFICIENCY RATIN4 90700 CSAH 7 51.9 90687 CR 108 52.6 7164 CSAH S 55.0 § CSAH 2 642 01 L9396 Meridian Avenue 39 (FrankHn Township) L 126 Keats Avenue 73 (MiddBevilie Township) L 124 60th Street 73 (Woodland Township) 06.14.2016 5 2017-2021 Plan DESCRIPTION HIGHWAY TRAFFIC VOLUME (2016) RECONSTRUCT CSAH 37 3,000 - 6,000 ADT (TH 25 TO CSAH 19) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND CSAH 36 7,000 ADT (1-94 TO TH 101) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND CSAH 39 7,000 - 10,000 ADT (CSAH 19 TO CSAH 42) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND CSAH 42 6,500 ADT (85T" ST. TO TH 101) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND CSAH 19 8,000 - 11,000 ADT (CSAH 35 TO SO. CO. LINE) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND CSAH 35 10,000 ADT (WEST OF ONE-WAY PAIR) RECONSTRUCT CSAH 35 3,000 ADT (WEST OF 9/109) RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND TH 25 COALITION BASED ON POTENTIAL PROJECT(S) DEVELOPMENT RECONSTRUCT/EXPAND NE WRIGHT COUNTY VARIES TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS EXPANSION 1-94 COALITION PROJECT(S) VARIES 06.14.2016 6 2017-2021 Plan APPENM (Attached NE WRIGHT COUNTY SUB -AREA STUDY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS BRIDGE RESOLUTION 06.14.2016 7 2017-2021 Plan 0 0 Northeast Wright ° dJ ,® Saab -Area Study Figure 24 o �rer�stssippi r�rver Recommended Staging of Monticello Major Dmprovement Projects ° z � 67tsEgc ORegional Park _ rn z z LU O Q 85th St NE 85th St NE z Q - Short -Terri (2004-2015) LU ID z Ot�� ®..., lipid-ier (2015-2025) ° w ® < Long -Teruo (2025-2040) 72nd St NE ®Y z �' [ 33 >: o ff! IF Preservation (2004-2040) z fH'edSP (P.Af O y. Q > .. Q o Q 65th St A 5 0 '20 Existing Interchange �� A� . 60th St NE a R Q Proposed Half Interchange /{ /, z O z z '4lbe le¢ _ Q �� > �� «. O Proposed Full Interchange 50th St NE U� O ,q SOth St NE � f , - E Existing Bridge e 2 11 6 4"- 4i �A / Invn l.Ma �.� — 141 st Ave Future Bridge St. Michae`�,.s Denotes Reference Number Tables 19-21 1 SY,van ° Notes —LTVe Rd ROgers° 1. Proposed system plan has two Crow Hassan �� ; options for treatment of access at Park Reserve Hassan1-94/CSAH 37 (A); one option is m a % rn o Y ,v» for half -diamond interchange to and 15th St NE a from the east. / » align2. ment tver io crossing determined J . t,e Lake , .� Hann ver 9 ( ) Rlpgidnia& ParkLU a y .. WIBM w 120 z , 0 1 2 Miles LL =.«a B t o��,, Short -Term Pro acts a f. » r Completed: 7� ���ron 1a Remaining: 40 MilI'can - 2003 Ogle