ITEM 5.3 JPA shared fire servicesl otS11.v 0 MINNE5OTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator July 11, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend direction related to Albertville Otsego joint powers agreement (JPA) for shared fire service. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: At the June 27, 2016, City Council meeting, the Albertville and Otsego Shared Fire Services Study Final Report, dated June 17, 2016, completed by Springsted was distributed and discussed briefly. At that meeting, the Council gave direction to request an amended final report to correct an omission in the report. It was further noted that the Albertville Otsego Joint Fire Committee was scheduled to meet on June 29 at which time it was anticipated that the report would be discussed and action steps proposed to bring this item to a final resolution. As I have stated before and as was restated at the Joint Fire Committee meeting, this study does not constitute a joint powers agreement between the two cities; it is Springsted's summary of conversations with the Councils individually and Springsted's recommendations based on those conversations. Further, the matrixes included in the report contain brief explanations of each city's position but because the text is short, the intent is not clearly conveyed and thus easily misinterpreted. The report was discussed in depth at the Joint Fire Committee meeting. Both cities felt that there were omissions and misstatements in the final report. Because the report itself does not constitute an agreement and is indeed just a study, the Joint Fire Committee agreed that an amended report does not need to be submitted to the State Fire Marshal. Additionally, the Committee felt that the report infers greater disagreement than actually exists. After discussion, the Committee thought there was general agreement on almost all but a few items: (identified in the study as) Fire Station — Location Approval, Dissolution, and Fire District Areas. It was agreed by the Committee that both cities would present a resolution to their respective City Councils directing the drafting of a JPA for further discussion, negotiation, and adoption if the cities determined that a JPA is desired. The Committee preferred that each of the Councils could provide direction and JPA Darameters to their Council rearesentatives on the Committee to allow the Committee authority for identifying and presenting common positions thus simplifying and expediting the negotiation process. This would not compromise each Council's position or each Council's ability to approve or change the terms of the JPA before adoption because the JPA will be discussed by the full Council at length before taking any action. Another item of discussion at the Committee was determining who should draft the JPA, one of the city attorneys or an independent, neutral attorney. After talking it through, the Committee decided that if both cities and the city attorneys were comfortable with one of the city attorneys drafting the document that would be acceptable. City Attorney, Andy MacArthur suggested that the Albertville City Attorney draft the initial document. I am waiting for Albertville's confirmation that this is acceptable. Finally, the Committee also discussed at length future Otsego fire station locations and timing. The Committee agreed that it is important to determine answers to the timing and location questions soon. The siting of a station is dependent upon several factors, as we have previously discussed. Therefore, a consultant specializing in emergency service response is often called upon to assist in siting the station(s). The consultant gathers data from the city planner, responding fire chiefs, the city engineers, and other staff for analysis to determine potential locations. The cost for a consultant services to identify potential locations ranges from $15,000 for basic services to $30,000 for a comprehensive study. Selecting the correct long-term locations is a major decision. Engaging an expert to assist in identifying the correct locations, along with input from the city planner and other staff, is a method to ensure that the Council has the information needed to make the best decision for the entire City in the long-term. Funding is available in the fire reserve fund for a study now or whenever the Council is ready to proceed. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED X ❑ NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to direct staff to prepare a resolution that authorizes the drafting of a joint powers agreement for fire service between the cities of Albertville and Otsego. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING BUDGETED: ❑ YES N/A ❑ NO