RES 13-05RESOLUTION NO.: 2013,.05 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE REVISIONS ISIONS T THE PLAY FIELD USE POLICY. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has play fields within public parks for which there is demand for regular, scheduled use,by various organizations; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary to make revisions to the policy regarding priority scheduling, appropriate field use, and contact information for field scheduling. WHEREAS, the City staff have prepared the Revised Play Field Use Policy attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, AS, the Parks and Recreation tion Commission on January g, 2013 reviewed the Revised Flay Field Use Policy and voted 4-0 to recommend it's approval. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council of the City of Otsego that the Revised Play Field Use Policy is hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect. MOTION Y: HEIINEI SECOND Y; SCH OEi Er ALL IN FAVOR; ; ST'OCKAMP, HEI NEI , SCHF OE ER, WAREHIME, DARKENWALD THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsegothis 14th day o February 2011. ►TTEST: "IV Tari Loff, City Clerk CITY F OTSEGO Jeswca Stockamp, Mayor 2 POLICY 06.03 PARC FIELD USE POLICY Section 05.03.01 Purpose 05.03.02 Scheduling 05.03.03 Tournaments and Single Events 05.03.04 Fees 05,03.05 Field Maintenance 05.03.06 Rules of Conduct 05.03.07 Indemnification 05, 03.08 Amendments SECTION 05.03.01 PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this policy to establish guidelines for these of play fields at parks in the City of Otsego; A. The City seeks to provide equal access and opportunity t0 a variety of recreation activities for the community, achieve maximum use of play fields by the public and, when necessary protect play fields from overuse. B. The City will prioritize use of park flells for organizations and groups that may desire the use of these facilities for the benefit of the community and specifically those individuals, businesses, organizations, clubs and groups within the City of Otsego. C. The City reserves the right to designate the availability of specific facilities for scheduled activities based on, but net limited to, demand for use of the facility b the public at target field capacity, compatibility of activities with surrounding lard uses, maintenance reeds or safety purposes. (Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 20 13) SECTION 05.03.02: SCHEDULING: A. Requests for use of pray fields for scheduled activities shall be submitted to the Warks and Recreation Department or forms provided by the City a minimum of forty five 5 dans prior to the date of the activity or start of activities. B. Use of park fields will be assigned at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Department based on the following priorities: . City facilitated events and activities. 2. City sponsored or co-sponsored events and activities. 3. Non-profit o 3C youth organizations recognized b the earls and x Recreation reation Commission and approved b the City Council as providing necessary services to Otsego residents subject to the following additional guidelines: a. The percentage of Otsego residents participating in the program. b. The number of participants in the program. Priority use may be assigned based on donations to the City for facility development. 4. Official athletic programs of K-12 schools that Otsego residents are designated to attend, or In the case of private or charter schools are open to attend. �. Activities sponsored by other supported government agencies supported b taxes paid by Otsego property owners. 6. Non-profit 01 3C civic and religious organizations located within the City of Otsego. . Otsego residents. . Businesses located within the City of Otsego. �. All other organizations, groups, clubs, individuals or businesses not located within the City of Otsego. C. The Faris and Recreation Department shall establish dates each year by which users must commit to requests for play field reservations In order to be considered based on their priority status; after that date, play fields may be reserved on a first come, first serge basis. D. In the event of a scheduling conflict within the priority list set forth above, the date upon which payment for use of the play field is received shall determine the scheduling priority. Reservations may not be transferred to a third party without approval by the City. F. The Parrs and Recreation Department must be notified of all schedule changes and/or can elations a minimum of forty eight hours prior to scheduled use; Failure to provide the required notice will forfeit the play field use fees and may jeopardize future use. K G. Use of part facilities in addition to the play fields shall he subject to the policies, procedures and fees for that specific facility i.e., park shelter. (Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 20 13) SECTION 06,03.03: TOURNAMENTS AND SINGLE EVENTS. The following specific procedures are established for groups requesting use of play fields for tournament games, whether for a single date or over a period of days. A. bequest for use of a play field for a tournament and/or single evert shall be processed in accordance with Section 05.03.02 of this policy. B. Provision of City staff for maintenance of play fields during ars event may be provided and/or required subject to approval by the Warks and Recreation [tanager; the cost for all Parks and Recreation Department staff time, equipment and materials shall be paid by the play field user lased on the fee schedule adopted in Section 2--2 of the City Code. C. The use of and location of any teats and/or signs is subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation -Manager. D. Charging for admission and/or the sale of non-food merchandise shall he subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Manager. E. Sale of food and beverages are cillowed only it accordance with Minnesota Department of Heath rules and shall he subject to review and approval by City staff.: F. The Warks and Recreation ation Cl anager will determine if additional trash containers or portable toilets or pumping of portable toilets during the event is required; the costs for additional trash containers or portable toilets or pumping of portable toilets are to be paid by the play field user. G. Organizations renting city pray fields under this Section shall provide a certificate of insurance naming the City of Otsego as ars additional insured: Insurance requirements are: $1 million personal injuries; $1 million property damage; and $2 million general aggregate. pre -tournament meeting shall he scheduled with the lurks and Recreation Manager a minimum of ten days prior to the event to review pro edures or identify any specific needs or issues. (Resolution 2013-, adopted January 14, 201 3) 3 SECTION 06,03,04: FEES. A. The Pars and Recreation Commission ion may recommend and the City Council adopt annually a schedule of fees for use of play fields within Section 2-4-2 of the City Code; this schedule may designate specific users, fields and/or days and times for which payment of fees is required. B. Payment schedule: . season league play shall be invoiced at the end of the scheduled season. 2. Tournaments, single events or other requests for a reservation require payment in full or a cash escrow for the estimate cost a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date. C. Fees for scheduled use of play fields shall not be refundable if the activity is cancelled or rescheduled within less than forty eight hogs of the scheduled date unless recommended by Parks and recreation Commission and approved by the City Council. (Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 20 13) SECTION 06.03.05; FIELD MAIN 'E C C . A. The Parks and Recreation Manager will determine play fiefs to be made available for scheduling during a season; to minimize wear and maintenance of the play fields, specific facilities may be withheld from scheduled activities for rehabilitation and growth of the turf. B. The Paris and Recreation Manager may cancel individual activities based on current play field conditions and the need to avoid severe impact to the turf. C. Maintenance scheduler Play fields are mowed and irrigated and trash containers emptied by the Parts and Recreation Department as determined by Parks and Recreation reation Manager. 2. Baseball/softball fields: a. Infields are to be dragged based on a schedule determined by the Parks and Recreation Manager: Motorized equipment shall only be operated by the Parks and Recreation reation Department to drag infields. 4 2. The Parks and Recreation Manager may make available hand pulled equipment for play field users to drag infields between games. b. Foul lines will be chalked based on a schedule determined by the Parks and Recreation Manager. C. The Parks and Recreation Department will install bases and base posts for scheduled play field users. 3, Football, soccer, lacrosse, rugby or other field sports; . Lines will be painted by the Pars and Recreation Department. b. Play field users shall be responsible to install and remove all nets. (Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 20 13) SECTION 05.03.06: RULES of CONDUCT A. Play field users shall comply with all park and trail regulations outlined In Chapter 6, Section 6 of the city code. B. Activities must be under supervision of a responsible adults at all times with the organization using the facilities assuming full responsibility for any damage pursuant to Section 0 .03.06 of this Policy. C, Severe Weather: The city reserves the right to postpone or cancel scheduled events if it determines that weather conditions are unsafe for participants, the activity will have a severe impact to the play field or the Parks and Recreation Department is unable to maintain safe access to the play field. 2. outdoor activities should be stopped and participants seek shelter immediately if severe storms(including lighting) are sighted in the area. D. Parking: # Vehicles shall be parked only in designated parking areas and are not allowed in designated no parking zones or on trails, turf, pathways, or inf fields. 5 2. if is the responsibility of individuals responsible for the activity (coordinators, coaches, etc,) to comply with these parking restrictions and inform all other participants, players and/or parents. E. Failure to comply with these rules of conduct may jeopardize future use of play fields. (Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 2013 SECTION 06,03.07: INDEMNIFICATION: A. All activities undertaken by participants are at the participant's own risk and that the City of Otsego, its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers shall not be liable for any claim, demand, injury, damage, action, or causes of action whatsoever to a participant or their property dine to the negligence or failure to act of the city of Otsego, its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers arising out of or connected with use of park fields. B. Participants expressly forever release and discharge the city of Otsego its employees, agents, contractors and volunteers from any such claim, demand, injury, damage, action, or causes of action whatsoever. resolution 2013-04, adopted January `i, 201 3) SECTION 05.03,08:AMENDMENTS: A. The city Council may amend this policy at any time. Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by city council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Warks and Recreation Commission and/or city Council. The City clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. {Resolution 2013-04, adopted January 14, 2013} 0