2017 Outdoor Recreation Grant City of Otsego�A& YYSB - Associates. lnc. Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction ri July 13, 2016 Mr. Ross Demant Parks and Recreation Director City of Otsego 13400 — 90th Street N E Otsego, M N 55330 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Re: Proposal to Provide Professional Services - Preparation of 2017 Issued DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Application — Norin Landing Dear Mr. Demant: WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to provide services as they relate to preparing a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Outdoor Recreation Grant application for the development of Norin Landing. The information provided on the following pages includes our understanding of and approach to the application; a work plan; a proposed schedule to complete the work by the DNR's traditional due date; a cost estimate for completing the work; the experience of key personnel identified to work on the grant; and recent grant successes. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Otsego is seeking a proposal to prepare an application for the development of Norin Landing Park as part of the DNR's Outdoor Recreation Program. The proposed park improvements have been identified on a site concept plan previously developed by the City. It is not anticipated that WSB would be required to update the site plan as part of the application. Because the DNR traditionally issues the Outdoor Recreation Grant application materials in December or January for the upcoming round of grants, WSB would not begin work on the grant until December of 2016 or January of 2017. It is anticipated that the final grant application will be due March 31, 2017. As part of the project, WSB will be required to complete the following as a minimum: ■ Meet with City of Otsego staff prior to beginning the application. This meeting will cover a number of items including: o Verifying WSB's understanding of the project based on information contained in the site plan and items that do not show up in the concept (signage; other/future connections via trail; resilient infrastructure, etc.) Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 2 o Verifying cost estimates provided by the City or its consultant for the items in the site plan o Discussing design considerations and challenges associated with property impacts related to vegetation, wetlands, fish and wildlife, etc. o Documenting community involvement in the site plan/park plan development o Strategizing how to maximize project criteria scoring o Verifying the preferred year of construction ■ Provide required text for grant application ■ Prepare necessary exhibits (other than site plan) for grant application ■ Provide a completed draft application for City review ■ Conduct a follow-up meeting with City to discuss draft application (if needed) ■ Provide a completed final application for submission to the DNR Based on the information discussed with City staff, it is assumed that no property will be acquired as part of the grant and that an appraisal for land acquisition will not be needed. Additionally, it is assumed that (if needed) an aerial review of wetlands will occur (given the grant timing — delineation is not feasible). If the City were to need additional assistance in modifying the site plan or developing plans for any structures or playgrounds, WSB has staff that could complete these activities. A separate scope and budget would be provided if these services are needed. Additionally, if wetlands have not been delineated and the City would like to complete actual field delineations, WSB can complete wetland delineations during the 2016 growing season. A separate cost estimate for these activities will be provided if requested. PROJECT APPROACH WSB understands the time constraints that local agencies have in preparing grant applications while simultaneously trying to gear up for summer programming and construction projects for the upcoming year. WSB staff will fill the void that exists due to anticipated workloads. WSB will begin the application process upon authorization by City to ensure that as much time as possible is built into the schedule to allow City staff to review and provide input on the application. Our staff is familiar with the application process and can prepare the necessary materials for the application. As a project kick-off, Jack Corkle — WSB's proposed project manager, will set up a meeting with the City and Andy Hingeveld (planner/grant writer) to discuss the proposed project. The meeting will be used to gather what information has been prepared to date, discuss what additional information is available, identify what coordination with the public has occurred, and note any resources that need to be avoided or minimized as part of the project. The meeting will also be used to discuss any changes/focus areas for the grant. Jack will provide an overview of the grant's program manual to confirm the application content, submittal dates, and consistency with the concept plan. Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 3 Once a base understanding of the project and work to date has been shared, Andy and Jack will begin work on the application questions and required exhibits. Jack will work with City staff to establish check in points for review and comment on different elements of the application. A complete draft of the application will be provided for the City to review and if needed, one more meeting will be held during the process to discuss any comments face to face. Additional review can occur via conference call or through e-mail. After comments are collected and responded to, WSB will submit to the City a final application for submission to the DNR. WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES The following describes WSB's work plan and deliverables: Task 1— Project Management and Coordination Jack will ensure that internal WSB staff is coordinated in its tasks to produce the outdoor recreation grant application. Jack will work closely with Andy to ensure that the primary elements of the applications are produced and are of high quality. Jack will also serve as the primary point of contact for the city. She will check in weekly via telephone and/or e-mail to provide updates. Jack will monitor work tasks, schedule and the project budget. Deliverables: Project updates, monthly invoice Task 2 — Meetings To best understand the information that has been developed to date and the needs/desires of the City Jack and Andy will visit the project site and conduct a project kick-off meeting with City staff. If needed, a second meeting has been provided in the proposal. The second meeting is proposed to review: the initial draft application, information obtained from the DNR regarding species and water resources, all attachments. It will also be used to identify any modifications that may be needed to the site plan based on the data (wetlands, species, vegetation, etc.) that is collected. Future revisions to the application will be discussed via e-mail/telephone. Deliverables: Agendas, meeting materials Task 3 — Data Collection WSB will collect data to complete the application. Data collection is anticipated to include: known fish and wildlife species common to the project site; species in the area that are listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern at the state level; major plant species/communities common to the project site; plant species that are listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern; and aerial delineation of wetlands (if the city does not already have wetlands delineated). Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 4 This task also includes obtaining existing City GIS data related to utilities, parcels, natural resources, etc. that will be needed to complete exhibits and address resource questions in the application. Deliverables: data will be used to develop required text and attachment/exhibits for the grant application. Task 4 — Application Andy and Jack will complete the application requested by the City. This task includes answering all of the questions in the application form, preparing all of the required maps and assembling all of the application materials and required attachments. A draft copy of the maps and application will be provided to the City for review and comment. Comments from the City will be incorporated into the final submission. Deliverables: draft application, final application, required attachments CITY PROVIDED MATERIALS The City of Otsego will provide the following information to WSB to assist in the completion of the grant application: ■ GIS shape files related to the project site ■ A pdf of the concept plan for the park site ■ Cost estimates for concept plan improvements ■ Any completed environmental analyses — wetland delineation, species, etc. ■ City comprehensive plan elements related to existing and future land use and parks/trails ■ Any summaries of public engagement activities that have occurred to date regarding the concept plan development for Norin Landing ■ Resolution committing to the project as outlined by the DNR PROPOSED FEE WSB will complete the proposed application for a fee of $3,500. This assumes 2017 billing rates and includes both time and any expenses related to mileage. SCHEDULE The team proposed to complete the grant application is available to meet the traditional DNR deadlines associated with the outdoor recreation grant as well as to provide review time for City staff. A draft schedule (on the following page) has been prepared that shows key work tasks and review time. Given the timing of this proposal and the anticipated due date of the application, the schedule can be modified based on input from the City. Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 5 DRAFT SCHEDULE Work Task 1. Project Management/Coordination Internal WSB coordination and coordination with City of Otsego Dec -16 Jan -17 Feb -17 Mar -17 2. Meetings WSB site visit and kick-off meeting with the City of Otsego Draft application meeting with City staff 3. Data Collection City provides GIS and other data identified in proposal WSB sends out species letters - plant and animal_ WSB collects wetland data (if needed - assumes aerial review) WSB collects any additional supplemental information 4. Application WSB develops draft application Draft application - including maps - submitted to city for initial review WSB revises application Final application provided to cityfor submission Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 6 KEY STAFF EXPERIENCE WSB's success in securing funding for its clients is a result of the staff leading grant and funding efforts. WSB has identified Jack Corkle as the project manager of the grant application. Jack will be supported by planners and landscape architects that have successfully obtained grant funding. Key team members include: Jack Corkle - Project Manager and grant reviewer Andy Hingeveld - Sr. Planner - grant writing and mapping Jack Corkle, PTP, AICP - Project Manager and Grant Reviewer Jack Corkle will be WSB's project manager and serve as a grant reviewer. Jack has more than 18 years of experience in a wide variety of planning and transportation projects. She has been writing local, regional, state and federal grant applications for roadway, trail and park projects since 2001 and has secured over $100 million dollars in funding for her clients or the agency (Anoka County) she has worked for. Jack has played a wide variety of roles in the grant process, from preparing grants from start to finish, to completing technically analyses and writing, to reviewing and guiding the development of grants written by others and to coordinating with multiple agencies to ensure that everyone agrees on what the project includes and what funding resources should be pursued. As project manager, Jack will ensure that deliverables are produced in a timely manner, that the quality of work meets City expectations, and that team members are working closely with one another. Jack understands what the final product needs to look like and what key items the DNR has a tendency to look for in its applications. She will work with Andy and other team members to incorporate these elements into the final application. Andy Hingeveld, AICP - Primary Grant Writer and Grant Mapping Andy will serve as the lead grant writer and complete the required mapping for the application. Andy is a Senior Planner with over ten years of experience. Andy's background covers multiple planning areas including land use and parks and trails, and transportation. This broad background has helped him utilize a comprehensive approach in identifying potential impacts and resolving issues throughout the course of a project. His responsibilities have included project management, public involvement, grant writing, environmental documentation, and transportation planning. Prior to joining WSB, Andy served as a Senior Planner for the Scott County Highway Department. While working at Scott County, Andy successfully prepared applications through the past three rounds of the Regional Solicitation, including a four -mile trail project in the city of Shakopee and a new interchange on US Highway 169 at Trunk Highway 41/CSAH 78. Please see Attachment A for a listing of recent grant successes related to trails, pedestrians/bicyclists and parks. Mr. Ross Demant July 13, 2016 Page 7 Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you. Please feel free to contact meat 763- 231-4871 with any questions or comments. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ;97-1-4 CO-11� Jacqueline Corkle, AICP, PTP Sr. Transportation Planner TASKS/PROJECTS As noted in the main body of the proposal, WSB has successfully obtained over $124 million dollars in funding (various types) for its clients since 2010. In addition, prior to joining WSB, Jack had prepared a number of park and trail applications as well as STP applications that incorporated pedestrian and bicycle facilities as part of their projects. Activities that WSB and Jack have successfully obtained funding for projects include: ■ 2015: o City of Princeton — TH 95 and CR 157 improvements — included pedestrian and bicycle facilities ■ 2014: o Anoka County Parks -Mississippi West River Trail; o City of Melrose— DNR local trails; o City of Fridley — West Moore Lake Trail and Bicycle Lanes; o City of Mahtomedi — DNR local trails; ■ 2013: o Anoka County CIMS grant— US 10 and CSAH 83 interchange with pedestrian and trail connections to Mississippi River Trail o City of Willmar CIMS grant — pedestrian bridge and trail; o City of St. Anthony— HSIP grant for sidewalks and traffic signal improvements; o City of Lonsdale — DNR local trails; o City of St. Anthony — Safe Routes to School ■ 2010 — 2012: o City of Rogers TH 101 and CSAH 144 interchanges STP — including pedestrian and bicycle improvements; o Anoka County CSAH 11 STP — including pedestrian and bicycle improvements; o Anoka County CSAH 24 STP— including pedestrian and bicycle improvements; o Anoka County CSAH 116 STP — including pedestrian and bicycle improvements; o Maple Grove Weaver Lake Road STP — included ped and bike facilities; o US 169 and Bren Road interchange STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections; o US 169 and Bren Road interchange SaM grant — included pedestrian and bicycle connections; o Anoka County CSAH 116 TE — regional trail gap; o City of Hanover TE — Hennepin County CSAH 19 trail; o City of Hanover TE — Wright County CSAH 19 trail; o Beebe Lake Regional Trail — DNR Legacy; o Beebe Lake Regional Trail —TE; o Monticello CSAH 17 trail underpass — DNR local trails; o Monticello Montissippi Park — DNR local trails; o Monticello West River Street — DNR local trails; o Monticello ball field connection — DNR local trails; o Monticello Greater River Trailway/trail head — DNR local trails; o Shakopee pedestrian bridges on US 169 — ARRA funding; o Shakopee pedestrian bridges on US 169 —TE; o Excelsior bike and ped gap — Hennepin County ■ 2009: o Anoka County CSAH 14 pedestrian overpass — TE; o Anoka County CSAH 51 reconstruction STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections; o Anoka County CSAH 11 reconstruction STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections on an existing four -lane roadway (different section than 2011 grant) ■ 2007: o Anoka County CSAH 116 reconstruction STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections ■ 2005: o City of Minneapolis Cedar and Franklin Avenue pedestrian enhancements — TE; o City of Bloomington Long Meadow Lake Bridge — TE; o City of Bloomington Killebrew Drive and Mall of America ped/bike crossing — TE; o Carver County Dakota Rail Trail — TE; o Carver County CSAH 11 STP — included trail connection; o Anoka County TH 242 reconstruction STP — included trail connections; o Anoka County CSAH 17 reconstruction — included trail connection; o Anoka County CSAH 14 interchange STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections; o Anoka County CSAH 116 reconstruction — included pedestrian and bicycle connections o City of Maple Grove CSAH 30 — included trail connection; ■ Prior to 2005: o Anoka County CSAH 52 reconstruction STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections; o Anoka County CSAH 78 reconstruction STP — included pedestrian and bicycle connections As demonstrated in the lists above, WSB and its staff have had tremendous success in obtaining funding through a wide variety of sources.