ITEM 3.3B OHP 6.21.16 MinutesITEM 3_3B 6-21-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson Mayor Jessica Stockamp Agenda Vice Chair Chris Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:10pm. Agenda was changed to include a discussion of the MN State Preservation Conference to be held September 7-9m 2016 in Hastings. Chris and Zonja expressed some interest in attending although Zonja may have difficulties with her childcare. Information on applying for scholarships was sent to all OHPC Commissioners. Chris requested the agenda expand to include a discussion of a celebration in the Elk River regarding an honoring of Native American traditions in Elk River schools. We discussed contacting those involved in the Celebration as resources for planning our Prairie Fest on September 10. Our former Commissioner, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, is now a school board member and was involved. We may choose to contact her for more information. Minutes Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Research for the 2016 OHPC theme of the Year: local Native American History Zonja distributed copies of the rough draft she had put together re: Native Americans in the Otsego area 1730-1862. - Our plan is for Zonja to make some adjustments which we discussed on the draft, and then she will email it to all of us and to our graphic designer, Kim Welter. Zonja could then talk with her by phone to clarify our goals for a banner. We envision a resource or reference guide in an accompanying key we keep with the banner we wish Kim to create. Chris called Mille Lacs Museum and talked with two different gentlemen from that organization. They confirmed some of the information Zonja had put together in the rough draft of information about Native Americans in the area. Chris will call the Mystic Lake historians to see if they have anything which might be useful. We considered various titles to tie the banner together but did not settle on any. The general label we felt was most accurate was "Native Americans in the Otsego area 1730-1862." We can review that. Chris is continuing to research a tepee construction and will continue to explore the options of what might be possible. Next meeting is July 12, 2016 at 7pm at the Prairie- Center. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder