ITEM 6.1 Wastewater system master plan1XI OtCI�ezoz MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTER.: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator July 25, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend authorization to enter into a contract with AE2S to complete a wastewater system master Dlan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes I No BACKGROU N DM USTIFICATION: During 2016 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) discussions, the Council concurred with staff that a wastewater system study was needed to develop a long-range master plan for the entire wastewater system. Therefore, funding for a study was included in the 2016 CIP. With the west wastewater facility project now well underway, it is time to begin the wastewater system master study. The study is needed to ensure the wastewater system can meet future demands as the City continues to grow, to anticipate and address current and future regulatory requirements, and to allow development of a financial plan to fund the improvements and expansion projects recommended in the master plan. In addition, the master plan will identify solutions to current concerns including odor and noise at the east facility. Scott Schaefer of AE2S has submitted a proposed scope of services for the master plan. A copy of the proposal is attached. As you can see in the proposal, the scope of services/study is comprehensive. The study cost ranges from $56,000 to $78,000 (as a not to exceed number). This does not include costs for City Engineer and City Planner participation in the study; the proposal identifies numerous tasks and analyses (highlighted in yellow) that require input from the City Engineer and City Planner. The Wastewater fund will pay for all costs associated with the master plan. The CIP included $50,000 for this project in 2016. The study schedule includes work in 2016 and 2017 thus additional funding will be included in the 2017 CIP. The goal is to complete the master plan as soon as possible, early spring 2017, so that recommended improvements can be completed in a timely manner. If a public forum or other avenue for public input is included in the study process, it will be added to the project schedule. Finally, the Public Works Subcommittee discussed the need for a study and reviewed the scope of services proposal from AE2S at the July 19, 2016, Subcommittee meeting. The Subcommittee agreed with the proposal as presented and recommends approval of engaging AE2S to complete a wastewater system master plan. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X o ATTACHED ❑ NONE • AE2S Proposed Scope of Services POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to enter into a contract for services with AE2S for a Wastewater System Master Plan as outlined in the scope of services as presented in an amount not to exceed $78,000. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING BUDGETED: X o YES Wastewater Fund ❑ NO City of Otsego Wastewater System Master Planning Wastewater Collection and Treatment Master Plan Assumptions: • The flow split between the West WWTF and the East WWTF will be determined through an iterative evaluation of alternatives to optimize the City's wastewater treatment infrastructure • Assumes that GIS of the collection system exists as a basis for determining flow splits • Scope items highlighted yellow are to be led by City Engineer and/or City Planner with AE2S input/review only Note that Items in italics are not required, but would help facilitate a better planning process Baseline Planning • Baseline Planning Workshop with city Staff/Key stakeholders Regulatory review (MPCA coordination, future discharge limits projections, East and West WWTFs) Technical Memorandum Development and Presentation WWTF Planning • Existing Conditions o Age/condition framework (desktop) based upon age of WWTFs o Determine hydraulic and load capacity of existing East and West WWTFs o Document hydraulic and load capacity of existing East and West WWTFs o Identify liquid treatment deficiencies and redundancy issues (East and West WWTFs) o Summarize previous biosolids system planning (West WWTF) o Identify biosolids system deficiencies (East WWTF) • Alternatives Kick -Off Meeting • Alternatives Pre -Screening o Identify up to five potential liquids treatment alternatives at each WWTF (ten total) o Identify two biosolids alternatives for each WWTF and two consolidated biosolids alternatives (six total) o Develop qualitative scoring factors for the preliminary alternatives o Conduct pre-screening of alternatives (likely a Kepner-Tregoe analysis) or combinations of liquids/biosolids alternatives to "short-list" three to four alternatives for further consideration WWTF Alternatives o Further Development of Pre -Screened Alternatives o Alternatives Evaluation (advantages/disadvantage! Otsego WWTF Planning Draft —October 21, 2015 AE2S o Alternative Cost Opinions o Alternatives review meeting • Implementation o Conclusions and Recommendations o Phasing and Implementation Schedule • Documentation o Technical Memorandum / Report o Subcommittee Presentations (three assumed) o Council Presentation Collection System Development • The Collection System task and flow split alternatives are intended to be developed concurrently with the treatment preliminary alternatives • This task assumes that `local' development collection system layouts will not be modified, but the trunkline/interceptor system would be reconfigured to optimize the split between the WWTFs • Wastewater Collection System Alternative Cost Opinions Evaluation of Collection and Treatment Alternatives • Document the matrix of collection and treatment system alternatives that form viable combinations • Evaluate combinations based upon cost and non -cost factors • Implementation o Conclusions and Recommendations o Phasing and Implementation Schedule • Documentation o Technical Memorandum / Report o Subcommittee Presentations (three assumed) o Council Presentation Otsego WWTF Planning Draft— October 21, 2015 AE2S Anticipated Fee Ranges (Base Sco Baseline Planning 1 $3,000 1 $5,000 East and West WWTF Planning 1 $45,000 1 $55,000 Collection System Planning [ $4,000 1 $8,000 Evaluation of Collection/Treatment $4,000 $10,000 Combinations Total $56,000 $78,000 Note that fee ranges are estimated based on past experience and were not developed based on detailed projections with specific staff. Additional Scope Items • Items highlighted in yellow are assumed to be primarily conducted by the City Engineer and City Planner; scope is included for collaboration and input only • Existing WWTF condition assessment (on -site, detailed) —West WWTF and East WWTF o Process, electrical, and structural o Documentation technical memorandum o Rehabilitation/replacement/reinvestment summary for larger (>$25,000) items o Budget range $30,000 - $35,000 o Would provide clarity to existing conditions if evaluating ag%onditions assumptions becomes critical to alternatives selection or for refinement of a phasing plan. • Environmental Assessment Worksheet o Likely an MPCA requirement for expansion projects, but depends on the recommendation o Recommend conducting EAW when project implementation is on the horizon because environmental work can have a "shelf life" • Detailed odor control evaluation • Tasks for additional facility planning requirements to meet State Revolving Fund criteria (this would be follow on from the Master Plan recommendation and be timed with the EAW) o Likely structured as a Facility Plan Amendment to the Master Plan to streamline the process • Wastewater Utility Financial Review (this work assumed to be conducted "in-house" by the City) o Financial Data Request and Review o CIP Development/Refinement from planning tasks outlined above o Develop 10 year financial proforma/Gap Analysis (including appropriate escalation factors): ■ Administrative Expense ■ Operations and Maintenance Expense ■ Debt Service Requirements (CiP) Otsego WWTF Planning Draft —October 21, 2015 AE2S Reserve Requirements Baseline Rate Revenue including growth projections ■ Other Misc. Revenues o Gap Closure Analysis ■ Rate increase scenarios o Regional Rate Comparison Analysis o Outside funding needs analysis o Action Planning o Summary Technical Memorandum and Presentation to Council Otsego WWTF Planning Draft— October 21, 2015 AE2S Table 7 - MTHP Pjaej of Action Category — Public Education and Outreach - Im lementation Action Items City Action Im lementation time frame > � Alone Unless Description o ; Cooperator is Noted O r oo rn o N t n N N N N N N Q U `"� O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N The Citywill provide a short summary of the new wellhead o protection amendment in the city's newsletter and direct residents = to the city's website for detailed educational materials. A Post WHP educational materials on the city website. Many c educational/outreach materials are located on the MRWA website •° = or via MDH dealing with proper well management, water ¢ conservation etc... Provide the MRWA Essay and Poster contest information to the 0 o school yearly and encourage participation. U � 17 MDH, F[ o MRWA "' o IV1DH A B I MRWA, EPA o Wright Co. v, a� C A NfRWA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reporting and Evaluation - Implementation Action Items Im lementation Time Frame > t o •. o Description Cooperator(s) o \D r- 00 CN o ("I m ¢ ` a•' "' ti O Q r o N 0 tV 0 (11 0 (11 0 t^, 0 N 0 C1 0 (4 0 N 0 N Complete an annual report and annually brief the Council on -' E management priorities for the upcoming year and the status of E g implementation. E City Council w • • • • • • • • • • Conduct a self -evaluation every 2.5 years on the wellhead = s protection progress and submit the report to the MDH Planner. E o E MDH F- • . o Q w En Inner Wellhead Management Zone - Implementation Action Items Im lementation Time Frame y Description 2 Cooperator(s) o � o ell M � O ¢ U o h1 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 N 0 rl 0 N 0 N Assist MDH staff in completing the Inner Wellhead Management Zone Inventory for the public water supply wells. B, F MDH P e Follow all setback requirements for new potential contaminant sources within the IWMZ. E 0 on B, F MDH As Needed c Implement the WHP Measures and Findings in the IWMZ Inventory and requirements of the Sanitary Survey Report. E ° U B, F MDH w 4+ As Needed Q Contact your MDH Planner if changes to the locations or s construction of potential contaminant sources are proposed in the E ° IWMz• B, F MDH F- • o • • • • • • e • Q � 20 Contin ency Strategy - Implementation Action Items Im lementation Time Frame i 10 rn Description Cooperator(s) o o ^p N rm 'Ir n O¢ U o 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N the water supply plan. B G DNR F" �s 9.4 Commitments from cooperators — The following agencies that are listed in Table 10 have the ability to support the City of Otsego with the implementing the WHP measure(s) in which they are identified. CGS"PtOF 10 o EWaWati®n Program Plan evaluation is specified under objective E and provides the mechanism for determining whether WHP action items are achieving the intended result or whether they need to be modified to address changing administrative, technical, or financial resource conditions within the DWSMA. Evaluation is used to support plan implementation and is required under MR 4720.5270 prior to amending the city's WHP plan. The city has identified the following procedures that it will use to evaluate the success with implementing its WHP plan A annual briefing to the city council will provide the basis for documenting whether each action step for that year was implemented; 1. The WHP team will meet at a minimum every two and one half years to assess the status of plan implementation and to identify issues that impact implementation of action steps throughout the DWSMA; 2. The city will assess the results of each action item that has been taken annually to determine whether the action item has accomplished its purpose or whether modification is needed. Assessment results will be presented in the annual report to the city council. 21 'ch 5n L4