ITEM 4.1 Public Hearing- Well head Protection PlanRequest for eOCTY ofCity Council Action Ot�c MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Utilities Wellhead Protection Manager, July 251h, 2016 Neidermeier PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Kurt Neidermeier Administrator, Johnson 4.1 Public Hearing AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff and the Wellhead Protection Team provide recommendation for acceptance of the Wellhead Protection Plan for submittal to the Minnesota Department of Health for approval by adopting resolution 2016-66. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) requires communities to reevaluate their Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) every 10 years. Staff is requesting adoption of the draft plan for MDH final approval. Part 1 of the Plan Source Water Vulnerability, was completed in 2015 by Barr Engineering using geological modeling and water production estimates showing an overall status of not vulnerable with moderate vulnerability within the central Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA). Part 2 of the Plan has been drafted with assistance of Minnesota Rural Water Association (MRWA), Hakanson Anderson Inc. and the Wellhead Protection team including information pertaining to: 1. Inventory of potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA 2. Data considered in this portion of the plan 3. Issues, problems, and concerns within the DWSMA 4. Goals, objectives, and action strategies to address the issues and concerns within the DWSMA 5. A Plan evaluation strategy 6. A contingency strategy in the event of water system disruption. Plan implementation includes education, data collection, source and land use management, contingency strategies, reporting and evaluation. The draft WHPP was provided to Wright County Officials, City of Rogers, City of Dayton, MRWA and MDH for a 60 day review and comment period ending on July 15" 2016 (MN Wellhead Protection Rule 4720.5350, subpart 1). Wright Soil & Water Conservation District (WSWCD) was the only commenting party; requesting minor clerical changes, a reminder of the importance and offer of assistance to provide farming Best Management Practices (BMP) within DWSMA's, encouragement of radium testing in residential wells and recommended a memorandum to neighboring communities within the WHP area for land use and spill incidence. In response to comments from Wright Soil & Water Conservation District; page numbers were amended, the health concern regarding radium is addressed by a MDH Agreement, farming BMP's is not an impacting factor to our sources however always appreciate assistance, and anticipate further communication with neighboring communities within our WHP area. A Public Hearing was scheduled consistent with the Wellhead Protection Rule (4720.5330, subpart 7) on July 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm for plan adoption. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED NONE Wright Soil & Water Conservation District Comment Resolution 2016-66 MDOH Agreement POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution 2016-66 accepting the Wellhead Protection Plan for submittal to Minnesota Department of Health for approval. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES ❑ NO E 13 E .iUN PROTECTING, MAINTAINING & IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF ALL MINNESOTANS May 31, 2016 Otsego City Council c/o Ms. Jessica Stockamp, Mayor 13400 — 90th Street NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 Dear Council Members: Subject: Memorandum of Agreement— Final, Otsego Public Water Supply, Wright County, PWSID 1860026 Enclosed is a fully executed copy of your Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). This agreement is between the City of Otsego Public Water Supply System and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Please keep this document for your records. As long as your water. system meets the obligations found under Section II (Corrective Actions), Items 1 thru 7 of this agreement, further enforcement action will be held in abeyance. Failure to comply with the requirements of your MOA may result in additional enforcement action by the MDH or by the Office of the Attorney General on behalf of the MDH. If you have any questions about this agreement, please contact Anna Schliep at 651/201-4667 (or email anna.schliepPstate.mn.us), of the MDH Community Public Water Supply Unit. Any written documentation regarding the agreement can be sent to Anna at the address below. Sincerely, Randy Ellingboe, P.E., Manager Drinking Water Protection Section Environmental Health Division 625 North Robert Street P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 RE:NKK Enclosure cc: Cindy Swanson, MDH, St. Paul Isaac Bradlich, MDH, St. Paul Anita Smith, MDH, St, Paul Anna Schliep, MDH, St. Paul Steve Robertson, MDH, St. Paul An equal opportunity employer Minnosota Depa meat of Health Otsego, 1860026 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Contaminant: Radium 226 and 228 Otsego Public Water System This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement", by and between the City of Otsego, 1860026 (hereinafter "System"), rd the Minnesota Department of Health (hereinafter "MDH") hecnmes effective on the date slaned on behalf of the MDH. I. Authorities and Findings A. Pursuant to the Safe Drinking ater Act, Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.381 to 144.387, and Minnesota Rules chapter 4720, the MDH enforces the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, In Minnesota Rules, part 4720,0350 the MDH has adopted the federal National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR, Part 141, by reference. 40 CFR, section 141.66(b), establishes the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for Radium 226 and 228. B. The System seeks to remain in compliance with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations because the System's water supp y exceeds the MCL of 5.4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) for Combined Radium 226/228. Through this A. reement, the parties seek to keep the System in compliance with the National Primary Drinking Water egulations. il. Corrective Actions It is agreed between the System nd MDH that until the corrective actions set forth below have been implemented and compliance with the MCL for Combined Radium has been accomplished, the System shall meet the following conditions for the entry points known as Combined Discharge 1 and Combined Discharge 3. 1. The System shall monitor the Combined Discharge 1 and 3. entry point bi-annually for radium and gross alpha concentration )S. The entry point samples shall be collected from the source of water after treatment. All sampl;s will be collected by the System's public water supply operator and sent to the MDH Laborato� y for analysis. The MDH will supply the sampling kits and pay for the cost of analyzing the samples; however, the System is responsible for the cost of shipping the samples to the laboratory 2. Well 1 and Well 2 will onl ( be used in an emergency situation (such as fire protection). 3. The System shall monitor the Well 3 and Well 8 source points annually for radium and gross alpha concentrations. The radium concentrations from these measurements will be used when updating future MOAs. Tf}ese samples shall be collected from the source water before treatment and before water is combined via Combined Discharge 3. All samples will be collected by the System's public wa der supply operator and sent to the MDH Laboratory for analysis. The MDH will supply the sampl)ing idts and pay for the cost of analyzing the samples; however, the System Is responsible fort I he cost of shipping the samples to the laboratory. 4. Well 3 and Well 8 are connected via combined discharge at the pump_house. These two wells shall meet the following e uation on an annual basis with well volume measurements taken on a daily basis; Otsego 1860026 Page 2 [(V3) (Ras) + (Vs)(Ras)] / [V3+V8] < MCL with 10 percent factor of safety where: V3 = Volume produced by Well 3 Vs= Volume produced by Well 8 Rai =Radium 226/228 concentration at Well 3 Ras= Radium 226/228 concentration at Well 8 Well 3 (2.5 pCi/L) and Well 8 (12.9 pCi/L), have an expected combined radium 226/228 concentration of 9.43 pCi/L with flow rates of 700 gpm at Well 3 and 1,400 gpm at Well 8 for a total of 2100 gpm. Based on the design of the system and the average concentrations of radium 226/228 present in the wells the following conditions will need to be achieved: a) Well 3 will be the only producing well from January 1 through April 14, 2016, and October 16 through December 31, 2016. b) MDH requires Well 8 contribute no more than 45 percent of the total volume of water during combined use. Both conditions a) and b) based on measured values of radium concentration will result in an annual combined radium 226/228 average concentration of 4.9 pCi/L or less. 5. If the use of Well 1, Well 2, Well 3, Well 6 and Well 8 are not operated per the requirements above from April 15th 2016 through April 14th, 2017, the System must immediately notify MDH and the consuming public of the Combined Radium 226/228 exceedance. Public notification must then continue on a quarterly basis as required by MDH, and documentation must be provided to MDH within 10 days of each public notification. 6. Take corrective action according to the schedule as follows: Action Required: Complete no later than: A. Collect Gross Alpha and Combined Radium samples In Quarter 2 and Quarter 3, 2016 at the Combined Discharge 1 and 3 B. Collect Gross Alpha and Combined Radium samples In Quarter 3, 2016 from Well 3, Well 6 and Well 8 annually C. Memorandum of Agreement will be updated March 31, 2017 annually 7. The System will continue to notify the consuming public annually in the Consumer Confidence Report. Otsego 1860026 Page 3 111. Further Agreements 1. If the System fails to com�ly with any term or condition of this Agreement that results in noncompliance with applicable rules and statutes pertaining to public water supplies the MDH may take enforcement actions authorized in Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.99 and 144.991, or any other applicable law, including, where appropriate, the assessment of monetary penalties. 2. This Agreement will be reviewed and updated annually. 3. This Agreement may not b'e modified or amended, except in writing and any modifications or amendments must be sig�,"ed by all the parties. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Randy Ellingb,,de, Manager Section of Drinking Water Protec ion City of Otsego, M I N N ESOTA J sica Stockamp, Mayor City of Otsego Date 3 This agreem t becomes effective on the date signed by the representative of the MDH I 1 I Wright#► Water Conservation Weight SWCD 311 Brighton Avenue S., Suite C Bgffalo, MN, 55313 RE: Comments on the City of Otsego wellhead protection plan Tel (763) 682-1933 Ext. 3 (763)682-1970 Far. (763) 682-0262 imov. wrightswcd, org The City of Otsego should be aware that the page numbers listed in the table of contents does not match the location of each section. There is a 2 page discrepancy. There is a health concern for radium in three of the eight wells. These three wells are currently only used for emergency status until a resolution can be reached. However, it may be beneficial for the city to learn about private wells in the area that may also have radium contamination. As the SWCD conducts groundwater monitoring throughout the county it could encourage any residents in and near the wellhead protection area to consider testing for radium. In addition, the SWCD could ask these homeowners to share their results with the city. There are some privacy issues associated with this project. The DWSMA's in Otsego do have agricultural land ranging from 17.96% (Otsego 7) to 63.37% (Otsego SE). Farms are a source of non -point contamination, the Wright SWCD could assist in encouraging BMP's to be utilized on these farms or informing the landowners of the importance of the land to the City of Otsego. However, all of the drinking water wells for the City of Otsego are considered not vulnerable, so the potential for surface contamination from a farm is rather low. The WPPH does note a small area in Otsego East DWSMA that has moderate vulnerability. If the landuse in the moderately vulnerable area includes agriculture then the importance of farming BMP's grows. Otsego expresses a concern of the land within their wellhead protection area that lies in Rogers and Dayton. If possible we recommend a written memorandum of understand or other like document indicating partnership between Otsego and corresponding towns. Such a document could assist in communication of changes to the land area or incidents that occur within the well head protection area such as spill. Yours in conservation, i Alicia O'Hare Water Resource Specialist Alicia.ohare@mn.nacdnet.net RESOLUTION NO. 2016-66 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OTSEGO WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN FOR SUBMISSION TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has completed its Wellhead Protection Plan pursuant Minnesota Rules 4720.5100 to 4720.5590; and WHEREAS, the goal of the Wellhead Protection Plan is to prevent drinking water from becoming polluted by managing potential sources of contamination in the area which supplies water to public wells; and WHEREAS, Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan uses groundwater modeling to delineate the Wellhead Protection Area and Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) and includes a well and aquifer vulnerability assessment; and WHEREAS, Part 1 was approved by the Minnesota Department of Health on February 5, 2015; and as required by Minnesota Rules (part 4720.5330, subpart 7) a Public Information Meeting was held March 11, 2015 for review of Part 1 findings; and WHEREAS, Part 2 of the Wellhead Protection Plan describes how Part 1 can be managed to best protect the community's water supply through the evaluation of data elements including physical environment, land use, contaminants and the preparation of a management portion of the plan; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held, as required by Minnesota Rules (part 4720.5350, subpart 4) on July, 25 2016 for review of Part 2 prior to submittal to the Minnesota Department of Health for approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the Wellhead Protection Plan is accepted for submittal to the Minnesota Department of Health for approval. This resolution adopted by the Otsego City Council this 25th day of July, 2016. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk