ITEM 3.13601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPCGcPlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 28 July 2016 RE: Otsego — 5600 Queens Avenue; Physical Recreation IUP ACTION DATE: 3 September 2016 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND North Ballet Academy has occupied a 4,054 square foot area on the second floor of the existing industrial building located at 5600 Queens Avenue NE, which is owned by JKO Holdings LLC. The use is considered to be physical recreational or instructional classes. The subject site is zoned 1-3, Special Industrial District and physical recreational uses are allowed as interim uses subject to the provisions of Section 20-85-3.G of the Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing has been noticed for the Planning Commission to consider the request for an interim use permit at their meeting on 1 August 2016. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Applicant Narrative C. Site Plan D. Floor Plan ANALYSIS Use. North Ballet provided information that their enrollment fluctuates between a total of 60 enrolled students (during the summer) and around 125 enrolled students (during the school year). Within the space occupied on the subject site, North Ballet can hold at most, three classes simultaneously with anywhere from 6 to 10 students per class at a time. That would equate to approximately 18 to 30 students onsite at any one time as a maximum occupancy. North Ballet indicates that their peak days for classes would be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, as well as Saturday mornings (all during the school year). The peak time for classes is during the school year between the hours of 4:30 and 8:30pm. During the summer, the peak time for classes is usually on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9:00am and 12:00pm. These hours and peak times are off -set from the other business uses within the building allowing for a compatible occupancy by all tenants. Section 20-85-3.G.1 of the Zoning Ordinance allows the City to limit the hours of the proposed use to address any potential compatibility issues but none are foreseen. Off -Street Parking. North Ballet states that parents typically drop their children off and return to pick them up at the end of class. The Zoning Ordinance does not include a parking standard for physical recreation uses. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) recommends a parking requirement of one stall per 200 net square feet for instructional recreation classes. Based on the 4,054 square foot area of tenant space occupied by North Ballet and the ITE recommendation, a total of 21 parking stalls are required for the proposed use. The existing parking area in front of the building has 39 stalls, which considering North Ballet's hours and peak operations being off -set from those of other uses within the building, the available parking is adequate. Signs. North Ballet has installed a wall sign on the east fagade of the building that complies with Section 20-37-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, allowing wall signs up to 200 square feet in area or 15 percent of the area of the fagade on which the sign is located (whichever is less). A sign permit was approved by the Zoning Administrator for this sign contingent upon City Council approval of an interim use permit allowing North Ballet to occupy the property. Trash. Trash containers for the proposed use must be kept inside the principal builder or within a trash enclosure. Use of an exterior trash enclosure must fully screen the containers from view of Queens Avenue and adjacent properties, as required by Section 20-16-15.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. No plans for additional exterior lighting have been submitted. If any additional exterior lighting is to be added to the site, it must comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-10.0 of the Zoning Ordinance and is subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Utilities. The subject site is served by existing on site well and holding tanks for sewer. City sanitary sewer and water utilities are not available at the subject site. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the Building Official. Termination. Interim use permits expire in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of the Zoning Ordinance as outlined below, which City staff recommends be added as a condition of approval I the interim use permit will terminate upon a change of occupancy to another tenant and/or use. A. The date or event stated in the interim use permit. Upon violation of conditions under which the interim use permit was issued. C. Upon change in the City's zoning regulations that renders the use non -conforming. D. The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to a permitted or conditional use as allowed within the respective zoning district. Criteria. Consideration of an interim use permit to allow North Ballet to occupy the existing principal building is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established in Section 20- 4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided for industrial uses by the Comprehensive Plan. Physical recreation uses are allowed in the I-1 District based on the indoor spatial needs for these activities with open spaces and high ceilings, as well as to provide property owners an additional tenant opportunity to ensure utilization of their investments. The interim use permit process ensures that the proposed physical recreational activity will be located and operated in a manner compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses shown in the table below. With direct access to Queens Avenue and a location at the southeast corner of the subject site, the location of the use will not conflict with other existing industrial uses on the some site or adjacent properties. Furthermore, the proposed use is less intensive than other possible industrial uses allowed to occupy the subject site, off -setting potential compatibility issues with existing residential uses to the east. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Existing Use North Industrial R-3 District Well Drilling East LD Residential R-3 District Single Family South Industrial 1-3 District Undeveloped West -- -- TH 101 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use will comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site is accessed by Queens Avenue which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a Commercial/Industrial Collector Street that will accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed use of the existing building. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is located within the East Sewer District and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for anticipated urban development with adequate public service capacity to support the proposed land uses. RECOMMENDATION North Ballet Academy is an appropriate use to have located within the industrial building at 5600 Queens Avenue that will compatibly exist with other tenants. Furthermore, the proposed physical recreation use complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS A. Motion to approve an interim use permit allowing physical recreation use subject to the following conditions: 1. The interim use shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: a. Upon a change of occupancy to another tenant and/or use. b. Upon violation of conditions under which the interim use permit was issued. C. Upon change in the City's zoning regulations that renders the use non- conforming. F d. The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to a permitted or conditional use as allowed within the respective zoning district. 2. The use shall comply with applicable requirements of the Building Code subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 3. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement upon the property. 4. Exterior storage of trash containers for the use shall comply with Section 20-16- 15.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 5. Any exterior lighting added to the subject site shall comply with Section 20-16- 10.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the Building Official. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Barb Williams, Building Technician Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Kathryn Kocinski, North Ballet Academy Jeff Ophoven, JKO Holdings LLC 5 Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑c ❑ t Parcels A C A D E M Y June 30, 2016 rte whom it may concern: I was informed yesterday. June 20 2016, that in order for our business to move into Otsego, we would need to request it cctnclitional use permit from the City of Otsego, I Shared with the helpful women at the City Hall that I feel absolutely awful, aN l had no idea thut something like this was needed. For the past seven years, North Ballet hay leased a facility in the city or pagers, and 1 do not recall going through the steps of this upplic adun when we moved into -Rogers. I am SO very sorry that we did not concoct 1he.city scxincr. I um hoping that you may be -willing to help me through the pmccsv. of application, and would also like to request special con.41 leration forim to.begiri our classes in Otsegg -next Wedncsduy, July 6th. We are vuuiting our current space in Rogers tcxtay (June -300, and only just ttigned our !entre at the SOX) Quccntf Ave NE location on Tuesday night or this week (July 26th). We essentially have aseven day turn over from ane7oc:ation to the neat. m Our atudnais begun theirsumer training pnigram the week of June 20th, unci it is very essential that.their training is rie►t interrupted. A long break in their training cubme lead to injury:and rcgresxion. The studios in which.our student.4 dance are very specialized, and require a special energy ahsortiing Wxzr-W reduce the risk of injury. I would 10c to t3lutr6 u little bit ub dut why North Ballet Academy will be it groat assetto the community of Oisego; I . The lufbc majority of our Rudentx come from the kK:al ettminunity of Otsego, St. Michael and Albertville. (59 enroliments out c)f 255 -Cram Otxcgo alone). Other studenpq cone from as far as 00vie and Minneapolis in ander iir participate in taut bullet training program. n The l7ircctorrA'caurtrainitrg,pragrarn at North Bullet Academy, Ma, breannn l]vorak, is the first American to graduate fromAhe prestigious Solshni Bullet Academy in Russiam. She brings to this -community a unique expertise and great: pasNion for clmsfid l.ballct that can not be found haywhere'else in Mfitnesom- 3. Nurtlt Bidlet Academy firings the Jinc Arte into the City of Otsego: 4. North Mullet Academy iN the Only hullo school in th'iii 6reu tis:prov i 6 training in ftnsiari Ballct, many of our students Wive been uaepted inti top bullet training.prograniA around the country., rind compete for top iiaticirial recoltnition nit aspiring future ballerinas. g,C+lottlt) ►chef Academy has beep voted the Top'Dance School in our community.. for three.years; these votes conte from the community 11i large. ti. North Bullet iN a Nista org nivlttiun to our 5010 nm -profit organiYAfion, North Rallet'Youth Company: The NIIYtr wx:jrt with North Ballet ntudcnts, us well as students froirt oilier local ilia ec achooltt;.and rehearses in the Nardi Ilullst.Araderny facility. lsngh yaw, the NBYC welcomes over .l3W aurliewc incmbers to the Elk River l iikfr'.a`chtt(i.1'q .Giltity auditorium icy experience (he artful beauty. of the Nutcntcker Bullet: The NBY.0 brings ima. ►.nlQiilti11rl ti!'.two IrrUfc4aicuttll ballet dancers from prestfgidgti US ballet uympunies to perform along, side of IOCW students; and -oleo pre Adc cxlxisurc it, profebsicxnul, clup�tiwl bidlct tip the eoni"rttinitfcs of Otsi ga,-Elk River; Alberl.010, St. Midliack Rogers. and more. 7. !loth North Bol.let Academy and the NBYG support, the kx:at ttshool.dirttrict through fucilfty rentals;ftspent QVw $1!)AMIyour po uuditorlum nontuls through the Elk River SchturI Diptriei, H. I'll(! Nift also brings the art of uluN*al bidlet into the coinmunfty by peff6iming coinplimentary versions of 111014tiwnu;ker balict to local NcltoolN, libraries and amistW-livirig facilities 'including: Twin Lakes Elementary, IItC Elk ltiver l�ihrilry, 5t Miuhticl E10111 Wry, -the Wellstaad of Rogers, the St. Michael Libniry, alto Si, Honedl.c(In Ankioled Uving; Thin year we plan tea I)crr0 m At the Children�N H(v9p'ital of Minneapoiis, as wets ILy Iwtr lixmi nohg(48 and the Olk Kvpr I„ ibrafy, 9. Norlh Mallet A-catlotly turd the NBY� Nuplx)rt local bu.4inesx with 1.0olty inc.uding the Bunk of Elk Rizer as well 11N rho 1111011111 ArtSnup Owit hosted by clic Uk Diver Arta AIM -ince, I (), 1(1111 11w. owntir i1f North Bullet Acadc my, ILy well as the ExcuutiVe 171reiatur of the NBYC. etre! l have resided in (. NOrid with my Iu0lfly Nfnco. 2(x)5, suplx)it the Park and lace progrom.(ouc five kids MOVE Otgegocventail) Authentisign ID: F2C5CC2E-A8AA-4DO6-B9F2-69E5BB29EFB4 All in all, l believe that North Ballet Academy and the NBYC would-be a great addition to the ama'ring culture of Ehsego. i, thank you far any help that you can provide -in this process. (-: Again, my deep apologies for not being aware of this application process sooner. With regards, Katie Katie K mineki North BalletAcademy,. Founder .North Ballet Youth Company$orcg, Director 763-242-2M— Katie@NorthBallet com Kww.tyarthBallet.com — tuww,NorthBalletYouthComnamt.ora Voted #t Dance School by our community! Five 7lmeAw0d Winner: "Best of -the Best"Dance Schov7 — "Best of the Best" Summer Camp Authentisign ID: F2C5CC2E-A8AA4DO6469F2-69E58B29EFB4 � � � S I � � } 2 0 �` � ■ a a 2\ § � & a ,w � � � S I � � } 2 0 §� ( •� �A� U § � & a ,w � � � S I � � } 2 0 ,w I � � I � I , 1 1