Budget Calendar2017 Budget Calendar Scheduled Departments and Topics April 25 Consider budget calendar Kick-off budget meeting with City Council Council Budget Work Session - Reserve Levies May 9 May 16 (Depending on PC schedule) Distribute draft 2017 Budget to City Council July 25 August 8 - following Regular Council Budget Work Session Tax Levy; General Fund Revenues; Park meeting Maintenance; Recreation; Prairie Center August 22 following regular Council Budget Work Session Streets; Fleet; Engineering; Police; Fire; Public meeting Safety Commission, Emerg. Mgmt. August 29- 6:00 Council Budget Work Session All General Gov't. (Council, Admin., Finance, IT, Planning, etc.) Building Inspections September 12 following regular Council Budget Work Session review of previously presented department meeting requests; Council direction to staff with Council changes to draft budget Summary review of revised tax levy budget with and proposed tax levy Council adjustments as requested. September 26 Adopt proposed levy and certify to Wright County City Council work sessions to review utility budgets, CIP, and to review October -November Tl3D previously presented General, Reserve, and Debt fund budgets and tax levies. Council Budget and CIP Work Session if needed for review prior to public December 7 (Optional) Input meeting. Hold public input budget meeting. Adopt final tax levy, all budgets and CIP. Certify to Wright County and report to State December 12 December 13 Department Head Approved; 7/12/16 Printed: 7/28/2016