05-40RESOLUTION NO. 2005-40 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF OTSEGO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING THE PLANNED RIVERWOOD NATIONAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND EXTENSION OF SERVICE TO LANDS BEYOND RIVERWOOD NATIONAL. WHEREAS, the City Council approved a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat for Riverwood National on 8 July 2002; and, WHEREAS, these approvals allowed for approval of a final plat on 22 September 2003 for development of 157 single family dwellings and an 18 hole golf course and ancillary facilities within Riverwood National; and, WHEREAS, these approvals provide for the allowed uses within Riverwood National to have sanitary sewer service by a wastewater treatment plant to be constructed by the project developer; WHEREAS, the design of the Riverwood wastewater treatment plant is approved by the City Council to provide capacity only as required for the project and is subject to approval by the City Engineer; and, WHEREAS, upon construction of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and establishment of operations, said facility is to be dedicated to the City for long-term ownership, operation and maintenance; and, WHEREAS, the project developer has yet to begin construction of the proposed Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant to provide service to the development; and, WHEREAS, the City has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a staging plan for expansion of sanitary sewer service and extension of sanitary sewer to lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be inconsistent with these plans and would negatively impact the City's service capabilities; and, WHEREAS, the lands adjacent to or in proximity of Riverwood National would be anticipated to be provided sanitary sewer service from the City's established West wastewater treatment plant and the operation and maintenance of two wastewater treatment plants where one facility is adequate is inherently inefficient; and, WHEREAS, the City cannot collect additional fees or assess charges to existing users of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system for construction of capacity at the West wastewater treatment plant at such time as the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system is integrated with the West wastewater treatment system; and, WHEREAS, the expansion of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to service additional users beyond Riverwood National increases the future costs to the City to integrate the Riverwood National wastewater treatment system with the West wastewater treatment System; and, WHEREAS, the City has received numerous informal inquiries as to the potential to expand the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the Riverwood National project; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is to definitively memorialize its policy and intent regarding the potential expansion of the capacity of the Riverwood National wastewater treatment plant and its collection system to provide service beyond the project by this resolution. WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their regular meeting on 15 August 2005 to consider an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan related to the waste water treatment plant to be constructed at Riverwood National, preceded by published notice; upon review of the issue, and other evidence, the public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan amendment based on the aforementioned findings. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Page 144 of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: A third sanitary sewage treatment system is baiRy to be constructed by a private developer in conjunction with the Riverwood National golf course subdivision located at Kadler Avenue and CSAH 19 in the northwest comer of the City. This system has-been 's a designed to provide service only to this development, 2 Upon construction and successful establishment of the treatments system, the developer is required to tum the waste water treatment plant over to the City for long- tenn ownership, operation and maintenance. • • / IF 07=110 1177 GO'Ll w7AW, Uoll =M ror,= f5ji o AT •- - ••//-1701PROUTPUMI /- •• - II!- • /-� •L - •/ fCL"/ 1 - � cL /" � -Li ••�� 1. •/. • _ •/ MM u-/ • •- •//// •/-• • I FN� It —I • • • - •1 �� • • - • • /• I FN� It —I b. By petition of owners of existing developed properties served by existing on-site sewage treatment systems. C. Benefiting proped y owners shall assume all of the improvement and service costs. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of August, 2805. CITY OF OTSEGO BY• ' L 5kvoufrnier, Mayor ATTEST. "17 h ip Qmc_)c,0-1 Kirbe Rowell, Deputy City Clerk Aye/Nay: Fournier: Aye Heidner: Aye Scharber: Aye Stockcamp: Aye Thorstad: Aye 4