RES 12-66RESOLUTION NO.: 2012 d 66 CITY of OTSEG COUNT OF-WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DONATION of A CONFERENCE Rood TABLE FOR THE PLEASANT GROVE CONFERENCE Roots WHEREAS, Clem and Id na l arl enwald have donated a 12' conference table for the use In the Pleasant Grove Conference Room, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted Resolution 2012 — 32 establishing a policy regarding gifts and donations to the City; and: WHEREAS, the donation from Clea and Id na Dari enwald is consistent with the criteria and intent of the policy; and HEREAS, the City is very a ppreciative for the donated conference roorn table. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the donation from Clem and Idona Dart en rald is hereby accepted, MOTION BY: CM HETD 1E SECOND SC R EDER ALL IN FAVOR: STOCK : HETD IER, SCHROEDER AND SO DER THOSE OPPOSED: NO E ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 8th day of October, 2012. ATTEST: Tams Loff, City Clerk CITY of OTSE O t is Ly 19 x 1% M W_ R.Ica Stoc�a "P, Myor