07-12-16 Special City Council Joint PS Mtg MinutesCITY COUNCIL AND PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION JOINT SPECIAL MEETING PRAIRIE CENTER JULY 12,2016 6:30 PM Call to Order. Public Safety Chair Chuck Schauss called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner and Jason Warehime. Absent: Councilmember Tom Darkenwald and Doug Schroeder. Public Safety Commissioners: Chuck Schauss, Mark Driste, Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields and Bill Abderhalden. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Also present: Albertville Fire Chief Eric Bullen, Rogers Fire Chief Brad Feist and Wright County Deputy. 1. Approve agenda. Commissioner Fields motioned to approve agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Approve meeting minutes. 2.1 June 14, 2016. Commissioner M. Driste motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Fields. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Open Forum. City Administrator Johnson introduced William Abderhalden the new Public Safety Commission alternate. 4. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates. Reports were provided in the packet. No additional updates to report. 5. Old Business. CERT/Community Project Discussion. (City Council present) Chair Schauss said originally Dennis Walter from ESEM was to conference call in to give input on the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program but due to the recent storm in Meeker County he was unavailable. Chair Schauss recognized additional members present for the discussion; Wright County Emergency Management Coordinator Steve Berg and a Sherburne County CERT member George Balowski. Mr. Balowski explained that the Sherburne County CERT recently disbanded this year; he stated it was hard to keep active members. He explained different events they had been a part of. He further stated he is certified and would be willing to help train. Mr. Berg said the County currently has one active CERT team in Delano. Chair Schauss reviewed the CERT program; it is a volunteer position where members can assist others in community events or disaster. It's usually formed of 1045 people who would be trained and certified. They usually meet monthly initially and then quarterly thereafter with additional training in between. He further explained the cost would be minimal around $1000 to get kits that include hardhats, gloves, vests etc. at an estimated $35 each. He stated there also may be grants available for the purchase of those kits. Mr. Berg addressed the training; stating the Delano CERT received their training 5-6 years ago from Carver County, the Delano Fire Chief and himself. He said the training was about 3 hours once a week for a few weeks and then once they completed the training they were given their kits. It was discussed it would be minimal cost to train as you can have trained and certified members train the new members. CM Heidner questioned if the city would be liable in any way if a member where to injure or cause further damage. Chair Schauss stated this would fall under the Good Samaritan law and the city would not be liable. It was discussed that if a CERT volunteer was injured it would fall under the cities non -paid employee insurance coverage. City Administrator Johnson will provide an estimated worker's compensation cost for a CERT group. Chair Schauss stated the CERT members would be required to pass a back ground check. Marketing the program was discussed. The new program would be advertised on the city utility bill, city newsletter and website, Star News and possible press release. It was discussed the commission would get the CERT guidelines together and then it would be a separate group from the Public Safety Commission. The committee will bring back to the full City Council a plan and request on the program; outlining who is in charge of the program, who to report to, record keeping plans, funds needed, job descriptions, tasks etc. Other item: CM Warehime said the City Council has given the commission a task of gathering and mapping out the response times for fire and ambulance for each district within the city. It was discussed it could be tracked on a large map. City staff to provide a large map and fire district map to the commission. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn the City Council Special session at 8:00 PM. Seconded by CM Heidner. Motion carried 3-0. The Public Safety Commission continued on with their regular meeting. 6. New Business. Reschedule August 9, 2016 meeting due to Primary Elections. Commissioner Fields motioned to reschedule the meeting to Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM for road clean up. Seconded by Commissioner M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Schauss motioned to remove Mark Lucht from the commission due to non - participation. Seconded by M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. City Council updates. Clarification asked for fire department response time project the City Council is looking for. CM Warehime provided guidelines being looked at. Commissioner Abderhalden will pull NFIR reports from the State Fire Marshalls office for the Commission. 8. City Council Meeting Assignments. August 8- Paul August 22 -Chuck 2 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Field motioned to adjourn. Seconded by M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:16 PM. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk 3 (2KlAt''Lek, ktbf r Stockam yo Jessica p