RES 12-68RESOLUTION O,: 2012 - 68 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA ESoTA A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A $100 CASH DONATION EACH FROM HAKANSON ANDERSON, MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE AND THE _FLAN NfNG COMPANY FOR TFiE MOVIES IN THE PARK RECREATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, Hakanson Anderson, MacArthur Laver Office and The Planning Company have each donated $100, and WHEREAS, the donation to the City is for the purpose of financing the City's movies in the park recreation program, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted Resolution 2012 w 32 establishing a policy regarding gifts and donations to the City; and WHEREAS, the donation from Hal ancon Anderson, MacArthur Law Office and The Planning Company is consistent with the criteria and Intent of the policy; and WHEREAS, the City is very appreciative of the $300 cash donation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the donation from Hakanson Anderson, MacArthur Law Office and The Planning Company is hereby accepted, MOTION Y: CM SHARDER SECOND Y: CM HEINR ALL IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOC AMP; CM HEIDNER, CM SCHARBER, CM DARKE ALD ANIS CM SLI DER THOSE OPPOSE: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 22 "delay of October, 2012. TTESTr Tani Loff# City Clerk CITY of OTSEGO