RES 12-71CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION O:2012-7 RE SOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND SHELARD CAPITAL INVESTMENTS, INC. RELATIVE TO THE PLAT OF KITTREDGE CROSSINGS l.lt" ADDITXON WHEREAS, the City of Otsego (CITE has approved the Plat of KITTREDGE CROSSINGS 11th ADDITION; and WHEREAS, the property within the Plat will be owned by Shelard Capital Investments, Inc. (DEVELOPER) who intends to develop the parcel; and WHE a Developers Agreement o.t.o� developmenthas been dcd i. rttie ter aid o the r e��� and �# .i i that the vl �•�� providea certainescrow,.��e t of fees, and securityi rthat all public improvements are constructed as required y CITY, and 1� has reed to the terms and conditions of the W�S�P . Developers Agreement, has executed the Agreement, and has provided the required fee payments, escrow, and Security. NOW5 THERE FORE BE IT RE SOLVED by the City Council of the City o otsego, WrightCounty, Minnesota llo s: 1. The CITY hereby approves the Developers Agreement as attached and authorizes the Mayon and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on behalf of the CITY. 1 2. That DEVELOPER shall not proceed with any construction activities upon the propefty and CITY will not execute the Plat or release the Plat for recording until full execution of this Agreement and City receipt of all required escrow, fees and security, CITY receiIP t of a. recorded copy of a deed conveying platted propetty to DEVELOPER, and DEVELOPER pr ovi Wes a deed to CITY for Oudot A. ADOPTED this 22nd day of October, 20124 MOTION to approve the Resolution made by Council Member DARKENWALD And seconded by Council Member,sHARRER IN FAVOR: DARKEWALD, SCAB R, SCHROEDER OPPoS : STOP, HEIDNER 2 CITY of OSLO a.w)�'k(k f - - - fd�- Jessica Stockamp, M yar Tami Loi% City Clerk