RES 12-74CITY of OSLO COUNTY of WIGHT STAT MINNE SOTA RESOLUTION No. 2012-74 RESOLUTION IMPOSING A CIVIL PIS NALTY ON AMG OTSEGO LLC, IBA COWBOY JACK9S SALOON WHERE AS, lased upon obset-vations and information received it has come to the attention of the City of Otsego that AMG Otsego, LLC DBA Cowboy Jack's Saloon has been serving liquor from lam to 2am in violation of City Ordinance and without license from the State of Him a; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Otsego City Code 7-3 - 8, A (Conditions of License) and Otsego City Code -3-1 I B, I (Penalties) the City may issue a civil penalty, suspension or revocation of license for violation of the Ordinance or State Statute; and WHERE AS, that the violation set forth above is the first violation of the City code by Cowboy Jack's Saloon; and WHEi REAS, the City Council has authority granted to It under the provisions of Section 34o #415 ofMhmesota Statutes to either revoke the license or permit, cusp end the license or permit for up to 60 days, 'impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000.00 for each violation, or impose any combination of these sanctions; and VVEERE AS, the City has adopted guidelines for enforcement .t o said authority which are contained in Otsego City Code, Section -3-11 Suspension and Revocation, and which call for a $ I,000.0 0 fine for a first violation, subject to Council discretion, and VV -HE REAS, the City Council finds that the imposition of a civil penalty is necessary to send a iness ge to the liquor estaliishnnents located within the City of Otsego that said liquor establishments must fully comply with the City Code and Minnesota State Statutes. NOW THE, RE FOR � BE IT RE, SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota that it does hereby impose a eIvil penalty upon AMG Otsego, LLC DBA Cowboy Jack's Saloon in the amount o $ 1,000.00, payable in n diately. I the event that the civil penalty is not promptly paid, the matte* will be brought back to the City Council for imposition of additional conditions or penalties. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 13th day of November, 2012. MOTION to approve the resolution made by Council Member HEIDNER seconded by Council Member ber CS R IN FAVOR: STOCKAMP, HEIDNER, SCHARBER AND DARKS AL oS NONE 2 and CITY o OTSEGO r (1 Jessica Stoc am"May 8wy\t�44)4 Tami Loff, City Clerk