RES 12-77CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2012-77 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING RESULTS OF THE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 2012 GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS: The City of Otsego held an election for Mayor and two Council Members on Tuesday, November 6, 2017 during the General Election. WHEREAS: On this 13th day of November, 2012 the City Council has met to canvass said elections results; Total Voles Cash for Mayor: Jessica 146 Write Ins 153 Total Votes Cast for Council Member —two four-year term Douglas B. Schroeder 1929 Jason VIlarehime 1711 , Patrick Brink 1678 Adam Mit[yng 197 Mitchel Faun 1454 Write Ins 94 Precinct Summary Statement for the 2012 General Election; See Attachment "A"' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that the official election results for the Mayor for a Four Year Term shall be Jessica Stockamp and two City Council seats for each a Four Year Term shall be Douglas B. Schroeder and Jason Warehime. Adapted this 13 t day of November, 2012. Tam! Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO 1 T d I LO CIN O � y � o un U o 0 0 0 � o z z MW 0 Ci} 0 r 0 r 4 0 0 b i # i ON ON I # i i ON w I i �I.i x a � � k k k N a 0 w w H a oW �Aj w UO� �wa o oh Ulu U W. r 4 J W rWi� U E� wo pro 00 u MO s l� NI �I O N N� m� n c�l NI �I E-= ;81 ":,1 T� I r--( Lo cr)I coI NI NI col coI �I NI �I ml �I C) �01 g "It I �!l I:t kn