ORD 12-02ORDINANCE NO.: 2012-02 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE of THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGARDING ADMINISTRATION IO AND ENFORCEMENT of THE BUILDING CODE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1, Section 2-4-2B.1 of the City Code is hereby amended to include the following provisions: . Special [nvesti ation Fee: The fee for a special investigation shall beequal to but in addition to the buildir ermit fee Section 2, Section 4-1-2 of the City Code is hereby amended to include the following provisions: D. if v ori for which a buiidin permit i re wired by the Building Code has been commenced without first obtaining roval of said em it s e iai west tion shall be made before ermit is issued and a s sola investigation fee collected, in addition to the permit fees as established in Section 2-4-2.B.1 of the fity Code. E. Refund Pg 1. Procedure: a. The re uest fora refund must be submitted from the persor firm or corporation that paid the original fees All re uests for cancellations of permits and refunds of fees must be in writing, shall include a cogy of the original permit and the reason why the refund is bei.ng. re uested. c. Any re ue t for refund must be made within one hundred eighty o da s of the date when the feewas aid or the request will not be considered. 2. refund Eligibility; a at One hundred - o percent of permit fees ma refunded ben deterrnined the Department of B ildin Safety that, No work requiring a building ermit has been started. (2) A fee was erroneousiv paid or collected. All building ermit fees shall be anon -refundable once building permit Inas been i§sued and work requiring a building ermit has been started, C. Ail lan review fees and permit surcharoes shall be non- refundable once an a iicat[on for a building ermit has been accepted by the City. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately l upon its passage and publication. MOTION Y: H IDN R SECOND BY: HARBR ALL IN FAVOR; MA R STOCK; COUNCIL MEMB RS : HEIDNER, SCHARB R, SHR ED R AND THOSE OPPOSED: NNS DARKS AL ADOPTED by the City council of the city of Otsego this 12th day of March, 1211 ATTEST; Tamm Loff, city clerk 2 CITY OF OTS EG o BY: ( cd" a mtbdt CEAK� JesVica L. Stocl am Mayor