ORD 12-09� ORDINANCE NO.: 2012-09 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING LAWFUL GAMBLINGS Tl•'lE CITY COUNCIL F THE CITY F OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: section Section 7-12-B.A of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: A. An� 'r� a premisespermit or renewal of premises organization seeking � obtain � fit Clerk complete errit from the Board shall file with the �� exhibits and documents etr►ir�g the duplicate li ation, together with all e h b t application a will be filed with the Board as well s application fora as prescribed the Cit and the following information: ation: 1 . Name and address of the organization requesting the permit. 2. Name and address of the officers and person accounting for reelts, expenses, and profits for the event. 3. dates of gambling blin occasion for which permit is requested. r Address of premises where event will occur. 5. ate err�ent if any, eor�r�eee with the event�o of rental or leasing arrangement, including rental to be charge to organization. 6. Estimated value of prizes to be awarded. Section 2, Sectithe City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: time � application for noel premises permit C. Thea applicant shall a fee at the t �1 r y � e for the ��t Clerk to Bet bushed Section ,24� 2rB of the city Cod y � Bata � the application. �� 1 Section 3# Section 7-12-8,1--1 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: H. The City Council shall only approve rove an application for issuance or renewal of a premises permit if all of the requirements of Section 7-12-9 of this Section are complied with. Section 4. Section 7-12-9 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7-12-9: MEQ FOR -LOCAL PERMITS: A. No organization shall conduct lawful gambling excluded or exempted from state licensure requirements by Minnesota Statue, Section 349.166, as it may be amended from time to time, without a valid local permit. This section shall not applyto lawful gambling exempted from local regulation by Section 7-12-5 of this Ordinance. B. Approval of a premises permit under this Section shall be subject to compliance with the following requirements: The gambling organization shall not have been found to have violated any State Statute, State Jule, or City Code relating to gambling within the last three 3 years. 2. The establishment for which the prernises permit is to be issued or the organization leasing the premises for gambling shall not have been found to have violated any Mate Statute, State Rule, or City Code relating to the operation of the establishment, including, but not limited to, lavers relating to the operation of the establishment, laws relating to alcoholic beverages, gambling, controlled substances, suppression of price and protection of public safety within the last three 3 years. 3. The gambling organization has been in existence In the trade area for t bast three 3 consecutive years prior to the date of application, , The gambling organization shall have at least fifteen 15 active members. 6. .awful gambling subif to the requirements of this Cha ter will not tale [ace at a premises the amblin organization owns or rents. 2 6. Lawful gambling su 'ecf to the requirements of this Cha ter shall be limited to premises for which ars on -sale liquor license has been issued. 7. Not more than one licensed gambling organization licensed to conduct lawful gambling activities subject to the requirements of this Chapter shall conduct lawful gambling activities at any one premises. C. Local premises permits shall be valid for one year after the date of issuance unless suspended or revoked. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication, MOTION Y: CM scharber SECOND BY:, CM Schroeder ALL IN FAVOR: Payor Stockamp; p; C Schar, er, CM Schroeder, CM Darkenwald and CM Heidner THOSE OPPOSED,: Nome ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of August, 20121 ATTEST: Ta ren i L off, City Clergy 3 CITY of OTSEG } W/J1 .�� . _#K_66k,kamp,Mayor