ORD 12-12ORDINANCE No.: 2012-1 CITY of OTS GO COUNTY of WRIGHT STATE of MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE of THE CITY of OTSEGO REGARDING WATERS SAN TARP SEWER AND STORMW A.T R USE AND BILLING- ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of OTS GO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN. Section 1, Section 6-2-5.F of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Unpaid charges on sewer; and water accounts shall be ceied to the Wright County Auditor without hearing and pursuant to Minn. Stat, 444,075, subd. 3,e with interest, penalties and any administrative change as determined by the City Council. The administrative charge shall be set Nth in the City of Otsego fee schedule which is duly adopted by ordinance. Section 2. Section -2-5.G of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: G, After adoption of the assessment roll by the City Council, the property owner shall have the Following options; To pay the delinquent amount listed on the adopted assessment rail, but without additional interest after adoration, within thirty (3 0) days of the date of adoption. 2, To pay the certified charges as billed to then by Wright County on their property tax statements with a. collection term of one ) year. ,Section 3. Section 6-2-5.H of the City Code is hereby amended o read as follows: H. If the ower of a propefty feels that charges for utility accounts are i a mproperly charged the following process shall be used to appeal the patter, The property owner shall contact the Finance Department to determine if City staff may handle the problem. 2. If the Finance Department cannot resolve the appeal, the property owner shall communicate the appeal to the City Clerk in writing including the account gnu nb r and the nature of the problem and small include any documentation that the customer warts considered. 3. The City employee charged with appeals small research account usage from the past and make inquiries of the appealing property owner. The City employee charged with appeals shall propose a written response to the appeal for approval by the City Administrator. The response shall be sent to the property owner who shall signify acceptance in writing. 5. If the property owner is not satisfied by the written response.,the property owner may appeal the matter in writing only to the City within thirty 30) days after receipt of the City's written response, The appeal will be considered by the City Council within thirty 3 o days after receipt the written appeal. There will be no public hearing on the matter, but the City Council will determine the appeal based solely upon the consumer's submitted written appeal as well as any response or information provided by City staff. The City Council shall rake the final determination on any appeal. Section 4. Section 6-2-51 of the City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety with Section 6-2-5.H renumbered accordingly. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION Y; CM REI I ER SECOND Y: CM SCHROEDER ALL IN FAVORse MAYOR STCSP * CM HEIDNER,CM SCHROEDER, CM DRKEWALD AND M SSR THOSEOPPOSED, NONE ADOPTED the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24"' day o September, 2012. IJ III% `ami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF O S LO 3