ORD 12-15ORDINANCE NO.: 2012-116 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING LIQ4UR SALES HOURS OF OPERATION., THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. section 7-2-10 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: -2-10: HOURS of OPERATION., As Allowed Hours. No sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor shall he made on any Sunday etll een two o'clock (2: 00) AM and ten o'clock 0:OOAM nor between two o'clock (2:00)AM and eight o'clock :oo AM on Monday through Saturday. B. Customers. No person other than an employee of the licensed establishment shall remain on the premises of any licensed liquor establishment later than one- half 2 hour after sales are closed, C. Employees, Employees shall he off the premises by one hour after sales are closed. Employees shall not re-enter the premises until sic o'clock 6:00) AM the following day, D. Identification of Employees. The licensee shall post or display a legible list of the full nares of all current employees. The list shall be displayed in the same location as the liquor license. Section 2. section 7-3-9 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 7-3-9: HOURS of OPERATION: A. Allowed Fours* No sale of intoxicating liquor shall he made on any Sunday between two o'clock 2:00ASI and ten o'clock 10;0AM nor between two o'clock 2:00AM and eight o'clock :oo AM on Noonday through Saturday. I B., Customers. No person_ other than an employee of the licensed establishment shall remain on the premises of any licensed liquor establishment later than one half (112) hour after sales are closed. C. Employees. Employees shall be off the premises by one hour after sales are closed. Employees shall not re -eater the premises until six o'clock (6:oo) AM the following day. D. Identification- of Employees. The licensee shall post or display a legible list of the full names of all current employees. The list shall be displayed in the sane location as the liquor license. Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: charber SECOND BY, Dare raid ALL IN FAVOR.m Darkenwald, Heidner, Scharber, Stockamp p THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTEDy the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13 th day of November, 2012. ATTEST: Tami toff, City Clerk 7 CITY of OTSEGO BY: err 'kkr JesWca L# Sto am* Mayo o